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If you could be a Linden for a day....


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Assuming that I'm not limited in what I could do, the first thing I'd do in reinstate last names for new residents.

Then I'd set all the freebies on SL Marketplace to their own area & put the Q&A section of the Forums on the same page as the rest of the forums.

Then I'd start the ball rollling to make all the newbie areas more user-friendly & fun, to help learn how to enjoy SL better, like having games that teach new residents how to do stuff & then having a freebie place like Free Dove, right at the end of the learning trail.

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I would walk into the CEO's office and have a VERY long heart-to-heart chat with him, about what Second Life is, what it could be, and the many tragic judgement errors of his predecessors, and how best to reverse the damage done by M Linden and Phillip. And I'd lock the door so no one could throw me out until I had said my fill.

Somehow I doubt he would pay the slightest bit of attention to my opinions - despite my being a content creator who has been here close to 6 years, and built numorous full-sim projects - but I would at least try, before tendering my resignation and getting a better job at a company that understands customer service and customer satisfaction.

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Stuff... yea don't think I wouldn't either. I would walk down the hall and say hi to Torley, then I would go upstairs and ask Rodvik where a nice place for lunch is. Hopefully he will know of a nice sushi restaurant and even offer to pay out of the company's account. Then when he says yes I will ask if we can bring other Lindens along. We will all buy him sake and when he is a little bit tipsy I will ask if we can all go home from work early. Then I will go to Pier 39 and go site seeing. :)

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I would do two things, that would be pretty good going for one day in charge!

1) I would increase the tier-free allowance for land owners from 512 to 1024 sq m.

2) I would bring an official land rental system, accessed via the 'about land' option.  In effect this 'rent' option would mean buying the land for the rental period, after which it reverts to the owner, who could set the rental period.  If the land owner goes bust and the land returns to LL, the rental period would still be honoured, but with the rent going to LL.

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YOu know, in the op original post....I see the smily as an answer...so, you would...taste things or just stick your tounge out?I know, you would lick the items and gross people out! So, after everyone is grossed out and waits for he janitors to handle it you will have free access to everything...mayhem could ensue and everyone would be powerless to turn off the servers because you put your tounge on the power buttons and powerplugs! Genius!!

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There's way too much to fix all in one day, but I'd probably see to it that the incorrect height displayed in LL's official viewers was fixed, I'd correct the size and proportions of the human starter avatars and I'd probably talk to Rodvik about LL's dire need for a creative lead.

 Not for creating content but for managing the face SL presents to the world via the new user experience, welcome areas and other Linden builds, overseeing creation of starter avatars to prevent design problems, providing internal feedback to the software devs on SL's design tools as well as someone who can talk to resident designers and speak the same language, as well as someone who can oversee defaults for graphic presets like camera placement and the default sky settings.

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First I would want a piggy-back ride from Rodvik and some cookies. 

Second would have to be the all time favorite Linden hobby of going down to the Server room and unplugging wires with signs hanging on them with the message Do Not Unplug.

After that I would visit the secret Linden base to check out the aliens and the progress on Third Life. (Second Life's afterlife ... life. ?)

What am I supposed to be doing? Idk. What's broke? Your machine is too old, see our system requirements. Your machine is too new, we can't offer support for untested platforms. You need to contact the Linden responsible for that specific feature (links to office hours). I'm sorry I cannot answer Inworld messages, contact support if you need help. That's not my department. Let me dig up that transcript and I will get back to you.   

How's that? Sound Lindenish?

Real change requires a team effort from the Lab. I would not have enough time to influence and witness my perception of positive change if given only one day.

To Rodvik: I like milk with my cookies.

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:matte-motes-tongue: :matte-motes-delicious: :matte-motes-silly: :matte-motes-tongue: BWAHAHA now thats a brilliant plan!

I would probably just stand around confused & have no clue what was going on.

Maybe I would try pressing some random buttons somewhere just to see what happens:

Oh look this button here turns the lag OFF!

Presses another button: [You've just given every avatar L$1000000!]

Yay this is fun!

What does this button do?   ....... *click*    [Now deleting grid..... 1% complete]

Oops...... sorry guyz :matte-motes-bashful:

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Bringing back last names would be good. How much coding would it require? Couldn't they just allow a single space in the current name selection process so that people could enter a first and last name if they wanted?

Second would be to hire coders from Phoenix/Firestorm, Imprudence, and Singularity, and put them to work trying to fix V2. It's probably too late to kill V2 at this point, so it's going to have to be fixed.

Third, I guess put some of the idiots on unemployment that screwed up V2 and find the moron(s) that thought display names was a a good idea and terminate with extreme prejudice.

 ps: That's if I was the CEO. Probably though, I would be the guy that sweeps up at night and wouldn't be able to do anything remotely like the above.

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Victoria wrote:

Penny Patton wrote:


You'd be better off introducing NEW starter avatars, because if you did what you said, you'd be changing the avatars a lot of people are using already, and they might not like that.

 That's not how it works.

 When a new user recieves one of the starter avatars, either upon creating an account in Second Life, or by getting one from the Linden Library, they recieve a copy of that avatar.

 Any changes made to the starters in the Library or given to new accounts would not affect those who already have copies in their own inventories.

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Penny Patton wrote:

Victoria wrote:

Penny Patton wrote:


You'd be better off introducing NEW starter avatars, because if you did what you said, you'd be changing the avatars a lot of people are using already, and they might not like that.

 That's not how it works.

 When a new user recieves one of the starter avatars, either upon creating an account in Second Life, or by getting one from the Linden Library, they recieve a
of that avatar.

Any changes made to the starters in the Library or given to new accounts would not affect those who already have copies in their own inventories.

that makes sense. Carry on, then!

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