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Certain look help


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Can anyone help me how to get this look or how to get it as close as possible?

I have been trying to get something similar to this for ages but I can never get it.

Id assume the head is lelutka? 

Anyone who has an avi close to this can share their attachments?

Sadly the owner of the picture doesnt have a notecard




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Just a guess, I think the body is EBody Reborn, with the Waifu add ons. I think this is a look from Aii, so I would go to the main store for a scout around, the tattoo might be from there. The Lashes are Clover Megalash (I think ) Sorry these are just my guesses, hope it helps tho

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23 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Looks like the Prim head from Lelutka.  The breasts are Mounds from SoapBerry for Reborn.  The skin could be from a dozen different places.  Those are harder to tell.

Any suggestions which stores sell these pale skins?

I have been to a 15 or so most popular skin stores (in search) but even their palest skin tone is too dark.

Or is there a way to make a skin paler?

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