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Creator unknown!!

Snickers Snook

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For crying out loud, about 10 shapes that I made from scratch have suddenly become "Creator uknown" and, while I still have full perms on them, it really hurts because I can't export them for backup or to use on another grid. I'm also hearing from a few other merchants that their from scratch prims are now showing uknown as the creator.

Arrggggghhh! I filed a ticket but this is going to be a black hole of nothingness I'm sure. :womanmad:

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Snickers Snook wrote:

For crying out loud, about 10 shapes that I made from scratch have suddenly become "Creator uknown" and, while I still have full perms on them, it really hurts because I can't export them for backup or to use on another grid. I'm also hearing from a few other merchants that their from scratch prims are now showing uknown as the creator.

Arrggggghhh! I filed a ticket but this is going to be a black hole of nothingness I'm sure. :womanmad:

YUP thanks for the heads up Snickers....

I looked and sure enough a ton of my PRIMS in my inventory - like my selling vendors and countless other prims are set to unknown creator now too!  I guess this was the outcome of today's ASSET SERVER snafu. 

Isnt this marvolous!  I dont even know how LL will fix this one!  we could open a JIRA but that is like buying a ticket on the titanic with LL - you know the boat wont make it to the other port... most JIRAS just sit idles and not looked at.  This will be one of them.

Thankfully my sculpty maps - which are textures - do not seem to be buggered up by this screwup.



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The shape that alerted me to the issue was my basic start point for much of my work and it suddenly started to give a "Failed to find body part in database" error. Lucky my alt had a copy which still works. However that's when I noticed the Creator field had gone uknown on both versions. Grrrr.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

YUP thanks for the heads up Snickers....

I looked and sure enough a ton of my PRIMS in my inventory - like my selling vendors and countless other prims are set to unknown creator now too!  I guess this was the outcome of today's ASSET SERVER snafu. 

Isnt this marvolous!  I dont even know how LL will fix this one!  we could open a JIRA but that is like buying a ticket on the titanic with LL - you know the boat wont make it to the other port... most JIRAS just sit idles and not looked at.  This will be one of them.

Thankfully my sculpty maps - which are textures - do not seem to be buggered up by this screwup.



You probably know this, but others might not ..  if a prim or object contains anything (e.g. a script or animation) that's not made by the same person who made the prim itself, it's going  to show up as "Creator Unknown" when you look at it in your inventory.    

If you rez it on the ground (or wear it) and then look at it, it should show the creators of the various elements, and if it doesn't, there's something wrong, but while objects are still in your inventory, "Creator Unknown" isn't necessarily anything to worry about (unless you know you made the object and everything in it).    

Obviously, this can't apply to items other than prim objects, so shapes and scripts and so on should always show a creator.  

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  • 9 months later...

That is all well and good, except it is a load of crap in the situations we are dealing with. I have a 177 prim building that I built 110% myself, EVERY texture, I hand crafted, ever script I wrote, and EVERY piece, except the root prim says "unknown". If you edit a single wall piece, which is essentially a block, it says unknown.

One of two things may be afoot.... 1... LL is so bunged up about IP rights they have clamped things down too tightly OR 2. They are trying to make things unmovable to other grids, IMO.

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Yes we know that. In my case it was a shape. But I have seen it in some of the outfits I've made. From scratch. My own textures. Etc. I think their inventory databases are just horribly messed up.

If for some reason people couldn't take their creations to other grids, I think it would cause wholesale builder flight and/or people would stop making things.

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Andru DuCasse wrote:

That is all well and good, except it is a load of crap in the situations we are dealing with. I have a 177 prim building that I built 110% myself, EVERY texture, I hand crafted, ever script I wrote, and EVERY piece, except the root prim says "unknown". If you edit a single wall piece, which is essentially a block, it says unknown.

One of two things may be afoot.... 1... LL is so bunged up about IP rights they have clamped things down too tightly OR 2. They are trying to make things unmovable to other grids, IMO.

