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Being a gypsy


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I am reading a lot about everyone "buying" or "renting" land to call their own.  I assume that comes in handy for certain practices but is it absolutely necessary?  Is it possible to just run around and listen to all the great music and watch what all the people are doing?  I have always been an avid people watcher anyway.  I like to sit at those little outdoor cafe's and just watch the people walking up and down the street, seeing how they dress and handle themselves.  It's always amazing in certain parts of town.  Atlanta is great in various spots.  Lots of wild ideas there, almost like being in SL.


So, I guess the real question is, what "can't" I do if I don't buy or rent my own place?

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Do you need a home? Or even to purchase anything at all? No. But not having a home of your own or land that is yours does limit your options.


If you are satisfied wandering aimlessly from sim to sim, always being the 'visitor' and never being the host of any social gathering, you don't need a 'home'.

If you are happy with changing your clothes in public, or going to a water sim and changing underwater so no one can see you, then you don't need a home.

If all you do is go to where others are to socialize or listen to music, you don't need a home.

If you never do intimate roleplay, or if, when you meet someone you like and things start to get intimate, you're always happy to "do it at their place", or "do it in a public venue", then you don't need a home (but they do).

If you don't create anything, or if what you create are things you are comfortable making in a public sandbox, with other people watching, interfering, and possibly copying it as you make it, or with griefers attacking left and right, you don't need a home.


But if you wat to host a social gathering of your own, you do need a home.

If you prefer privacy when you change clothes, you need a home.

If you want to experience roleplay of a more intimate nature in a surroundings that you dictate, you do need a home.

If you want to create things yourself, without the distractions fo a busy public sandbox and possible griefer attacks, you do need a place of your own.

If you want a private refuge to escape to, when attacked by griefers or when the crowds of strangers get to be too annoying, you do need a home.


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I, too, was without a home for several weeks after I rezzed but I tired of looking for a quiet place to change clothes or just chill alone with a browser open or a place to entertain the occasional guest.  Perhaps none of that will be important to you.  So what?  As long as you enjoy yourself, that is all that matters.

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The only downside of not owning land is that you don't have a private home base. That is important to a lot of people so they either rent or buy. I owned mainland for 3 years and had an inworld store for 2 of those years.It might be for you if you want to privately explore your kinky side and don't want other Avis taking snapshots ;)

Owning land was fun: terraforming, building a home & store, landscaping and just making my individual creative statement. However as time went by I found myself spending more time on the land and less exploring AND it's expensive, beginning with premium membership and ending in tiers. You can skip the premium membership and rent or 'own' estate land but too many of my friends have suddenly found themselves suddenly landless and homeless when the estate owner either didn't  pay their tier to LL or sold the land and the next owner decided he didn't want tenants.

Also as in RL, unless you want to buy a whole sim, you cannot choose your neighbors.  I had great neighbors but also could write a book on the antics of a certain developer who tried to drive me an my neighbors off our land.

All that being said, I still have land, just not in SL. Someone gave me 1/2 a sim on the OS Grid

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If you use Marketplace, having your own rental home is the greatest place to open boxes, work on chims, learn about some editing, set up your own photography area for private use not commercial use, change outfits or make unique outfits using many different pieces from outfits to sort of make your own unique creation in privacy and without distraction, or to teleport to get away from griefers in an emergency, not have to go to changing rooms, enjoy the music piped into your rental home (you often have several urls for music to chose from).  I love having my own private space and it's huge, 2-story, 2-bedrooms with a kitchen for about $6 U.S. Dollars a month.  So that is so worth it to me, especially since I am mostly a Marketplace shopper.  (Marketplace is not rezzed nor inworld; Marketplace is right here on this website - just point your mouse at shopping rather than community).  Trying to open boxes in other sims is often not allowed at all, so I'd have to find a place to go to open my Marketplace boxes. 

I was homeless for awhile and didn't really like it, as my avatar was always booted somewhere else to a different sim.  Some sim owner's don't like dead bots hanging around, as they need to be sim maintenance, etc.  So when we are homeless, we are considered a pain in the neck.  There are some rental homes that are fairly large and cost is about $4 U.S. Dollars a month; that's hardly anything.  So, it's way worth it to me! 

