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Is the only way to not have your name suggested to others as a "possilbe friend" to not include any

Lyra Blackthorne

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With the V2 profiles is the only way to NOT have your avie be included in LL's possible friends messages to keep interests blank...or do they then match you to all those with no interests. 

I hate to seem unfriendly but I so do not want random friend messages or even stray ims.  I have friends and if want more will find my own. 

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I haven't received any messages about suggested friends, so I can only hope that you are right.  When I look at the Recommendations tab in my own profile at my.secondlife.com, it says, "There are no recommendations available. Try adding some interests to your profile."  I'm ignoring that advice and staying invisible to the FB/Twitworld community.

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