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Scripted camera settings

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I use a camera script in a chair that positions the camera so that the entire table in front of it is visible:

        rotation rot = llAxisAngle2Rot(<0, 0, 1>, 180 * DEG_TO_RAD);
        llSetCameraEyeOffset(<0.0, 0.5, 2.0> * rot);
        llSetCameraAtOffset(<0.0, 3.0, -1.0> * rot);   

I put this script into every chair around the table and it works great as long as I, as the chair's owner, am doing the sitting. Anyone else that sits on that chair has the camera behind the avatar looking straight ahead. What causes this? I thought that these settings were a prim attribute and not related to the avatar. What am I missing?

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:20 PM, Impresario Beaumont said:

Anyone else that sits on that chair has the camera behind the avatar looking straight ahead. What causes this? I thought that these settings were a prim attribute and not related to the avatar. What am I missing?

Don't you need permission to adjust the avi's camera settings?

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A very valid suggestion. llSetCameraParams does require permissions. llSetCameraEyeOffset and llSetCameraAtOffset do not mention permissions nor do the examples show any.

In addition, I've played cards on a number of tables that point my camera in a way that I'm trying to and they don't ask for permissions, yet work perfectly. Of course I have no idea how those scripts implement this.

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59 minutes ago, Impresario Beaumont said:

llSetCameraEyeOffset and llSetCameraAtOffset do not mention permissions nor do the examples show any.

Have you verified that they're not giving you the results you want first hand with an alt or just relying on testimony from your "friends"? They've always worked for me, but I've not had reason to alt-test.

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After a lot more testing and in-world help from Tess Thanks a million), I've determined that the issue is caused by the alt that I was using. I have no idea what is unique about that alt, but testing with a different alt, as well as  having friends sit in the chair, the problem does not appear.

As I said, I have no idea of the root cause, but with the new evidence I consider this issue closed.

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