ETA:  You should probably rent first to see if you like it.  Sometimes, the contract is only to rent for a week.  If after a week you don't like it, you can just pack up and leave.  I wouldn't recommend buying land as the first thing to try because then you'd be stuck and have to try to sell the land again.  With renting, even after one week, you can just leave. 

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Mayalily wrote:.  Some sim owner's don't like dead bots hanging around, as they need to be sim maintenance, etc.  So when we are homeless, we are considered a pain in the neck.


I understand most of your post, but homeless avatars do not use anymore resources than any other kind of avatar visiting a sim.


I once read the cutest story about someone who when they were new, was always trying to hide their avatar before they logged off so that it would not get molested while they were gone.  This was not necessary because when you log off, your avatar de rezzes and ceases to exist in-world until you log back in again.

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As the forums used to be frequented by a person who was a RL Romani in ethnicity - I assumed this topic was a very different one and am not sure the subject like choice was 'ideal' for describing the conduct in question.


As for wandering the grid - many people love exploring, and most builds in SL are made with the purpose of attracting visitors. There is nothing at all wrong with not having your own place to show of. Many of us would -love- to have you come by and enjoy our places.

As for what you can't do - well its hard to have a shop, and its hard to have a virtual garden, or even a virtual home. You can't decorate your own corner of SL and tell everyone to stop by and enjoy it.

- But that's honestly about it. You can do pretty much anything else.


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SL is for doing what you want. If you don't want or feel you need a home that's great. There are some good PRIVATE dressing rooms I've found that work great for opening boxes & changing clothes. I myself like to have a home for convenience sake, entertaining guests, and also displaying my lovely home items. But if you don't feel you need that more power to you! 


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WOW! Thank you all so much for the constructive comments.  Now, I understand what it means to have a place of your own.  It might be cool to invite others to your own place.  We do that a lot in RL  I am so blessed to have a house that is completely paid for, half a block from the ocean, (aside from these annoying hurricanes), but I have my fill of taking care of and showing off my own stuff.  So I like the fantasy of becoming completely free of any responcibilities.  I often wonder what it might be like to not have so much to take care of and worry about.  I have learned in real life that owning lots of toys just means lots more to be responcible for.  So we have been downsizing for the past few years, selling the things we don't really use.  It's most gratifying to feel like you have less hanging over your head.


I need to find one of those private places to change clothes.  I can't believe I am so embarressed about such so I have been using the rooftop of the default home in SL.  I guess someone can peek but I try to look around first.  Besides changing clothes, I don't mind being a visitor and if people don't like me, I will just leave.  I just like seeing all the people and all the cool stuff they create.  It's amazing being able to see the fascinating creations that come from people's imaginations.  I never get tired of looking around.  I am only limited by my RL and time I can spend here.  I can't let SL eat up too much of my RL time because there are never enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do.  So budgetting my time is important.


I do like to play and intimate playing sounds like a lot of fun but I can't do anything that my RL love would not like.  She is my whole world and one of the things that make her so wonderful is that she lets me play as long as I behave.  She loves my submisssive girly persona because she gets the benefits of that along with a physical fitness nut with a bod to kill for.  So, instead of watching football, I am probably attending to her or helping her with something.  So I have enough in RL that I don't need that much in SL.  Does that make sense?  When you have more, maybe you dream of less.  I don't know, I think I'm on the edge of insanity sometimes.  But I have a lot of fun letting my imagination run wild.


I really appreciate all the different points of view everyone provided.  I might try the rent thing sometime, just to give it a try, I can't think of anything I really want or need at the moment.  I'm hoping to make some friends here just because I like people.  And if they like me and want me around, I guess they might even let me hang out with them for a bit, maybe even let me use their bathroom once in a while. ;-)  I just wish everyone could be happy and content with all they have and I wish everyone has a great day.

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Davina101 wrote:

So, I guess the real question is, what "can't" I do if I don't buy or rent my own place?

Very little. You can't set up and furnish your own home, but you can always rez a house boat somewhere on Linden protected waters if you need some privacy to change clothes etc. However, there are downsides to not having a premium account, such as the lower (almost nonexistent, actually) level of customer support.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

As the forums used to be frequented by a person who was a RL Romani in ethnicity - I assumed this topic was a very different one and am not sure the subject like choice was 'ideal' for describing the conduct in question.

