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What is the most fun you have ever had in SL (clothed)?

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I wanted to start the weekend off on a positive note with all the press about governments, economies, stock markets, employment or the lack thereof combined with the rants we all share here in the forums and take a moment to reflect why we are here.

This is a game and somewhere before we all became advocates and creators, we at some time, had a lot of fun in SL and hopefully still do.

What is the one thing you have done, or that one moment, that was the most fun for you?

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I don't know if it is the MOST fun I've ever had, but when I am looking for something to do....I sometimes go to the Art Box and take photos with friends.  I love that they have famous works of art and pop culture backdrops and poses.  Everytime I go, there's usually a new artwork.  It's a nice diversion from shopping or dancing.

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for me i guess it would have to be the time one of my mates had an object hunt contest for a whopping L$10k prize on the two sims that made up trilegy corp freen land which sadly no longer exists the hunt went on two weeks with people searching day and night in the hope of getting the L$10k i never won but i was annoyed to discover the hunt object was right under my nose (not literally) the whole time when ever i was chatting with my mate (who started the contest) infront of some stunning fractals he'd created within that was the object

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I think mine would be the day I took possession of my 9 sim region.  Stroker and I went out and got a couple of combat planes and had a blast dog figthing with our vintage WWII fighters, flying over those unpopulated and lag free sims for hours.

Later I had other friends over and we did everything from sky diving to boat racing and even rezzed a few zombies for a hunt.

The next day, we started that build and we no longer had the room or the performance on those to do that but we still had a great time at Club Jenna.

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I would have to say the time we had 8 racers, (the limit) in the 360 Global Racing track. Not because I made it but because we had so many people zipping around it didn't matter how good of a driver you were, we were all crashing into each other all the time. Some times driving right over or under each other to make each other fall off the wall or ceiling... it was hilarious. Occasionally I try to call people for races to do it again but most are too busy working to have fun.

It's is here with free cars if you would like to try it out secondlife://Sialimonus/130/128/381

The secret is to follow the lines on the walls all the way up to hit the red marker at the top and hit others on the way so they fall if you can without falling yourself too. The more the funner! ( even though funner is not a word it is still true :)

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I think it would be parachuting off the Eiffel Tower and exploring the Paris Art Galleries with some friends.  I jumped a little too close to the tower once and ended up on a ledge...then jumped again and SPLAT!!!  Fortunately, I walked away and lived to tell the tale! 

The good thing about doing this stuff in SL is that you don't actually die....or else I would be in BIG TROUBLE.  LOL!

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haha ...well...let's not talk about the thousand's on other ends,but...let's start with resonable helping pay for a math book versus raising thousand's of dollars to pay for a class....I know SL..I'll not be greedy to the point of asking for help on that wide of a number

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Yes, pretty much what this poster said, dancing in lines together doing the same dance (not country line dancing), it's just chim pooling and dancing in a line together or on a pose ball dance together platform to all kinds of music, including rock.  Then the music from the live musicians, and the humor in local chat.  Plus riding horses was fun, as was the rollercoaster.  And lastly, the simulated concerts I go to are a lot of fun, the best one so far was Aerosmith.  The Aerosmith one was absolutely fantastic! 

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Mayalily wrote:

Yes, pretty much what this poster said, dancing in lines together doing the same dance (not country line dancing), it's just chim pooling and dancing in a line together or on a pose ball dance together platform to all kinds of music, including rock.  Then the music from the live musicians, and the humor in local chat.  Plus riding horses was fun, as was the rollercoaster.  And lastly, the simulated concerts I go to are a lot of fun, the best one so far was Aerosmith.  The Aerosmith one was absolutely fantastic! 

i love the concertes also..i know a lot of the people that put those on..they make all the skins and stages and everything..

the last time i went was to an OZZy concert wich was a lot of fun..

pink floyds the wall was really amazing =)

it's the weekend now..there should be a lot of shows going on today =)

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oh also if you really wanna have fun dancing with friends..you may like this..get together with them and play instruments..hehehe

me and my friends do this a lot..kick on a good stream and just take up positions lol that or look for rocker events for best rocker..

if you get really good at it which i know sounds easy but it's really not..you can get into those bands that do those concerts..

i entered an event one night and Kentar from OD designs showed up and added this to the prize list..

OD Design Street team edition

he gave it to me then we just stayed on stage just jamming together him playing his part and me playing mine..it was a rush i have to say..

so if you like synch dancing you will love this..

if you want to learn some fun basics that will get you all pumped up on it just IM me and i'll be happy to show you some easy steps that will have you feeling like a rockstar in no time.. lol

it's the one type of dancign i never tire of and that a lot seem to love to chime in on hehehe =)


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On silly things to do with friends, rez a large(ish) platform and a few more prims to link to it.  Get friends and all sit on it, raise it to a few thousand metres, (tilt it a bit as it works best for the next bit), then turn it physical and fall and wait for the bounces around when it hits the ground.

(I'm easily amused) :)

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Sassy Romano wrote:

On silly things to do with friends, rez a large(ish) platform and a few more prims to link to it.  Get friends and all sit on it, raise it to a few thousand metres, (tilt it a bit as it works best for the next bit), then turn it physical and fall and wait for the bounces around when it hits the ground.

(I'm easily amused)

this reminds me of this place me and some friends had stopped to check out when we were pretty brand new to SL..

we landed outside of this club way up in the air...

it was a furry club..which i didn't even know what a furry was at the time hehehe that and the human and furry hate that some had for each other..so anyways..they acted normal..they could see we were newbs..so this one furry drops down a prim..

he stretches one side of it and makes a bench and says..here try this..sit on this..so we do..all of a sudden we are being shot through the air..i was like omg we so fell for that one..my friends are laughing saying how newb we are  lol

then we ended up landing at a club that looked exactly the same as the one we left..but it was for humans..

that was the only ride like that i had ever been on..at first i was kinfd of mad ..but then after a bit i was like..ya know that was pretty cool lol we shoudl go back there and ride it again!! \o/

only we didn't know how to get back there lol

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I can't pick between 2.

The first was when I was new. I got me a free parachute, went up to the highest height with my chute set to open at 100 metres.....faceplanted into a skybox at 500 mtres and just lay there.

I thought I'd killed my avatar and nearly pooped myself. Not fun at the time, but I've had many smiles on it since.

The second was just dancing in a club with some friends, when it suddenly became pillow fight night. We all wore pillows in our hands, got in a circle doing the same dances and timed the passout gesture so we were doing synchronised fainting. It was hilarious and the pics looked fab.

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By far the most I have ever laughed in SL was at a party at Lillie Woodell's place a few months ago. I can't really describe how hilarious it was. You just have to look at the pictures and read some of the chat transcript that's included with a few of the pictures. All I can say is cows, eggheads, and trampolines.



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