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Can't find my Linden Home


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I feel really stupid and confused. The SL website link button takes me to a spot that is in the middle of multiple boats (i picked the boat house from Linden homes) I tried to look for the house around the area but I can't seem to find it. How do I find my house??

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28 minutes ago, SunnyDayRuby said:

I feel really stupid and confused. The SL website link button takes me to a spot that is in the middle of multiple boats (i picked the boat house from Linden homes) I tried to look for the house around the area but I can't seem to find it. How do I find my house??

I use Firestorm viewer. Under World, Show Owned Land, my linden home shows up there along with my owned mainland parcels. I bet other viewers have something similar. 

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10 minutes ago, SunnyDayRuby said:

I did that but it keeps dropping me off in the middle of a collection of houses. On a protected land. No in my house 😭


I haven't seen that happen before, so weird!

You've probably already checked this, when you go to your account in your web browser and click on the linden home area, mouse over visit my linden home or copy link, did you check to see if where you are landing is the same as where you are being teleported (in case there is some glitch)?

If it is the same, I suggest submitting a ticket. Good luck!   

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It's a bit long of a wait but support will show you.  They don't open until 6am sl time though.


Or try these things from their knowledge base

    On the Second Life website:
        Log in using your Second Life username and password.
        Go to your Account Dashboard.
        On the left, click Land Manager.
        Click My Mainland.
        Look for the name of the Linden Home that you chose when you registered. Click the link in the Location column to teleport there.
        Login to Second Life with the Second Life Viewer
        Choose World > My land holdings...
        Select the parcel that matches your chosen Linden Home name.
        Click Teleport.
        You will be teleported to your Linden Home.

Edited by belindacarson
info added.
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53 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

One other possibility, are you trying to go there with the same account that claimed the house?  

The OP reports being on protected land near homes but cannot find their assigned home. This suggests that a TP occurred but not to their assigned home. We do not know if they made it to the expected region but they likely did as the region has houseboats.

Because they ended up on protected land, they probably did get TPed to a home parcel and then ejected.

This suggests a malfunction of the cleanup/reassignment process.

Needs to be sorted by support.



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16 hours ago, Amata Karas said:

I haven't seen that happen before, so weird!

You've probably already checked this, when you go to your account in your web browser and click on the linden home area, mouse over visit my linden home or copy link, did you check to see if where you are landing is the same as where you are being teleported (in case there is some glitch)?

If it is the same, I suggest submitting a ticket. Good luck!   

I tried that. It didn't work. I guess I'm gonna have to call tech support.

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Thanks for the info Ruby, I sent you a landmark to your boat, it was nearby.  At least you can begin moving in!

But I also have no idea why the website TP isn't working for you - support will have to help with that.  Never heard of that problem.

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I was just hopping around on an expiring alt and had the same thing happen at 5 different houses in 5 different themes. I always landed in the center of the region not at the house, it must be a glitch in the system.  

Since I was using Firestorm I used the map to click around on all the houses until I found the one I named, but Lyric's solution above sounds better.

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OHO!  Ruby, Raspberry, Flower, Lyric -- you have found a BUG!  Congrats!  I'll file a Feedback on it, if we can narrow down when it happens.

Sounds like it's specific to the "TP me to my home" button on the website page after you claim a home.  When Ruby sent me a SLURL to the location inworld, it actually DID point directly to her boat - I'm betting she got that SLURL from the other button, the one that copies your home's SLURL to your clipboard.   Sounds like it happens sometimes to a fair number of people, and never to the rest of us.  Maybe more frequent with the houseboat theme.  Can we narrow it down?

I'm on a PC, operating system Windows 10, using the Chrome browser, and Firestorm client.  What about you folks?

Edited by Nika Talaj
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Well weirdly my PC, Windows 11, Firefox browser on the Linden Viewer with an alt did not replicate the problem; I was transported reliably to all five houses.  Trad, Vic, Log home, Houseboat, and Newbrooke.  So maybe it is region-specific rather than theme-specific?

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I got a med on the 4th and it did not take me to my house, but to the center of the region. I tried copying the slurl from the landpage and it also brought me to the center of the region. So I tried using the world-> show owned land and was able to Teleport to the house from there.

I am on windows 9. Not sure if the host makes a difference or not, but I had this same experience as the OP.

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3 hours ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I got a med on the 4th and it did not take me to my house, but to the center of the region. I tried copying the slurl from the landpage and it also brought me to the center of the region. So I tried using the world-> show owned land and was able to Teleport to the house from there.

I am on windows 9. Not sure if the host makes a difference or not, but I had this same experience as the OP.

Since SLURL's have "coordinates" as part of the URL (the last bit), the only way it would take you to the "center of the region" is if something was wrong with the SLURL:  if it was missing the "coordinates" from the end of the URL, or if the coordinates were out of range, etc.  Maybe some browsers strip the coordinates sometimes..  Even then, I'd expect it to take you to something like (0,0) but perhaps the "center" is default when SLURL's are not valid.


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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Since SLURL's have "coordinates" as part of the URL (the last bit), the only way it would take you to the "center of the region" is if something was wrong with the SLURL:  if it was missing the "coordinates" from the end of the URL, or if the coordinates were out of range, etc.  Maybe some browsers strip the coordinates sometimes..  Even then, I'd expect it to take you to something like (0,0) but perhaps the "center" is default when SLURL's are not valid.


I believe the center is 128,128, not 0,0.

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2 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:
4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Since SLURL's have "coordinates" as part of the URL (the last bit), the only way it would take you to the "center of the region" is if something was wrong with the SLURL:  if it was missing the "coordinates" from the end of the URL, or if the coordinates were out of range, etc.  Maybe some browsers strip the coordinates sometimes..  Even then, I'd expect it to take you to something like (0,0) but perhaps the "center" is default when SLURL's are not valid.


I believe the center is 128,128, not 0,0.

Yes, I know. That's what I meant by: 

4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Even then, I'd expect it to take you to something like (0,0)

But I wonder what it does if you just leave the coordinates off an SLURL? (That was the other point I was trying to make.) 

Of course, if there is a "default landing point" set for a Region, that is favored..(whether the "center" or elsewhere).


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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

But I wonder what it does if you just leave the coordinates off an SLURL?

So I tried it. If you leave off the coordinates in Firestorm, it sets the coordinates to 128,128,0

The z coord  is replaced with the height of the terrain at those x,y coords because you can't be beneath the terrain.

In a related experiment, if you are in a skybox and TP by double-clicking the World Map, your z coord is preserved, so you do a skydive into your destination.

Edited by diamond Marchant
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