Doesn't the term gypsy refer to the nomadic lifestyle of many different ethnic groups rather than a particular ethnicity? Charlie Chaplin was a Romani, but he was no gypsy.

ETA: Nevermind. I did some googling and learned that "Gypsy" is not only an umbrella term for many nomadic groups, but also a term for the ethnicity of the Romani people.

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Davina101 wrote: 

I need to find one of those private places to change clothes.  I can't believe I am so embarressed about such so I have been using the rooftop of the default home in SL. 


You are more than welcome to stop by mine in Dallows. There are also multiple other choices. If search works for you, type DRESSING ROOM or CHANGING ROOM to find some. That's all there is to it. 

Mine is in my Picks. I'm currently in the process of changing the seasons to early autumn. There are two gazebos to hang out in as well, and sometimes people strike up a conversation with each other in those. Next door, in Changing Rooms Field, there is also a freebie shape shop if you find you need a little sprucing up. 

There are plans afoot to try to improve the experience for people. It's always nice if people sign the guest book if they like the place, or drop a note card in the mailbox to give feedback. And of course, there's a tip jar which few use

In front of the changing room land is a half sim beach you can enjoy for free, also. Next to that is the Forum Cartel Hangout where you can sometimes find a party going on. Many of the forumites hang out there. I was hoping someone would mention some of your changing room choices besides Calleta (a very old and fun sim for "hobos" you can set home to) but since no one did, I will.



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All avatars use resources homeless or otherwise, but many sim owners don't like the homeless because they are by nature the cheapest of the lot. Most homeless avatars also don't have accounts and don't spend lindens so they don't contribute and if you don't contribute to the SL economy then you are not supporting the very people that make it possible

Sim owners make it all possible,the arts,music,fashion,builds, believe me the Lindens are not interested that your a creative artist,a explorer,creator,or appriciate the SL world, their interest is you do it someplace that has been paid for. 

If your not paying your leeching...it's not about how many wonderful beauitful places you visited it's about did you put your money where your eyes are...


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You might have a point when it comes to unverified (NPioF) residents who get by with freebies and never pay a single dime into the SL economy. But I don't see what land ownership has to do with this. There are many ways of contributing to the SL economy. Most residents are "homeless", and yet many of them are avid shoppers. Even premium account holders often don't bother to claim their Linden Home or buy first land.

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Up4 Dawes wrote:

All avatars use resources homeless or otherwise, but many sim owners don't like the homeless because they are by nature the cheapest of the lot. Most homeless avatars also don't have accounts and don't spend lindens so they don't contribute and if you don't contribute to the SL economy then you are not supporting the very people that make it possible

Sim owners make it all possible,the arts,music,fashion,builds, believe me the Lindens are not interested that your a creative artist,a explorer,creator,or appriciate the SL world, their interest is you do it someplace that has been paid for. 

If your not paying your leeching...it's not about how many wonderful beauitful places you visited it's about did you put your money where your eyes are...


Don't really agree with this. Some don't pay into SL much but others pay a lot. I know I must've supported an unpaid account or two with my contributions lol. And I've found that even if you feel you don't want a home or invest a lot into it there will come a time when that changes, maybe, maybe not. Seems like it happens to a lot of peeps. We all know what the Lindens want, they ARE a business hehe. However, to say if you're not paying your leeching is one outlook. People in SL, like in RL, will have opinions and when someone asks for advice, they will be offered. Take what is right for you and leave the rest. Because if you don't do what's right for you, you won't be having fun in SL and you also won't be wanting to invest in SL anytime soon either.

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Thank you Melita, you are very kind and generous.  I will look for the places you suggest and yours as well.  I have been playing with the search funtion and trying to learning how to get around, but I'm still not sure how to do a lot of things.


And, I also wanted to mention, I may not want to buy land in SL but I have already spent a bunch of real money paying for all kinds of things.  I know people put a lot of hard work into creating their things and I am very antipiracy.  I don't have a single pirated piece of software or song on any of my computers.  I pay people because they deserve to be paid for their work.


So, homeless, yeah, maybe, but not cheap.  I haven't figured out how to put L$ in those tip jars at places like Muddstock which I love. But I will soon as I figure it out.  I want to contribute as much as I can but I don't see why that means I have to have a house in SL.  I am happy to pay for anything I use and touch but I just adore friendly people like Melita.  Kind of melts your heart when you think about it. 

