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Since the last Beta Update, my objects are all black

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Since the last Beta update the other week, all of my objects went black.  If I took off my basic shading I got them back, but lost my sky and water definiton.  I reinstalled V2, which gave me what I wanted, but was incredibly laggy.  Then during the week, I got booted and no matter what I try, I cant get back in again with it, even though I have reinstalled it many times.

Someone suggested disablling the OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects......but that did nothing.

My laptop is a fairly powerful one with a good graphics card.  It was really happy running on Ultra, now it sits on High and if I try to take it back up to Ultra it just crashes.  It does the same if I try and activate the shadows.

I am running on Windows 7.  Can anyone please help me with any other suggestions, as I really dont want to go to another viewer.

Many thanks..........a very frustrated Jinty :(





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