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Hello all,

hope this is the right spot, or is it more technical discussion?

I am a guitar player familiar with playing live music in RL and have the gear./Interfaces  to record music. When thinking about plating in SL I get lost on the server side of it all , i have asked some people and they rent services in world. I would prefer not too.  I have heard of shout cast is that something people use? I saw it for lie 50 GBP/usd a year was tempted to try it out. 

 if anyone had any guidance would be great. 

1) most musicians rent serves or shout cast?  I am mainly looking at karokke or open mics really nothing HUGE. 

2)shoutcast peeked me  was tempted to try it for outside of SL as well    

2b)  also if i do could anyone help me...with setting it up I know how to use BUTT ( ha ha)

3) could anyone give me a ball park of the cost of renting in world. 


would listen to anyone experience good bad and confusing.


Thank you all, hope you have  a wonderful week,

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Also interested in a streaming server which works outside SL and within SL.
I'm only looking to stream radio playlists containing independent original music (=zero copyright issues).

Is it possible to rent a Shoutcast radio server with "Auto DJ" outside SL and then stream that content onto a parcel within SL?

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