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Oh, thanks for letting me know that.  I thought I was being a pain in the neck when I was homeless because my avatar would always be moved somewhere else (to a different sim) when I logged back on.   So, I was wondering what was up with that?  I assumed I was a pain in the neck on their sim as they always moved my avatar to a whole other location. 

I think the thing I love most about renting is it's a private place to work on creative things, even including working on the shape of your avatar without distraction, and there is no big commitment as it's a week to week basis.  So, you could even rent for one week to try it, and then if you don't like it, you can be homeless again, and not be out much money at all just for trying for one week. 

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Well, I figured out a lot tonight, and made some great friends who helped me a lot.


I figured out the tip jars and dumped a bunch of money in those where ever I found one.  And I finally bought an AO but now, I want to buy a really expensive one.  So I have to buy some more L$s.  It's worth it because it's so much fun.  But I still hesitate to buy or even rent because I have bought a ton of stuff i'll probably never use.  Just really cool stuff.  I guess I am still a toy junkie.  But I don't need a house to take care of.  It's enough to keep track of all my stuff the way it is.  I found that awesome place I think it was Melita,who told me about.  WOW, is that ever cool.  Somebody put a lot of work into that.  I love all the cool things like lighted rose branches and the swans in the lake, so many details so perfect.


I still teleport back to the default SL home before logging off.  I hide on the roof and log out so when I come back, I am still standing right there.  I can wait until I fully materialize, LOL, and then go where ever I want. 


A lot of really nice people gave me a lot of landmarks to visit.  I will be busy for ages.  Thank you all so much!

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Someone's contribution is not measurable by whether or not they have a home.  Whether someone pays 100 lindens a week to large estate owner for a little house, or chooses to spend that money donating to the tier for a favoured sim, or spends it on a rent-paying merchant's creations, 100 lindens is still 100 lindens.  Theavatar renting a home could as easily be a "leech" who has not put any of their own cash into SL rather than vice versa.  Both or neither might have put money into the SL.

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Mayalily wrote:

Oh, thanks for letting me know that.  I thought I was being a pain in the neck when I was homeless because my avatar would always be moved somewhere else (to a different sim) when I logged back on.  

I thought that might be the case. 


So, I was wondering what was up with that?  I assumed I was a pain in the neck on their sim as they always moved my avatar to a whole other location. 

I think sometimes you cannot log into a place unless itis set as your home location.  If you log out from such a place then you will be re-routed elsewhere if you try to log into last location.


I think the thing I love most about renting is it's a private place to work on creative things, even including working on the shape of your avatar without distraction, and there is no big commitment as it's a week to week basis.  So, you could even rent for one week to try it, and then if you don't like it, you can be homeless again, and not be out much money at all just for trying for one week. 

I love having my own place too.  I love that it's my little slice of the grid to do with as I please, small and insignificant as it is..:matte-motes-grin:

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Jeez, I never realized how tough it was to be a girl.  Got to have matching shoes and outfits, And you can't go anywhere without making sure you look right. 


Part of the gypsy concept for me is not spending the money on a "place".  Because, just like in RL, you don't want to bring property value down by having a cheap place.  Ther is always too much of the "keep up with the Jones's" and I would end up spending a fortune on a place I don't care to be.


I would rather share my money with others by buying their stuff.  But it's never ending.  Every time I get a new outfit, then I have to find shoes to match.  And new jewlry, it just never ends. But it's fun and I don't mind the shopping.  So many cool places to check out that I haven't figured out a good reason to stay home.  I got enough "home" to take care of in RL.  This is my chance.  Finally, I can just be care-free.

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Davina101 wrote:


I would rather share my money with others by buying their stuff.  But it's never ending.  Every time I get a new outfit, then I have to find shoes to match.  And new jewlry, it just never ends. But it's fun and I don't mind the shopping.  So many cool places to check out that I haven't figured out a good reason to stay home.  I got enough "home" to take care of in RL.  This is my chance.  Finally, I can just be care-free.

I can understand why many SL residents see no need to play house. If you want to socialize, there are enough public clubs and hangouts. And if you ever want to retreat to a more private place with someone else, you can always [shameless plug] visit places like my nude beach and use one of the lockable huts full of adult furniture. [/shameless plug]. Your world, your imagination :)

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