I can think of a third thing that might be afoot ... as Snickers suggests, something's badly broken in certain cases.  

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Are those older creations, Snickers?

Not sure if it is connected, but a few weeks back I discovered some of my older textures (uploaded about 4 years ago) showed grey and added to objects the objects could not show the textures. It was not just normal lag, seemed more like the UUID of the texture was lost completely. I did not check the creator name, it was only two textures I needed at that moment so I uploaded them again.

Hope the best for you, to get them back. Anything from support yet?

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Some, like the shapes, were older. Some of the outfits that had unknown creator in them were newer. The comment from LL was that nothing should have "unknown" as the creator. What hacks me off is that it makes the whole box go "unknown" creator just because one of my older shapes went unknown.

You can see from the JIRA I filed that the process went nowhere even though there's an assignee to the problem:


Once it has gone unknown, LL says there is no mechanism for them to restore it to you. So tickets are useless. You are simply screwed.

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I filed a help ticket, and am getting some canned response, almost like they aren't READING the help tickets. I created two .5x.5x.5 boxes, one a clone of the other. Linked them. The root was created by me... the second by "nobody". Unlinked them, suddenly they both were made by me again. No scripts, no textures...

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...aaaaand HERE is the OFFICIAL Lindens response to this problem:

"Hello Andru DuCasse,

Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately we do not offer extended support on build issues. At this point I would have to ask that you utilize our user forums and knowledge base in attempt to resolve the issue.

As always, feel free to reach out to us at any time. Have a great rest of your day.


BradleyH Scout"


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No kidding. You cannot tell me that WE are the only two having this problem!  I logged on with a long forgotten alt and had the EXACT same results. If it is a reproducable issue, they have the obligation to fix it, or watch our asses and elbows as we exit for another grid. Kinda rough, when they are no longer the only game in town.

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I'm wondering if there aren't two separate issues here.    The problem with Snickers' shapes I'm very aware of -- I have one of the affected ones, which I got in 2008 (I think) and I can confirm it shows as "Creator Unknown" in my inventory.

However, I'm wondering if the issue with linked prims isn't simply a cosmetic issue with the viewer.

I say that because I've just tested this by rezzing 4 prims, confirming each one shows as being made by me, and then linking them and, sure enough, it says (at least in Catznip and the Official viewer -- don't know about other ones) that the creator and the group is unknown.

However, I then dropped this script into it:


default{    state_entry()    {        integer max = llGetNumberOfPrims()+1;        integer i = 1;        while (i<max){            llOwnerSay((string)i+":"+(string)llGetObjectDetails(llGetLinkKey(i),[OBJECT_CREATOR]));            i++;        }    }}

 and it correctly reported my uuid as the creator of each prim.   

Then, just to make sure, I logged in as my alt, rezzed a prim as her and gave it to my main account, and linked it to my test object as the root, and tried again.    Sure enough, the script now correctly reported my alt as the creator of the root prim and me as the creator of all the rest (even though the viewer was saying "Creator Unknown" still).   

In other words, in both cases the sim knew who had created each prim, even though the viewer couldn't see it.

So, while I agree there's a real problem with some items -- e.g. Snickers' shape, and ones based on it -- I'm not so sure in many cases there's anything other than an apparent problem with the viewer misreporting things for linked prims.

Has anyone actually tried backing up with Stored Inventory an object they've created themselves that's being thus misreported?  I'd be interested to know what happens.



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  • 8 years later...
5 minutes ago, Rabidingo54 said:

Is it possible that it is uploading to the cloud server, where verification is needed and  these anonymous author status is only temporary in order to gain cloud coverage?

There was no migration to the cloud (Uplift) 8 years ago when this thread was created

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Really ?!?!?!


Right above the Reply box, any thread older than 60 or 90 days will show a blue box telling you how old the thread is:



Then again, given this is the first and only post by the account, they probably necro'd a really old post on purpose.



Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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  • 2 months later...

Lmao, gain cloud coverage, that never gets old. 

This isn't the weather channel, that's not how this works, that's not how ANY of this works.  But, to answer someone else...

14 minutes ago, MelanTheKitty said:

Has this issue been resolved? Just please, without stupid and illogical comments about that this is a necro`d or anything else. I`ve got this problem just a day ago.


Is the object you're getting unknown creator on created entirely by you, or by you and one or more other creators? This is far more common in items that have multiple creators, almost exclusively, if I remember correctly (and it's always been this way).  It's also more common for products that were created in full or part, years ago, versus more recently, too. 

Also comments about things being necro'd aren't stupid or illogical, a quick search in any search engine will get you most of the answer you're looking for, so will checking the JIRA, usually, not sure in this case, I didn't bother looking. 

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9 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Lmao, gain cloud coverage, that never gets old. 

This isn't the weather channel, that's not how this works, that's not how ANY of this works.  But, to answer someone else...


Is the object you're getting unknown creator on created entirely by you, or by you and one or more other creators? This is far more common in items that have multiple creators, almost exclusively, if I remember correctly (and it's always been this way).  It's also more common for products that were created in full or part, years ago, versus more recently, too. 

Also comments about things being necro'd aren't stupid or illogical, a quick search in any search engine will get you most of the answer you're looking for, so will checking the JIRA, usually, not sure in this case, I didn't bother looking. 

Yes, I created my own thing. After I took it to my inventory and checked the properties, I figured out that the creator is "unknown". So I used the google search, I got to the first thread which had a link to this thread. I have read it all and I am still searching to solve the problem. I saw that people who created things themselves without any script, had the same problem. This is not something common accordingly with answers from the LL support that i have read here.

Blaming people for posting in old topics is worthless and illogical If people are discussing something in subject (if this is a legal subject). This thread has some subject. What is the problem that this thread is old if the problem has not been solved? Thank you for your answer. I`ll check this JIRA.

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52 minutes ago, MelanTheKitty said:

Yes, I created my own thing. After I took it to my inventory and checked the properties, I figured out that the creator is "unknown". So I used the google search, I got to the first thread which had a link to this thread. I have read it all and I am still searching to solve the problem. I saw that people who created things themselves without any script, had the same problem. This is not something common accordingly with answers from the LL support that i have read here.

Blaming people for posting in old topics is worthless and illogical If people are discussing something in subject (if this is a legal subject). This thread has some subject. What is the problem that this thread is old if the problem has not been solved? Thank you for your answer. I`ll check this JIRA.


Is it showing as "unknown" only in inventory or also when the item is rezzed?



The biggest problem with pulling up old threads is that very often the technology has changed enough that the older information no longer applies.  Like the person that originally necro'd this thread AFTER 8 YEARS asking if the 'uplift to the cloud' was possibly the problem.  Since the 'uplift' project wasn't going on 8 years ago, that particular necro and question was totally a nuisance response.   Other times people try to take answers from a decade ago and apply them to their current problem -- sometimes the answers are still relevant and sometimes not.


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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


Is it showing as "unknown" only in inventory or also when the item is rezzed?



The biggest problem with pulling up old threads is that very often the technology has changed enough that the older information no longer applies.  Like the person that originally necro'd this thread AFTER 8 YEARS asking if the 'uplift to the cloud' was possibly the problem.  Since the 'uplift' project wasn't going on 8 years ago, that particular necro and question was totally a nuisance response.   Other times people try to take answers from a decade ago and apply them to their current problem -- sometimes the answers are still relevant and sometimes not.


Hello. It shows up as "unknown" in the inventory after I click on properties. It has no properties when it is rezzed, but there are buttons like "inspect" or "edit" where it shows that I am the creator. I saw Jira`s page where Linden said that this is the bug which they are not able to solve. I have heard about some script which can turn "unknown" back to the creator`s name. I am still searching for that. 

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