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How to build your own Megaprims NOW!

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Now you can build  your own megaprims up to 64x64x64 meters  and everything in-between.

You can either downlaod the developer viewer and register for mesh


you use the FREE script I wrote and build them with the viewer of your choice.:matte-motes-asleep-2:

Well, it works with Phoenix Firestorm and Viewer2, I didn't test the other viewers.The script doesn't work on all sims yet. Test it on your sim and if it doesn't work, go to one of the three sandboxes where I tested it successfully (landmarks included). Build your Megaprims there and rezz them later on your parcel.

As long as megaprims aren't fully supported by the standard viewer you cannot change their size after you created them. After being created they are in every aspect like the other megaprims.

Use one of these two slurls to go to get the free script in-world.



Happy mega-building

Villain Baroque

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You can also do it by loading the primset script into the prim, touching it, then chatting:

/884 7,<64,64,64>

You can resize it as often as you like with the script (or make any other changes you want, it just passes the list to llSetLinkPrimitiveParams).  You should also be able to resize megas built with the scripts in the OP.




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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

If you use the current ( Phoenix Viewer it's mini-Mega ready (up to 64x64x64)

The previous Phoenix release was ready too.  You just had to set a preference in to turn it on.

No need to use a special script if you're in a mesh enabled region.

oh, where is that? i can't seem to find it :(

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:


It's here in 1185:

Preferences>Phoenix>Page1>Build>64m prim support (Auto set for mesh enabled regions)

oh, duh :P the build tab was the first place i looked, but i missed it cause i see now it's greyed out for me. i assume it's because i am not on a mesh enabled region...? i need to go find one \o/

thank you! :matte-motes-smile:

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