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Quiet Please!

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There are two days every year that I get off as holidays from work. I get other holidays off, of course, but what makes these two particular days unique is that they are not holidays for my husband, and the kids don't get them off from school. I do not use the days to run errands, catch up on housework, or the like. I discourage Zeke from trying to take these days off to spend them with me (we take other days off together as hooky days).

Instead, I stay home, reflect, and bask in the exquisite silence, stillness, solitude, or whatever you want to call it. I consider it my own personal retreat, I suppose. It's a rare chance to escape the constant cacophony that exists in our world and just think, uninterrupted. Silence is restful, and it recharges me emotionally and spiritually. And there is absolutely creativity, love, and every other emotion in that space.

Whether that experience can exist in a text environment like this is interesting food for thought. I'll ponder it in silence and when I feel enlightened, I'll return with my thoughts. 

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Is it possible to be creatively -- even lovingly -- "silent" in a text environment like this?

Absolutely.  Oh, the vitriol that sometimes comes pouring off of my fingers into this little text box can be quite creative at times... the loving part comes from pushing the cancel button when I'm done.


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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

I think that is probably true, Quinn. There are uncomfortable silences, and comfortable ones.

And there are creative silences.


The British playwright Harold Pinter was well-known for his silences -- the spaces between the words spoken by his characters. There's a book entitled 
The Poetics of Silence
, in which James Hollis tells us that Pinter believed that "we live in the space between words."

Is it possible to be creatively -- even lovingly -- "silent" in a text environment like this?

Someone wise once said to me something along the lines of:  It is when you can sit in silence and be comfortable you know you are with someone special.  Sometimes words are not needed and sometimes words can ruin a moment. 

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Argus Collingwood wrote:

Are we hunting wabbits? :smileywink:

You had to ask that, Argus? You leave me no choice. Scylla, I do apologize for this horrific derailment but since my very favorite cartoon ever has been invoked, I am powerless to resist. Forgive me. Or not.

My apologies as well but I could not resist

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I think I understand exactly what you mean, Quinn.

There is so much noise in our lives. Some of it is "meaningful," but so much of it is not, and drowns out what is.


The forums are also full of noise -- a lot of it is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Some of it is beautiful and creative.

Perhaps "being creative" here sometimes means being silent in the way Dres jokingly suggests: hitting the cancel button, rather than merely contributing to the noise. Or maybe allowing a comment or an idea to germinate and cross-pollinate, rather than intervene and suppress.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Argus Collingwood wrote:

Are we hunting wabbits? :smileywink:

You leave me no choice. Scylla, I do apologize for this horrific derailment but since my very favorite cartoon ever has been invoked, I am powerless to resist. Forgive me. Or not.


But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

I am quite heartbroken today, by the way. There is a new and deeply sad silence in Canada: Jack Layton, the leader of the New Democratic Party, died today of cancer.

He believed in hope.

We live, love, and die. May he find peace for ever and ever. :)

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i'm sorry to hear that..

i send my condolences to his family and loved ones, and to you that are heartbroken today..

many great people go, that make the world a better place, but also more of those good people are gonna come, and are with us today, there will be someone who continue his job and keep canada as great as it is now.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:


You thought I was joking?

*writes a long, scathing anti-Scylla rant which includes insults with such incredible precision and beauty that nothing like them has ever before been heard by mankind... takes a deep breath... hits the cancel button*

Wouldn't it be nice if we had one of those cancel buttons for talking too?  I've used that button a lot.  Backspace and Delete work just as well.  :)


(edited for spelling)

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:


You thought I was joking?

*writes a long, scathing anti-Scylla rant which includes insults with such incredible precision and beauty that nothing like them has ever before been heard by mankind... takes a deep breath... hits the cancel button*


I doubt anyone thought you were joking, Dres. I know I certainly didn't. I believe the mention of humor had to do with the humorous way in which you made your point :-). I have many times been oh so happy I decided to press Cancel. Now if I could just find a way to not start one of those kinds of comments to begin with.....

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I doubt anyone thought you were joking, Dres. I know I certainly didn't. I believe the mention of humor had to do with the humorous way in which you made your point :-).

Oh I know. :matte-motes-grin:


Dillon Levenque also wrote:

I have many times been oh so happy I decided to press Cancel. Now if I could just find a way to not start one of those kinds of comments to begin with.....

Oh I think it's quite therapeutic.  You can get things off your chest and rant and rave and no one gets hurt. It's kind of like, yelling at someone when you're completely alone, which is something I've been know to do from time to time as well... lol.


ETA: a word



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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Oh I think it's quite therapeutic.  You can get things off your chest and rant and rave and no one gets hurt. It's kind of like, yelling at someone when you're completely alone, which is something I've been know to do from time to time as well... lol.


Oh dear. I do that too. Usually in the car. Does that mean I might be as nutty as you?

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