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movement question


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 I'm on mac OSX 10.6.8, running new SL viewer 2, advanced.   Noticed an avatar on SL older viewer, basic-gliding very quickly over ground, without feet moving.    Asked and told to press w key and up arrow on the move controls at same time.    I tried it on my avatar, but it did not work......feet still moved......no glide.    Is it diff for viewer 2 advanced?    Just tryin to learn the "glide" move.   Thanks.

Also......general question....with so many movement options, which is the most preferable use of keys v.s. up/down arrows v.s. move and view tabs......I want to learn the one that gives an SL resident the most flexibility, and have noticed the amazing fluidity of residents who have mastered these skills.    Which options for movements in combo are best to learn?

Also noticed the move arrows can be moved around almost like a joystick......but terribly sensitive to control......sooooo many choices.....any help much appreciated in my quest to learn the skill set.....thanks.


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2 answers to this question

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I don't know what this glide move is but you could use an animation, (pose) and walk to get the same effect. It sounds like you saw someone going from one sim to another and they were gliding but that's not really them it's a ghost until they are loaded and they appear in the next sim near the border.

The arrows and keys w,a,s,d do the same thing but w,a,s,d is easier for the left hand while the right hand is on the mouse.

I use the keys w,a,s,d to walk forwards, backward, turn left & right plus f to start or stop flying. When flying you can use e to fly up and c to fly down, (good to use when building since your other hand is on the mouse editing something) OR use page up for up and page down for down in flight. Press m to go into mouselook. When flying in mouselook hold w down and use your mouse to direct where you want to go left, right, up or down... but to fly up over the clouds you have to use e to fly up, for some reason looking up with mouselook will not work over the clouds.


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I use same keys as Freecilla, just wanted to say that you can use E in normal walk to jump and C to knee down.

To the cause of gliding: why do you want to glide? Cause it looks cool or something like that? Well to answer that question.

this gliding you saw at another avatar is sort of a bug, maybe cause this avi had much lag at the time you saw him walking.

But there may be some special AO's (Animation Overriders) for this kind of movings. You can buy this AOs in different shops, mostly in stores specialized at animations and poses. These AOs you can wear and then you will see them as a HUD at your screen with buttons for walking, flying, sitting for excample. They use animations which are loaded in their contents and so you avatar will move more realistic then with basic SL-animations. But you will still use the same buttons for all movings.

If you want to move quicker you can also run with doupleclicking W or up-arrow.

You can also switch on mouse douple click in you preferences for teleport or walk to this point you doupleclicked.

For alternativ camera-steering you can use ALT+left mouse button same time clicking at an object to turn around it or zoom close to it or CTRL+ALT+left mouse clicking at an object (or floor, avatar or anything else) to focus camera to this object, turn it around, up down with mouse movements.

here are all the shortcut keys in a list:


have fun :matte-motes-smitten:

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