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Build held hostage

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My partner and I recently parted ways, and agreed after a few weeks to no longer stay in contact. However we built a club together and he's defriended/muted/banned me from the sim all at once (after me mutually agreed to stay out of contact). He banned me right after I said I wanted to come pick up my prims though. Can he hold my build hostage? How do I get my stuff back? The stuff I built and my no copy items? It's a private sim, so am I up a creek without a paddle? Is it allowed that someone can use a build to make a profit without the permission of the builder? There was never a purchase of my goods? What do you do when different people own a house and the land it's on? (In this case, a club). I made an abuse report in world, but I don't know what else to do? any advice?
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i think you are in poop :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:


An AR to say i rezzed my nocopy stuff on someone land and i want it back, but I am banned from the sim.


I dont know, but i am curious to see what happens, since rezzing nocopy stuff for friends is always risky if you really want that stuff back, like my dress that is in someones elsse inventory that cost a fortune, and it wont come back to my inventory hahahhah, god, never let anyone in your closet

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When some friends of mine had a disagreement with the owner and found themselves locked out of a private sim of which they'd been renting half and unable to pick up their buildings and other property, they asked Live Help for assistance, and LL re-opened the sim to them for a couple of hours, by arrangement, to allow them to pick up their stuff.

If you are a premium member, it can't hurt to contact Live Help and ask for their advice and assistance.  That might be a better way to proceed than an AR.

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I haven't tried this myself,  but it should work,  I think.

Go in high enough to be above the banlines and cam in.   If you get to where you can see your items, you should be able to take them.

There is a new feature that would prevent you from seeing in, if he set it, but as it is a very new feature, he may not have done so.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

AR is abuse report.

It sounds like your problem is you own things that are on land you are now banned from.  Because you are banned you can't go there to take your items. 

Here's one possible way: 

Give one of your friendly alts permission to Edit/Delete/Take your objects.

That alt goes to the club/sim and deletes all your things. Hopefully before the alt gets banned.

Your things should arrive in your lost and found.

I think that will work for you.

I would not delete the no copy items, but take them and then pass them along.

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Rufus Darkfold wrote:

I haven't tried this myself,  but it should work,  I think.

Go in high enough to be above the banlines and cam in.   If you get to where you can see your items, you should be able to take them.

There is a new feature that would prevent you from seeing in, if he set it, but as it is a very new feature, he may not have done so.

Alas, this only works on the mainland. If it's a private sim, the OP won't be able to teleport there anymore, unless the sim is parceled off and he still has access to one of the parcels.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Checking further I find my alt can't take my no-copy stuff (or delete it.)  Maybe this approach doesn't get much done.

I think this will only work if the alt is a member of the land owner group and has the ability to return objects from group-owned land.

If the OP used to be a group owner, chances are that he still is because owners can't be ejected. He should be able to invite an alt and assign him a group role with the necessary abilities.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

If the OP used to be a group owner, chances are that he still is because owners can't be ejected. He should be able to invite an alt and assign him a group role with the necessary abilities.

If he is a group owner, there is a bargaining chip all in itself, exchange the group for the build.


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I got in for like 3 minutes. The guy said he had a builder come in and rebuild my stuff...and he really did. Just made the building taller. I couldn't get to the skyboxes in time though before he did a hard core ban (despite me asking permission to come, and saying I'd be silent and leave after I checked). What a waste of emotional effort. I don't know what he gets out of it. Ah well, I guess he can keep my little decorations.

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Tsaza Zenovka wrote:

What a waste of emotional effort. I don't know what he gets out of it. Ah well, I guess he can keep my little decorations.

This could very well be the best thing for you to do.  Why put yourself through all kinds of crap just to prove a point... just let it go.  Live your life in peace and stop worrying about what he has of yours and what he does with it or does with his life.  He's obviously not even worth the thought you've already put into it, so just stop thinking about it now and move on.

Good luck ...Dres

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