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Over HALF of Second Life is for sale

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Did some quick stats today and this it what I found:

Regions in Second Life: As at 18 Jul 2011

Total number of regions: 31218
Full regions marked for sale: 7046
Homesteads marked for sale: 1301
Mainland regions for sale: 6502
Auctioned regions: 36
Therefore, out of 31218 regions, 14885 are for sale.

That's about HALF of Second Life.

This is ignoring all the individual small parcels for sale on regions.

Eye opening, isn't it !


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That is indeed a bit scary, but you need to consider that "for sale" means "for rent" in many cases. Private estate owners "sell" plots and entire sims in order to earn their tier back, of course with a little extra charge on top. While it's still worrisome that so many landlords are apparently in dire need of renters, it's not as if they were desperately trying to sell off their sims and pull out of SL.

As for the mainland, LL shot themselves in the corporate foot with their new maturity rating policy. The lion share of the old mainland has a moderate rating and is now pretty much useless for adult RP and adult business purposes. Lots of people migrated to Zindra and private adult estates for that reason. Others gave up their mainland plots in favor for a Linden Home, and now lots of parcels on the old mainland continents lie waste.

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And...... People like me, who have land all around them for sale, can't buy them. I already own a sim, and to buy the land would push me into the next tier level. I would rather buy a full region, if I'm gonna tier up. Plus, all this land around me is still not up for sale, just held by LL.

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TriJin Bade wrote:

Did some quick stats today and this it what I found:

Regions in Second Life: As at 18 Jul 2011

Total number of regions: 31218

Full regions marked for sale: 7046

Homesteads marked for sale: 1301

Mainland regions for sale: 6502

Auctioned regions: 36

Therefore, out of 31218 regions, 14885 are for sale.

That's about HALF of Second Life.

This is ignoring all the individual small parcels for sale on regions.

Eye opening, isn't it !


its really not suprising.

there's empty land everywhere, just perhaps LL might think of reducing tiers, but they will probably remain defiant till the end.

they have made epic mistakes during their years, nothing is actually any better than it was 3 years ago.

mesh is the latest mind bogglingly stupid idea which will alienate many with slower pcs.

some may say "upgrade your pc"

i say i dont want to, mines perfectly good for most things and if i cant use SL then theres plenty more in the sea which doesnt demand high spec pcs.



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This also highlights one of the major flaws in LL's virtual world model. LL could easily repurpose the unused server capacities if it wasn't for their virtual continent approach. The popularity of openspace / homestead sims has shown that people don't really want to live in virtual neighborhoods, they'd much rather have their privacy and a scenic ocean view.

Instead of forcing people who can't afford an entire sim into crowded neighborhoods ,and having idle servers host empty plots in between the fragmented occupied spaces, LL should offer differently sized islands rather than parcels. That cuts down server resources in more than one way. If each parcel was a tiny island surrounded by empty waterspace -- inaccessible waterspace of course, nothing but a scenic backdrop -- nobody would have to render the builds and avatars on adjacent parcels and even in adjacent sims. That means faster rendering and more fps on the client end and less network traffic for LL. I'm pretty sure this would also boost the premium account and land sales.

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I've been saying it ever since I joined and in no way will I EVER buy land until the price drops by about three quarters of it's current level. (half? maybe just maybe...) Neither will I return to my previous level of enthusiasm in making original items until this happens.

Too many scams, too many variables and the over inflated prices make it a whole lot less fun. After repeated failed attempts at securing this type of gamiing? sector, the one way LL could cause a tsunami of new and never ending users is to make it incredibly good value for money.

Yes it kind of is already, (only if you know how to enjoy it), but imagine the labs reputation if the prices were low. If you are a verified creator or something you could get reduced rates ^^ and noobs get double the free space.

