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Help! I am turning into a LWL


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I wish I knew...Lol.

Nothing like what some people have, though. I've heard of people having hundreds of live ones.

Maybe 20-30 live ones? I never counted. When they age out I mostly release them but now am trying to sell the old ones for regard...and no one's buying. I've yet to make a single $L on these things. :/

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Quinn Morani wrote:

1) Are you a LWL?
(Lady with Lists)

2) If not how do you keep track of things?
With my lists

3) Do you use your phone to make lists?
Yes (and my iPad too)

4) Do you use your computer to make lists?

5) Do you use some form of handwritten list.

6) Do you make the list or do other people make them for you?
I make them. I trust no one else with my lists.

7) Do you think this list is too long?
Of course not. Bring on the lists!


A couple of tips for the LWLs among us:
. Both of these websites also have iPhone/iPad apps so you can manage your lists from anywhere. I use Toodledo for my to-do lists and Grocery IQ for my shopping list.

I never go to the grocery store without Grocery IQ and my iPhone. You can set this app up by individual store where you shop, so if the produce comes before dairy in one store but after dairy in a different store, it will re-sort your list for you in the correct order. It's time consuming to set up for the stores you frequent, but SO worth the effort.

I am also a Lady Who Loves (LWL), a Lady Who Learns (LWL), and a Lady Who Laughs (LWL).


Thank you Quinn I will be adding you to the list of people that answered all the questions on the list. I will also put you in charge of making my list. Plus as a bonus I will add you to the list of people who make lovely sentiments and inspirer new logos. :) 



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Dillon Levenque wrote:

1) Are you a LWL?
(Lady with Lists)
Overlooking some possible disqualifiers, yes

2) If not how do you keep track of things?
See above

3) Do you use your phone to make lists?
You can do that? I use my phone to make phone calls.

4) Do you use your computer to make lists?

5) Do you use some form of handwritten list.
That, too.

6) Do you make the list or do other people make them for you?
Well, I do have someone that sometimes makes me a list to help me plan my day on the weekends. But usually I make my own.

7) Do you think this list is too long?
Oh, not at all. As has been noted, you were too brief. Or maybe too short.

/me add you to the list of people that answered all of the questions plus /me puts you on the short list for people that make short jokes. :P

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Storm Clarence wrote:

1.I am not a list maker, but I an not listless.

2.Software, assistants, managers, co-workers.

3.I don't have an app for that.

4.My computer(s) make lists for task *they* must satisfy. Not for me.

5.Yes, but it is not *my* handwriting.

6.Someone makes lists for 'themself,' I suppose or how would they remember to remind me of all the things they need to remind me about. 

7.Phew made it!

/me checks the list at the door. Storm.... S... T... O... CLARENCE right?! Yes, yes, yes you are on the list. it says right here that you are on the list of people that answered all the questions. Storm Clarence that name sound familiar, oh wait a minute you are Stormie!!! You look different without your cigar and brandy.  There are drinks over there on the other side of the room, just past Pep near where Ms. Magic is standing if you would like one. :)

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Melita Magic wrote:


I quickly found it a necessity while trying to run what amounts to a hub, without much help. I do have some help but the keeping track of things and decisions are mine.

I also have to keep track of which meeroo has which type of meeroo and who needs a mate and on and on...But it's not a great system, since I have a zillion meeroo nests by now (most worthless), and out of sight, out of mind. 

Those are the only two types of lists I keep right now.

/me wonders if you keep a list of people that have never seen a meeroo. You know I am not even sure if they really exist, kind of that hippo thing. :P

btw that is so sweet of you to offer changing rooms to people. :)

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Yes, of course.  I make a honey-do list.  Honey do this, honey do that.  That's what we call them in America --- "Honey-Do" lists because men need little reminders on what needs fixing.  DW-40 oil needs for squeaky doors or windows too hard to open, and certain other household maintenance things I can do myself, but the Honey-Do Lists are for bigger needs that I don't know how to do or don't want to do... like Honey, get rid of wasp nest. 

