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I see its Spamurday.


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Welcome to the Forums.

Oh, never mind. It's you. LOL.

Yeah I needed an image for the last screens post and you can't post those until you've got a post count above one... so I started this one on this alt instead of on Pussycat... o.O


Pesky spammers though... every week, like clockwork. You can set your SL events by this spammer.



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[14:10]  amarock Amat kisses her hand swooning at her beatuy as he melts and sighs  hodling her clsoe cherishing her like a sweet can of spam

[14:10]  Fiona Godwin: lmfa

o[14:10]  Fiona Godwin: like a can of SPAM???

[14:11]  amarock Amat: yes a lovely wett can of spam

[14:12]  Fiona Godwin: lol umm ok

[14:12]  amarock Amat: kisses her lips sighing

[14:12]  amarock Amat: mmm taste like pig thigh ..

[14:13]  Fiona Godwin: ok that isnt flattering ama LOL

[14:13]  amarock Amat: but you are like wondeful spam :(

[14:13]  Fiona Godwin: i taste like a pigs thigh?

[14:15]  amarock Amat: nods

[14:15]  amarock Amat: thats what spam is made out of

[14:15]  amarock Amat: you taste like the orginal form of spam unconditioned or treated

[14:15]  amarock Amat: you are the purity of spams beatuty

[14:16]  Fiona Godwin: lol u goof

[14:17]  Fiona Godwin: one sec phone

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*Yays* at Lynda's post!

I would SOOO much rather have lolcats! cathearts.gif

The nice thing is this is the first day I have seen the Lindens nuke a spam attack so fast. Nice to see Lindens winning the battle today, or maybe I just haven't been online to notice the rapid action other times! :matte-motes-impatient:

BTW: Why is there still no subforum here dedicated to LOLCATS???

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I've only seen the one that came on late lastnight..

after how it was in the forums before these..my hats off to the mods in reacting as fast as they are nowdays..

i woke up thismorning and the one i did see was gone and no others around..

keep up the good work and thanks again =)

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As long as there is no Prince William SPAM, I'm good. 

I had enough Prince William spam on Google front page to last a lifetime, so I took off Google front page and now just have a google search bar as my starter page and happily kissed Prince William SPAM.... Hasta la vista, baby!  Prince William SPAM, you are now terminated. 


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

C'mon ..you know Prince Will is hot now  Tsssss

i mean just look at him hehehehe




and he has got talent too hehehehe


Will Smith and Jamie Foxx have got to be two of my favorite actors. Both started in the typical fashion for how Hollywood labels a young black male actor: playing boys from the hood in a comedy. But both have shown themselves to way above Hollywood's perceptions of minorites. Though I've got a slight preference for Jamie since the Tookie Williams movie. ;)


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

C'mon ..you know Prince Will is hot now  Tsssss

i mean just look at him hehehehe




and he has got talent too hehehehe


Will Smith and Jamie Foxx have got to be two of my favorite actors. Both started in the typical fashion for how Hollywood labels a young black male actor: playing boys from the hood in a comedy. But both have shown themselves to way above Hollywood's perceptions of minorites. Though I've got a slight preference for Jamie since the Tookie Williams movie.


that was a great movie..and ya i love how they ended up where they have..they are both my favorite actors..and both so funny still hehehehe

will smith has the best expressions  in the world..

i was watching the new karate kid when his son and the asian girl did that dancing game..The look he gave her after she was done was so Will smith "i am speechless" expression that i had to start laughing so hard..it was his father in him so much hahahaha it's that look like he is shocked and kind of looks around their face before he changes the subject lol

oh i have to find this clip now lol..


here it is..watch after she is done  the look he gives her..then goes whoo real subtle heheh

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