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Mainland Forests and Beauty Spots


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I`m just musing on what to put on my newly aquired mainland area. It occurs to me that whoever has a good, sizeable mainland spot could make a lot of difference to the local area, but is it worth the bother?


How many people have, for example, put up a big park, or a forest and felt that their effort was worth it? It's one thing to go to a private island that looks pretty, but is it a lost cause to try and make such a place on the mainland?

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It depends on what you want your parcel to be... is it exclusively no entry zone? Or open for all?

I have a tiny 512m that I built as a small Garden Shrine for my dead ones in RL. It is located next to a small chapel in the middle of no where in the inland part of Jeogeot. I have more guests using that tiny parcel than the waterland I have in Corsica.

I can understand if couples want to build it in their own estate/homestead, so they can have their own private moment doing whatever else they want in there away from prying eyes... (honestly, having sex in 'secluded' areas at Tempura isn't really secluded when anyone can cam around)...

... but for Mainland, I don't think there are enough places that were built as a recreation/relaxing area for other mainland residents to enjoy. We have enough buildings but not enough nature. This is why I'm thinking of revamping the parcels I have in Corsica and make it a recreation center for everyone who likes boating or ballooning go and enjoy themselves.

It is not a lost cause unless you want people to enjoy and also be making money out of it. In this case your forest/garden has to be something different with extra flair that makes other residents want to use it over and over again... and it shouldn't be walled with megaprims... that is just nasty and no one will want to come in.

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Thankyou for the replies, gave me a lot to think about. I'm not wanting to make it a private area, as i quite like the idea of people visiting and doing whatever they please, within reason (being moderate land).


As its next to a nightclub and i am wanting to make a futuristic home there as well, i might make it a glowing tree park. I have seen a lot of lovely glowy trees that lilith hart makes and so on and they would be different to a plain old day park. The region is night active, so that may work really well and be an interesting spot to visit.

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Mainland has a lot of hidden gems in it. But hidden is the operative word.

People often remember the worst of mainland, and forget about, gloss over, or ignore the gems. But they're out there.

Some of the best little garden spots were put there by the lindens. And in some regions like Bay City and Nautilus City the Lindens have gone absolutely nuts dropping scenic themed builds (albeit mostly urban - but then check the coastlines of the oceans near Bay City).

In other places like the sim Pruni - they've just hidden away a tiny protected park in the middle of nowhere.

Most people will appreciate a nice parkland or garden view for a neighbor - and its a good way to become a magnet that over time attracts like minden garden types - though 'over time' means over a LOT of time. :)


Personally I like to have at least something in any build I make that is 'pointless scenic fun'. Not all of my current lots have that... but it is a goal I try for (planning to revamp several of my builds when I get a chance...).

I'd also like to know where that screenshot was taken. :) I've got a very large hill lot of my own and I'd love to stop by that place to mine it for ideas because I'm thinking of redoing my hill land.



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Chronometria wrote:

I`m just musing on what to put on my newly aquired mainland area. It occurs to me that whoever has a good, sizeable mainland spot could make a lot of difference to the local area, but is it worth the bother?


How many people have, for example, put up a big park, or a forest and felt that their effort was worth it? It's one thing to go to a private island that looks pretty, but is it a lost cause to try and make such a place on the mainland?

Hope it's worth the bother and not a lost cause. I have a G-rated family/kid oriented park (20k meters.) I have an outdoor beach on a half region. I have a place where people can go change and which is mostly outdoor stuff like trees/gardens (this one is nearly 3/4 of the sim by now.) I had two smaller parks too, one roadside one road near, but have put those for sale recently since they got so few visitors, and seemed redundant in the face of the larger ones. The larger parks are still open and free to the public use, my main rules are no nudity please and be nice to others.

I try to make it look refreshing to go or stay in the parks. It's my wish that people will go and feel that way. I had a comment once that it didn't look like mainland and that was one of my favorite comments to get :) I know I am helping people in real life if I can relax them or refresh them in Second Life!

Also, from a practical standpoint, using trees and flowers or ground cover means that not only is there a lot of pretty area but they don't take up all your prims, so on the part of the land where you do something else (buildings, furniture, animals), you have the prims you need to work with it. But above all I want to add to the beauty of any place I have land, as much as I can creatively or financially do.

The only problem is tier. Ouch, tier.  Well, a lesser problem is trying to fill a lot of space and not make it look haphazard or careless, and not too regimented or overworked either. But natural. That's the key. Like someone just dreamed it up and there it is, or like you are walking in a real forest. :)  That isn't easy, and when I don't have a chance to really relax and take my time landscaping I think it shows. And all the places are changing and works in progress, always.


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Yes, as Melita points out, tier is the issue!  I had a heck of a lot of land that spanned Bradmoor and Macclaine.  In the process of using it, I created a quaint village where we had some shops set up.  The main objective, though, was to create a beautiful place that people could come and relax and walk around; shopping didn't hurt either.  In creating my place, it was imperative that nature be integrated.   We had old paths, benches, trees, animals, a stream, and SNOW in winter.  It was exciting to see and people use the area to relax and to get feedback from visitors.  It was hard in some spots, to figure out what to do as there was a slop in the hillside, but you can buy these lovely plateaus from some garden designers.  I loved creating that haven, but the tiers are what made me hit the reality button.  Not that I am complaining.  This Hidden Hollow, a I called it, is gone now but that is part of the fun of SL - being able to create, maybe move on, and continue to develop your imagination and creativity in many different ways.

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I've created several.  The fun is in the building; I think.  Generally, a few people will stop by.  I currently have a beautiful dance hall on a 1/4 SIM with over 100 quality dances and a modern music feed. I get a few visitors, but not a lot.  I enjoy it.  So, I do it.  Occasionally someone appreciates it, but don't hold your breath for that.  Just enjoy the journey.

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Not at home so sorry I don't recall the region...something with an "H", the region west of Lemontal...anyhow the entire region is a beautiful park.  The continent is only about three regions wide at that point, so it's nice to have that smack dab in the middle.


I'd say build what you want for YOU...and if others come, they come, and if they don't, they don't.


On the other hand, if you're wondering if there's a way to make money off of a park, I don't know, unless you put it in the middle of your land and offer rentals on the surrounding area (or vice versa, a place hidden in the woods).


Alas, all the things we could do if tier wasn't so expensive...

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Rabid Cheetah wrote:

Not at home so sorry I don't recall the region...something with an "H", the region west of Lemontal...anyhow the entire region is a beautiful park.  The continent is only about three regions wide at that point, so it's nice to have that smack dab in the middle.

Hixxy. I'll have to peek at that. I don't normally end up on Gaeta. :-)

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