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I'm working with RLV shared folders for the first time in ages and I'm a little confused (not particularly unusual).

In this case, my confusion is about when I can copy and paste folders  that contain other folders as links from elsewhere in my inventory to the #RLV folder, and when I need to create new folders in the #RLV folder and copy subfolders as links to them.

For example, as far as I can tell, if I've copied over the Senra Jamie and Blake folders from my Library folder to the Inventory folder, thus


and I want to make their contents visible to RLV, I need to create Blake and Jamie folders inside my #RLV folder, and then create another folder, "Senra Jamie - Body", inside the Jamie folder, and then copy and paste as links, the contents of /Inventory/Senra/Jamie/Senra Jamie - body into that, thus:


At this point, confusion starts to set in.    I am wearing both items contained directly under Senra Jamie - Body (the animation controller, the body, the eyebrow shape and the head) and other items (skins, shapes, nails) contained within linked folders.   

 llOwnerSay("@getinvworn:Jamie/Senra Jamie - Body=99");  returns, as I would expect 

 executes: @getinvworn:jamie/senra jamie - body=99
[05:42] Object: received:

that is, the folder Senra Jamie - Body contains links various items, some of which I am wearing. 

However, when I try 

 llOwnerSay("@getinvworn:Jamie/Senra Jamie - Body/Senra Jamie - Skins=99");

I get

 failed: @getinvworn:jamie/senra jamie - body/senra jamie - skins=99 (invalid option)
[05:44] Object: received:

That is, it can't see Senra Jamie - Skins.   However, if I create Senra Jamie - Skins as an actual folder inside #RLV/Jamie/Senra Jamie - Body, and then copy paste as links the contents of the original Senra Jamie - Skins into  #RLV/Jamie/Senra Jamie - Body/Senra Jamie - Skins, thus


then I get 

 executes: @getinvworn:jamie/senra jamie - body/senra jamie - skins=99
[05:57] Object: received:

That is, the script can now see Senra Jamie - Skins and can tell that I am wearing some of the items it contains.

Am I therefore correct in thinking that, if I want to re-recreate a complex system of folders and subfolders in #RLV that already exists elsewhere in My Inventory, I need to create actual folders and subfolders in #RLV and then copy paste over their contents as links from the original folder structure?    

It certainly doesn't look as if I can simply copy everything over as links in one action, which I was rather hoping I could do.   

Or, to put it another way, would it be correct to say that @getInvworn can see links to actual items but can see only actual folders, not links to them?

Any confirmation/corrections/advice would be very welcome.


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1 hour ago, Innula Zenovka said:

#RLV that already exists elsewhere in My Inventory, I need to create actual folders and subfolders in #RLV and then copy paste over their contents as links from the original folder structure?   

My memory isn't 100% on RLV's ability to read folder links, but if you want to attach/detach/lock things in the #RLV folder you need 'actual' non-link folders and items. A pain, I know, but it's a technical limitation. To reiterate, no folder links, and no inventory item links for full RLV functionality.

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I don't use RLV all that much, but the things I do have work fine with linked objects.

As far as for linked folders, the RLV inventory handler code checks for links and folder links, and then proceeds to do nothing with the folder links with a "TODO!" comment, so guess it was planned but never implemented:

    // Fetch all the link item targets
    LLInventoryFetchItemsObserver itemFetcher(idItems);

    // Fetch all the link folder targets
    // TODO!


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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

There is a circumstance (SmartStrip) that wants actual items in the folders.

Ahh, that's what I'm remembering. SmartStrip sounds 'advanced', but it's the standard way of detaching things in the #RLV folder now that we can have more than one attachment on an attach point. But it may be some things are made to work in a way that's compatible with links (reading that page suggests a method that might work but seems to have extra involved steps, that Item-detachers I've seen probably didn't implement.)

Edited by Quistess Alpha
'remove' is ambiguous when I meant 'detach'.
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Quistess Alpha said:

My memory isn't 100% on RLV's ability to read folder links, but if you want to attach/detach/lock things in the #RLV folder you need 'actual' non-link folders and items. A pain, I know, but it's a technical limitation. To reiterate, no folder links, and no inventory item links for full RLV functionality.

I've been playing with this and I seem to be able to detach linked items inside shared folders.     However, I did run into some difficulties in that I was wearing a saved outfit and the viewer didn't seem to pick up that several of the items were, in fact, linked to items inside #RLV.   In the end I detached/removed everything I was wearing and then added it all again from links inside the #RLV folder and saved that as an outfit.   Then it worked.

Based on what I've seen today, I think Maddy's summary is correct: 'Folders must be "real", items within them can be links, " at least so long as the viewer realises that the item you're wearing exists as a link inside a shared folder.

Though having said that, TIL, at least with RLVa, you can call llGetAttachedList and detach items with reference to their uuid regardless of where they are:  https://wiki.catznip.com/index.php?title=Clothing_%26_Attachment_Commands#.40detachthis.5B:.3Cattachment_point.3E.7C.3Cclothing_layer.3E.7C.3Cattachment.3E.5D.3Dforce

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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