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Many issues with viewer 2.7.2


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Months ago, all of SL's viewers seemed to work fine on my laptop. I don't have a very expensive or high end computer, but my connection is great and thus, SL was running smoothly. Yet, with all the sudden updates, everything has taken a sudden turn for the worse. 


First off, the LAG. Good lord. I can't even go on a barren sim without lagging misrably. My avatar could be completly nude and still, lag. Secondly, before when I turned on basic shaders and such, the 'wind light' would show beautifully. Now it doesn't show at all. I turned on transparent water, etc. and it still shows up as if I never turned on those settings at all. Not sure if it's a viewer issue considering it has worked wonderfully in the past. I was considering saving up to buy a new computer if nothing else, but I work part-time and my pay is low. I'm sure I could just use another viewer, but it might cause the same problems. 


Here is my laptop's specs if anyone needs them:

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm)X2 DualCore QL-62 (2000.07 MHz)Memory: 1789 MBOS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Build 2600) compatibility mode. real ver: 6.0 (Build 2900)Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.479.1.3-080515a-064429C-HPOpenGL Version: 2.1.7417 Release


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I have had the same experience with 2.7.2 of the official viewer (earlier 2.x versions worked great, I think the last was 2.7.1 something), as well as Kirsten's which I also tried. I finally downloaded Firestorm, which is still in beta, and started seeing the same quality I had been getting with the SL viewer, with an added benefit of seein shadows for the first time. For me, those features were never enabled in the SL viewer.


However, the experience seems to be different for different people. A lot of people aren't having any new troubles with the 2.7.2 versions.

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I might as well never come back to SL.  I have a 2.26 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac mini which ran SL very well about two weeks ago.  But now, VWR 2 won't even log in.  I tried the new Phoenix and Firestorm and my SL experience is a fustercluck.  I get the busy cursor for 15-30 seconds after EVERY click/input.  I can't move, I can't change clothes or teleport.  I tried my old PPC G5 Mac (way below specs) and I could log in and move around a bit and change clothes but it pauses/jerks a lot.

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Well, I just tried it for the first time. When the first version of V2 came out I tried it. Found the whole layout claustrophobic, started using Phoenix and Singularity instead. Now, having heard that Linden Labs is going to be "breaking" the ones I use, I decided to give this latest one a shot. BIG mistake.

To begin with, I can´t get past the first 10 seconds without the whole bloody thing freezing and stop responding. Audio is enabled by default. I´d love to disable it if I could just get past those 10 seconds. Most of the time it just freezes at the "downloading clothing" bit. Basically, this is crap.

I´ll keep using the ones I´m using now until the end. After that... well, I´m seriously considering the possibility that the day they stop working will be the day I´ll pack up, cut my losses and move to InWorldz. At least there if they mess up they have an excuse. It´s new. Second Life isn´t. Why the hell can´t they leave well enough alone???

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I continue to have crashing problems with the latest versions, even of Firestorm. Never had this before, even with my old Athlon quad.

I run resource and task monitors and see phys mem below 20 pct usage, cpu load below 20pct, gpu load below 50 and lower temps and fan speeds than other apps like blue mars, win7 scores my system at 7+ out of 7.9 except for the hd, which is always the bottleneck. sometimes disk use spikes but not consistent. I have shut down several background programs after consulting task manager.  I have updated drivers, windows and sl, consulted forums, even cleaned components in my box.

And a full system freeze up still ends every single SL session, usually in less than 10 minutes.

Intel i7 2600k, 8gb ram, radeon 5770 1gb,, win7 64

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