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Cant Highlight Transparent Objects?

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10 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Are we not able to able to highlight  transparent objects anymore because of PBR?

PBR affects the brain...I've been noticing that as I build in the middle of the night....  ;0

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Sometimes you won't see what's blocking you even when highlighting transparent because the issue is a physics shape and not just an invisible prim. This doorway wouldn't allow me to pass through the opening with the physics set as it is currently. To check that I need to click on that little eye looking icon with the red line drawn through it.


Now the physics shape is visible, and the reason for the blockage is then obvious. 


After changing the physics from convex hull to prim, the doorway works properly. Using highlight transparent would not have helped to diagnose the issue in cases like this. Also, I designed the doorway to work in this manner when I made it. So this may or may not work in other cases depending on how the creator made the objects. But checking physic shapes can be very helpful in diagnosing blocked areas in a build. 


Edited by Blush Bravin
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