This would make SL not just a curiosity thing, it would make SL an essential social networking tool for everyone. The ONLY 3d social networking tool there is. The time is NOW LL to drive the facebookers, googleplussers etc etc MAD by casually stating "3D wirtual vorld? yes of course - we invented them ;p come on over!. and btw.. its incredibly good value for money"

and the crowd will roar.. \o/  \o/  \o/ \o/ \o/

oh and Ishy's Fornophillia Pink Marble Skin, *looks down Brady Bunch Style ^^... is 1 of the best skins in SL

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

mesh is the latest mind bogglingly stupid idea which will alienate many with slower pcs.

some may say "upgrade your pc"



If LL had gone with mesh import rather than prims from the very beginning, people with mid- and low-end PCs would be a lot better off nowadays. Mesh can't possibly be worse than prim hair that consists of hundreds of cut tori or necklaces that are made up of a few hundred tiny sculpties.

I'm not very fond of mesh myself, but for different reasons. The one thing you can't hold against mesh is performance. If it's widely used to replace existing prim and sculpt prim content, we will see a much better performance thanks to a greatly reduced polygon count .

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

mesh is the latest mind bogglingly stupid idea which will alienate many with slower pcs.

some may say "upgrade your pc"



If LL had gone with mesh import rather than prims from the very beginning, people with mid- and low-end PCs would be a lot better off nowadays. Mesh can't possibly be worse than prim hair that consists of hundreds of cut tori or necklaces that are made up of a few hundred tiny sculpties.

I'm not very fond of mesh myself, but for different reasons. The one thing you can't hold against mesh is performance. If it's widely used to replace existing prim and sculpt prim content, we will see a much better performance thanks to a greatly reduced polygon count .

perfect meshes maybe, but you know thats not going to happen.

too many monkeys out there.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

I've been saying it ever since I joined and in no way will I EVER buy land until the price drops by about three quarters of it's current level. (half? maybe just maybe...) Neither will I return to my previous level of enthusiasm in making original items until this happens.


I assume you're talking about tier costs, because the sale price of land has never been lower since I joined in 2007. I put in a ticket the other week to buy some abandoned land next to my current land and was charged L$1 per metre, that's overpriced these days, when I started in 2007 L$10 - L$15 per metre was common.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

I assume you're talking about tier costs, because the sale price of land has never been lower since I joined in 2007. I put in a ticket the other week to buy some abandoned land next to my current land and was charged L$1 per metre, that's overpriced these days, when I started in 2007 L$10 - L$15 per metre was common.

Interesting information ty. From your kind advice, I will look into it further. If something goes amiss? I can blame you lololol *jks :)

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

could be, mainland was worth something a long time ago.


Even allowing for that, mainland holdings are generally spread between different folk, unlike estate land, there's no way there are over 6,000 mainland regions for sale.

argue with the stats.

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I don't know where you got those numbers.  The most comprehensive grid information I have ever found is:




No where that I could find did anything get broken down by regions for sale.  It is broken down by parcels and square meters.........did you do some crazy math to come up with regions?  I want to see some credible source..........otherwise it's just BS.


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I don't know where you got those numbers.  The most comprehensive grid information I have ever found is:



No where that I could find did anything get broken down by regions for sale.  It is broken down by parcels and square meters.........did you do some crazy math to come up with regions?  I want to see some credible source..........otherwise it's just BS.


Best stat site around, even Lindens have been known to point people to it for info. Tyche is a legend.

However, even without that site, there's no way there are over six thousand mainland sims for sale, there may be land for sale in six thousand mainland sims, but there's no way there are six thousand full mainland sims for sale.

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Actually, I seriously doubt that you are going to see alot of inefficient meshes. Considering the algorythms that LL is currently using, if you don't know what you are doing, your total prims will be too high to even sell.

With rigged meshes, you kind of have to understand a lot to be able to rig a mesh properly. Yeah, there is a whole area of none rigged worn meshes, but, in most cases, those mesh are replacing what is normally hundreds of prims or sculpts.

As far as mesh rezzed object, you won't see many. The total prims gets rediculous if your mesh is over 2 meters in size. To even be able to make a house out of mesh and have a low enough prim total, you really have to know what you are doing. Many of the best mesh makers on the beta grid are barely getting their total prims within a reasonable range.

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