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Are YOU ready to RISE?!
Would you like to earn lindens while having fun?
Would you like to be a part of something awesome??
Do you want to have input in your character?
And be creative in what happens with that character?
Then it's time to RISE!!
RISE (Ring of International Stars Experience) is an International wrestling federation traveling the globe bringing you great wrestling from around the world.
We strive to bring you an international experience as we go on tour to many different countries.
We are looking for new talent that has the drive and determination to be the best.
Wrestlers (male & female) (No voice required, but a plus)
Referees (No voice required but a plus)
Commentators (Voice required)
Managers (Voice required)
Valets (No voice required)
Free training and support will be provided.
After training pay will be given for every show you are a part of.
For questions or more information, If you are available Wednesday or Sunday afternoons please fill out the application
or for questions or more information , please contact jasmine Tryce in world or on Discord jasmine5296 (Rise President)
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