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Apez transition

Blazen Glass

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I would like to know if any of the Apez customers have received their funds after the sale of Apez to Egoisme. I have sent many messages and I am unsure if I have contacted the right person because I have not received a response.  Any information would be appreciated.

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Apez still owes me a small amount of money, and I'd frankly be rather surprised if it ddin't owe other people a rather large amount of money.  The website for it is down now, has been for a while; store & sim got sold and the Apez stuff cleared from it last year; and the reputation is completely and utterly trashed.  On top of that, the scripting is years overdue an update, with the highest script count and sctipt times of any vending system or rent box that I've seen.

If it's not dead, it's been circling the drain for a rather long time now.

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My business is owed cash from Apez but I think we can safely assume that they have shirked all responsibility to their loyal customers (my business was a customer for 4 years).

I sent many AR's as I was upset to see that Linden Labs still allowed official alt's of Apez Corp to continue operating in world - possibly still collecting cash, after leaving many business's in terrible positions, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to know that people have been removed from SL for doing much less.

I would love to know how much money is owed to people by Apez, I would also like to know if people lost their business due to this company and I would like to know exactly what Linden Labs did to help stop this and action they have taken to prevent this happening again in the future.

My bet is - they did and will do nothing.









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For some reason I think caspervend bought it. Uh, At least casper vend was going to, but I mean...that was a while ago and I have no busines with apez at that point. I was going to, ironically, start using it after thinking it was a pretty good system. I found it was sold to egoisme, then I think it was Casper vend. But I didn't check up again, just figured it was obviously not going to exist. It was supposed to switch over and customers where able to use caspervend or something...not sure though. I bet a google search will help more. Maybe the wayback machine has an old page? I will not spend my time checking, sorry guys lol.

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