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Someone told me my avatar walks kind of like a hill billy because....


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Storm Clarence wrote:

You need an AO (animation override,) you can probably pick up some free 'walks' etc. from your nearby freebie location.   Search is your friend too.   I am in SL for a year and a half and I still do the newbie walk.  I even do it in RL :matte-motes-bored:

Four years plus and I still do the nOOb walk too.  Every A/O I've tried made me look like I was walking with a butt plug or like I just got off of a horse.

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Yes I was going to say there are some free or 10 linden AO's on Marketplace also for you to try.

I don't use an AO.  Tried several, just too laggy for me.  And I don't mind the way I walk because I mostly go to clubs and dance, and if I shop inworld which is rarely (as I'm a Marketplace shopper for time saving reasons), I rarely see any avatars when I'm shopping anyways or the other avatars I do see are busy looking at what they want to buy, not how I'm walking. 

I chose to walk and stand like a noob, and I don't care, nor do I think anyone else cares either how I walk or stand. 

However, I would like to walk like Marilyn Monroe in real life.  Any helpful suggestions on that one?  (rofl)  Marilyn Monroe had the greatest walk ever! 

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Shame on you non AO people.:smileytongue:

AOs do not cause lag. If it does, it is badly coded. A well coded AO hud will not produce any noticable lag at all. If you think your AO is lagging you, you bought a bad hud. An animator that uses motion capture can make their animations too larges, which might seem like lag, but again, this is not inherent to all AOs or AO makers.

If you don't own or use an AO or have a good set of animations to use, IMHO you are seriously missing out on a good part of the fun of SL. :smileywink:

Do your avatar a favour, get a really good ao that you love.


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YES!  I'm quite sure!  I want to walk like Marilyn Monroe in real life not SL.

And, I can't believe I found this on You Tube:  The Marilyn Walk:  NEVER TRULY COPIED  ((rofl))




p.s.  Good to know that ao's don't cause lag (with the exception of 'some').  I think I know who causes lag, I think Bill Gates causes lag.  :matte-motes-sour:

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Type 'Anime' into the map and go to that sim.

Full of AOs from different makers.

Budget $600L. That's about the middle of the range of what's sold there.


That will get you some of the more interesting AO choices in SL.


The other route is to search for a free one on Marketplace. But frankly, it will look free... :)


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Oh, is that how hillbillies walk?

i can't wait to see one that does so i can confuse the heck out of them by telling them they walk like a default second life avatar..

i can hear it now..

How'd you know i was abducted by aliens?Oo

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I drive.

Less = more.

No ao.

No attach hair(plaster stripe...sl built in "hair")

Ssimple helmet,

No prim shoes.

Light Av. Faster for me. Faster for you.

I even have drove a one prim plywood box.

No joke.

It used to detach at sim crossing and fly heck knows where.

This wasted my time.

True story.

I don't use it anymore.

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Video's, books and you still might not have the bone structure...though you can at least develope something similar. Some models are hillbillies, they learn to walk fancy like as well you know! Not only that, but you can learn a whole bunch of other stuff I suppose. Maybe you develope your own unique style and then become as famous?

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Bil gates! Those dudes are xerox from Sparc sat around and did NOTHING with their stuff. If Bill and steve (yeah, I will talk as if I know them even though they have nothing to do with me..why not, it sounds funny) got in there and asked to see it all, asked questions (with thier people there to) and then took off and brought it to market. Bill bought the code of some dude who didn't like IBM, brought it to market as DOS. This made PC's useful and then the IBM open architecture (no guys, not exactly open source GNU...but open in some ways..so no copybotting thing wiht IBM wrote on them because Steve Jobs and Bill Gates 'friend on a first name basis" said you could...seriously guys, I don't know them and never claimed IBM is was all Open Source...but thier songs might be...not sure) uh...

yeah. Bill brought DOS out when some other dude didn't want to mess with it. IBM are huge and distro'd this stuff with thier open architecture boxes. People got a hold of these overpriced calculating spreadsheet runners and basically this lead to the proliferation of PC's! Of course, Mac people will freak. But, yeah, many features where brought out by steve that took forever to hit windows. I mean, you mac could talk way before windows did. Heck, I didn't see such and easy talk thingy in even the windows 7 RC! Just open up the word processer and you choose to make it talk...right? Or some kind of word processor looking thing, I played around with one, amazing stuff for it's day.

So, uh....bill gates doesn't make lag in his job. Now, some of the ms products end up with more lag. Running scanning, shild, blocker, hunting, stopping thingies does take cpu time away! If this time was put toward many other good things the world might be a better place. But, we see macs getting more attacks as they become popular. Heck, Mac switched to BSD core which had paranoid security freaks working on it a while back. BSD decided to bring Unix computing to the masses, to reduce lag in getting power users, programmerse, networking types and many more a Unix type of OS. they got into trouble and had to deal with legal junk to get thier system out. Now, it is pretty secure in some ways and ended up in the Mac OS's core. Lots of lag reduction while building the internet because you could get that BSD, or linux and run apache and get a server up to serve you dancing freakin hamster gifs...you know, the important stuff the internet has gave us!

Although, I don't know if the dancing hampsters where on a Apache server....so, yeah...I am just saying "the dancing hapmsters of the world" sort of....not THE actual dancing hampsters of net fame. Uh...yeah...anway. Your drive to work might have been lagged by the lack of round abouts, for instance. Now, if it was up to bill gates this tech would have been taken from the origin or lab, proliferated with cheap asian manufactured plastic and metal curbs that went mustard in the sun and we would all be driving to work faster.....but then again, maybe he HATES round abouts and bill totally loves intersections? Those lights do sort of have a nostalgia going. They sway a little in the wind, dusty and dull and you wonder if they changed or not because they need to be fixed or have the lens replaced. Sort of adds to the whole decay many enjoy in america as they glorify 'grunge' as an art style. But...yeha, lag ='s waiting a week for a letter instead of gettiing it within the day from your email. So, bill got rid of much lag when he delightedly worked on futuristic operating systems after visiting sparcs efforts at xerox.

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Oh, I have an idea, let's IM Soda Lemondrop and see if he can do a machinima of Venus' sexy walk in SL.  Then Soda Lemondrop could use my default walk, and so on and so forth.   We'll most definately need the hillbilly walk, too.  All three of us could walk side by side....or....?

This idea still needs some planning out, you see.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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