I make a grocery list and have just regular writing notebooks for my other lists and notes.  I'm a hand-written list maker because that way I can tear it out of the book and place the list where I need it. 

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Peewee Musytari wrote:

I do make random notes on any piece of paper that happens to be within arms reach & then have no idea where they go.

/me makes a random note on the back of this envelope to start making lists.


You reminded me of my last job.  There was a gentleman there who used post it notes like they were going out of style.  He had them all the way around his monitor, post its stuck to post its.  His monitor sat on the desk top and the space between the bottom of the screen and the desk was piled high with post it notes.  One day the boss decided to prank him and put fake phone numbers and girls names on some and mixed them in with the other notes.  I swear there must have been about 500 notes on his desk at any given time.  He NEEDED to be a list maker!  LWL (Lad With Lists) Instead he was a LWALOPIN (Lad With A Lot Of Post It Notes)

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I never, ever thought this would happen to me especially after what my mom put me through with all of her LWL stuff.

But I guess maybe we are all destined to turn out somewhat like our parents. I tried to change my ways so I did not turn out like her. I would use sticky notes instead of a note pad so I would be
a person that makes notes
and not a member of The Ladies with List Club. Yes she had a list for everything. A list of chores that needed to be done, a list of after school activities that we needed to participate in, a list for the grocery store, a list for the mini-mart of things she wanted me to pick up on my bike ride home from school, a list of places to go on vacation, and the lists just went on and on. Big sigh... I felt like someone needed to make me a list of the lists and which parts of the lists I need to worry about. Well after all this I developed an aversion to lists but at-long-last I find myself falling under the pressures of RL and making them myself. So I am wondering how you feel about list. Here is a list of questions I have about lists:

1) Are you a LWL?
(Lady with Lists)
Sort of
, I'm not very good with paper though it tends to accumulate in piles and my lists get lost

2) If not how do you keep track of things?
Rather poorly. 

3) Do you use your phone to make lists?
No, my phone isn't one of my favorite bits of technology, it's hard enough to make calls with it.

4) Do you use your computer to make lists?
I have better luck with electronics than with paper

5) Do you use some form of handwritten list.
I do make them but I wouldn't go so far as to say I use them.

6) Do you make the list or do other people make them for you?

make them.

7) Do you think this list is too long?
No, 7 is a good number.


eta, to fix some typos


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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:


I quickly found it a necessity while trying to run what amounts to a hub, without much help. I do have some help but the keeping track of things and decisions are mine.

I also have to keep track of which meeroo has which type of meeroo and who needs a mate and on and on...But it's not a great system, since I have a zillion meeroo nests by now (most worthless), and out of sight, out of mind. 

Those are the only two types of lists I keep right now.

/me wonders if you keep a list of people that have never seen a meeroo. You know I am not even sure if they really exist, kind of that hippo thing.

btw that is so sweet of you to offer changing rooms to people.

Yes and the rooms are quite lovely too.  A couple of my alts have made use of them.

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I can do that too!  Only I have too open a package of sticky notes first...


ETA:  Keli, make a list of sticky notes vs. lists, then compare.  I'll help with the first two.

Lists:                                                               Sticky Notes:

1. You have more room on a list                1. Sticky notes are, well sticky!

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Lillie Woodells wrote:

I can do that too!  Only I have too open a package of sticky notes first...


ETA:  Keli, make a list of sticky notes vs. lists, then compare.  I'll help with the first two.

Lists:                                                               Sticky Notes:

1. You have more room on a list   
             1. Sticky notes are, well sticky!

Oooh but stickies are stretchy too...You can make them screen sized if you want lol 0143.gif

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Lillie Woodells wrote:

ETA:  Keli, make a list of sticky notes vs. lists, then compare.  I'll help with the first two.

Lists:                                                                                Sticky Notes:

1. You have more room on a list                                1. Sticky notes are, well sticky!

2. Bring organization to your life                                2. You can stick them on things


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