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Avatar with multiple model looks or only one?


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After viewing several threads, including the Vanity Thread and the How long did it take you to be you thread, many keep the same skin and just upkeep it here and there with clothings and accessories.

I am just wondering how many of you actually use different skins and shapes on the same avatar, or keep it one model-look per avatar?

Personally I keep mine the same look, I will buy a different skin tone of the same skin model (my LAQ skins are of the same model but will range from fair to nougat)...Recently I bought an asian skin, completely different look on my current avatar.


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Hello.  :-)

I keep the shape, but i change skins, hair, eyes every couple of days or so.   I still look like squashy cos there are certain things i always will go for in a skin or a hair, and the underlying shape doesn't alter -- only little tweaks around the mouth or eyes to make a skin 'fit' better.

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I have worn the same shape for over four years, until a couple of days ago, when the creator graciously provided a slightly different one to address my desire to change one characteristic.  I feel like my shape is me, and I would not like to change it much.  Over four years, I have used three skins, not counting different makeups.  Skins do not seem to change the basic appearance as much as shapes.  I change makeup and hair daily.  On of the joys of SL is the ease with which hair can be changed.

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Each of my avatars has a select set of themes that they stick to.

Generally that means one non-furry look, one primary furry, and a few alternatives I've ended up with along the path to finding out what furry they were.

The less I change the look of that avatar's non-furry, or between notably different furries; the more I identify with and am attached to what that avatar represents for me. Between the furry and non-furry looks there is usually still some very common strong bond. Pussycat is a neko or a cat - and explores the same 'me' in both. She got her first neko-form skin change since account creation last month, but it took 3 furries to find the one that was her (and its not the one on my blog, but it was a close call). Bunny was an Usagi and not a bunny furry - and is my rebel/roughed up but got through side regardless.

You can see in my blog:


How for one of my alts the failure to ever find the right 'furry' for her has left me kind of at a loss for that avatar. And last night I spent another 900L on a new furry for that alt hoping once again to get the trigger for her that makes whatever it is that keeps pulling me to keeping that alt finally sync together.


For me - they've got to have some strong angle to them, for me to bond with them. My SL selves are aspects of me - they -are- characters, but characters of I.


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Most of the time I am a human female. I have other avatars, including male, but they are human too.

I have made some sci-fi and futuristic looks lately, so I could say I'm a bit cyborg. I change shape too, but not so much. I do small tweaks all the time, like when I buy a new skin and adjust the lips. Sometimes I do larger changes, like when I changed the jaw to a more square one.  

My avatars is always thin and fit, and mostly Caukasian. I have tried to make plus size shapes, tried to make a child shape, but that just don't appeal to me. One of my alts is always in darker skins.  But she gets new skins and I have changed her a lot too. 

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My avatar shape has not changed in nearly two years but for minor tweaks on the lips or nose to fit skin.  I generally stick to one family of skins for awhile but I try on other skins frequently just to check them out.  I started with Gaia (now Curio), then RAQ (now LAQ), then Tuli, now Curio again.  I change hair frequently but eyes not so much.  I have tried other eyes but the eyes I wear most of the time I have had for a long time (from MADesign).

I have never tried any other type of avatar other than human female.

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My shape has remained the same since day two or three of my SL life in November 2006 apart from minor tweaks to a few settings. That's me and I don't change it.

Skins is a different matter as skins have got better over the years. What looked good in 2006 would not look so good now. I've gone through at least six major changes and a few minor ones. Started off with Curious Kitties, which I adored at the time and now use eStyle with Naughty Designs, MM, Naela Carter, Pelle and Rockberry in between. May change to a LAQ skin I like soon.

Hair styles and eyes can change quite a bit although I usually stay blonde and blue-eyed with the occasional foray into black hair.

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For both personal and work purposes, I have some "base" minimal looks that I can accessorize easily, and then save more complex outfits as-needed. I really find it useful to do a batch shopping spree with add-ons that I can peruse at a later time, then mix 'n' match to find combinations. Quite often though, my add-ons come through natural exploration: I may start with a fairly spartan look, then by the end of the day (or week), I'll have a fully loaded (and hopefully not too laggy) avatar!

For my own expression as a human-ish form, I'll usually stick with a given skin for a long time, but vary makeups. I find it helps congeal my sense of identity while giving me the variety I crave. Things have somewhat stabilized now that I have a lot more experience with what's possible and what I want.

I do check various scenes and Marketplace Featured Items (I love that random scrolling carousel on the front page!) to find out what the latest developments are firsthand, and/or knowledgeable Resis fill me in. :)

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

My shape has remained the same since day two or three of my SL life in November 2006 apart from minor tweaks to a few settings. That's me and I don't change it.

And for good reason too. You're a beauty!


As for me, like I said in the "How Long Did It Take To become You" thread, I just can't can't can't not see the "me" I have known for 4 years when I log in. I am exactly what I planned, hoped, and dreamed to be - completely my own creation, and I haven't been able to get comfortable being curious about something else. I DO have other skins, but when I put them on it's only a few minutes before I feel physically uncomfortable, as if too much has changed for my simple sensibilities.

It still surprises me when this happens. I walk around thinking I have far less of an attachment to my avie than I actually do. And when I confront myself on it, I actually wonder whether my viewpoints on other topics that have been discussed in the forums are as defensible as I have thought they were. As in how can I question anyone who relies on me being me, when it's so clear that I do as well?

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I recently changed my shape and face for about a day. I wanted to look more natural in some new clothes I had bought.

My current shape also came about that way. The very beanpole-like shape and quirky nose I had as a fae when I first got into SL didn't work in real people clothes. I had to add a little bit of curves.

But after the day in the recent shape I decided no, there are too many like that one already, I don't want to look like a person much younger than I am, and besides, it just isn't my personality either.

So my shape will probably stay pretty much what it is now. As for skins...I WISH I could find some that just fit me, that had a reasonable price (I'm not paying 1000 and up for one skin - I'm just not), and came in different makeups. I am forever searching my inventory for a makeup that matches what I want to wear. It could not be more dull if I watched paint dry.

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