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How can I make 50k on SL.

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I owe somebody in RL about 200 bucks. Soooo since ...in RL im a broke college student making their way through babysitting...and I just bought a skateboard that cost me yeah well...it made me broke.



So no RL job.....until a few weeks from now.....soo..


how can i make about 50k in SL? (doesnt have to be right away...but just...how..without pole dancing or selling my sole to the devil or being a prostitute)

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you would need more than 50k to get 200 dollars..

50k is what 200 dollars will buy on the blue button/buy button on the viewer..you won't get blue button buy price on cash out..

if you don't already have a plan or money to set up something..or able to create something people would want to buy..then not sure what to tell ya as far as how to make 50k..

i guess the only advise is try to create something people would want to pay for..


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Buy and sell land. Buy low sell high. Look into using a land bot to purchase land. Add information in your profile to inform other Residents that you buy and sell land. Search for land buyers to see what they are paying. (it's less the 1L$ per meter)  




When you see a Forum participant with the last name of "Linden".....hide your peanuts.



edit: Being under the age of 18 is a problem. 

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14?  Oh, lordy. 

Anyhow, on SL you have to invest money first to make money, even if you wanted to be say a photographer for instance.

$200 dollars is a lot to borrow at 14. 

Mowing lawns, doing car washes, cleaning houses, that's your best chance.  I always love a good but inexpensive car wash from the kids around where I live, and they do a nice job, too.  Get your friends together, put up signs that say car wash, and get to washing. 

ETA:  Ha, Knowl and I posted at the same time.  Yes, it does take money to make money. 


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amarock Amat wrote:

Did some reaserch....your 14...so yes please stay away from that pole.


I would suggest  maybe, doing it the old fashoin way get a lawn mower and go door to door in r/l





because someone puts that they are 14 on their profile doesn't mean they are talking about RL age hehehehe

if they were 14 they would not even be allowed in the general section of second life only the 13 to 15 school sims..

i believe they said they were a broke college student in RL..

you can't research someones RL age and you would not be allowed to post it if you did find it out..it would be against the TOS under disclosure..


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Yes, I see the kids, well you're not a kid at 20, but they do make a lot washing cars.  You could invest in some good sponges and get some towels from a thrift store.  You can also make good money cleaning houses.  Just write some of your cleaning specialties down, and then print them as a flyer and drop some in nearby mailboxes where u live (the client usually has the cleaning supplies and paper towels in their home already).  You might make quite a bit of extra money doing that, that you could have some to save to start a SL business or pay for more books....etc....

ETA:  For Hanahhh, a cleaning agency charges about $150 dollars for four hours worth of cleaning; so there is definitely a market for you and clients who need cleaning services less than $150 dollars for four hours!  I'd say charge about 10 dollars an hour, do a great job of sparkle and shine and some vacuuming, and you will make very good money! 

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Just how long do you have to pay this bill?  It's not impossible, but unless you have start up costs and a degree of relevant talent/skill, you're not likely to get there this side of next Christmas.

Mayalily's suggestions make a lot more sense than trying to get the money from Secondlife.


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I second (or third) the suggestion that you need to earn the money IRL. There is already a vast abundance of clothes, houses, accessories of superb quality beeing offered for a very low amount of money in SL. 

The "earn money quick from SL" is basically a myth. Yes, you can earn money here, but you need to put down a lot of time and effort, and all this when you could wash a few hours in RL and pay your debts. 


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I would also suggest learning to prioritize your expenses... you'd have been better off applying the money for the new skateboard to the loan, and working on the money for the new skateboard... assuming that's not what the loan was for (in which case you also need to learn about the proper planning before taking out a loan).

I'm not saying this to be harsh, these are important skills you'll need all your life, and if you don't learn them you're going to find yourself stuck unable to do any of the things you want, and may end struggling with the things you need.

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Yes I thought that also about the skateboard instead of paying for the loan, but then I thought the skateboard could be a type of transportation and maybe that's the only transportation Hanahhh can afford at this time?  However, nonetheless, Void is still correct as far as prioritizing how monies are spent, yet we do need to learn from our mistakes as life goes onward.... 

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Making 50K in sl is going to be rough unless you have a product people really want and can market it well. I know escorts that use voice that can make that kind of money fairly quick, but you don't want to do that I guess. And dancing on a pole will take you forever to make that kind of money in my opinion. You could try photography, but you will need a client base and need to be a fairly good artist to compete with the multitudes of other photographers in sl.

And if you create an item its going to have to be something worth a fair amount of money to begin with in order to make any real money off from it. And like I said it will have to be something original that people want and you will need to find a way to market it so people know its out there.

I think it would be much easier to make that kind of money in real life. From the way it sounds you are getting a job soon, best to just wait until you get the job and save up the money. It will take you longer than that to make the money in sl.

You could sell the skateboard and other stuff you have if you really need to pay the debt. I guess if you live in a college dorm you don't pay for internet? Becuase of you owe someone 200 dollars and are paying for internet to play sl, have a cell phone and other stuff that really isn't helping your situation.

If you are a cute female in real life you could wash cars in a white t shirt and skimpy shorts. I am sure you will get some good tips lol. Or you could do phone sex or be a web cam model. But I am sure these are all options you are not willing to do lol. And by the way stripping in real life will pay waaay better than stripping in sl. You could probably make the 200 in one night. But it might be all in singles lmao.

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You can always shoe shine at the station in our sim or deliver shopping.

It will take you some time to get rich but the people in our 1920s Berlin sim are generous.

Once you've made enough to buy a 1920s taxi you can become a taxi driver, drive people around Berlin and you may eventually get the money you need.

Yes it will take time and hard work, but that is generally how it (should) work.

From newspaper boy to millionaire!

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whoah my skateboard isnt stupid o.O. Skateboarding is the one thing I actually get to enjoy without anybody bothering me.

sigh well thats a different story. anwyays.


Yeah thanks everyone for the advice, Im starting RL job in a couple weeks I guess ill just invest in that instead of SL. 

and no. i dont have another 200 bucks, and i wont give back my beloved skateboard that means a lot to me <3


>.> *hugs skateboard..*

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Hanahhh wrote:

....i dont have another 200 bucks, and i wont give back my beloved skateboard that means a lot to me <3


>.> *hugs skateboard..*

LOL.  I doubt they would take it back anyway if you've already used it which I'm betting you already have.

Just save the money up from your RL job and pay it back as you can.  I'm assuming that you borrowed the money from a friend and not some thumbreakers with names like Tommy Tortellini and Vinnie Bagodonuts.  As long as your friend sees that you are making an effort to pay it back over time you guys should be okay.

Personally when I "lend" money to a friend I never expect to see it again.  If I do, it;s a pleasant surprise, if not, it's water under the bridge.

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Dagmar Heideman wrote:

Personally when I "lend" money to a friend I never expect to see it again.  If I do, it;s a pleasant surprise, if not, it's water under the bridge.

 I use a variation of that... I don't loan money I can't afford to lose, and the amounts depend on how close that person is to me... I always expect it back, but if it wasn't someone close I look at it as a cheap way to get rid of people that aren't actually friends if I never get it back.

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