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Where are the communities?

Paul Hexem

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So, I used to rent land on a private estate. That got really boring though. I had neighbors, but I never saw them. The few times they were online, they were hiding in a skybox with a security orb.

So, I left. I went premium and got some mainland. Put my build there. Met one neighbor... With banlines and TWO security devices (as if the ban lines aren't enough). No one else. Even when I drive my various vehicles along the two mainland roads I built on, the place feels empty.

With this many people logged into SL at any one time, how come I never see anybody?

More than that, maybe I'm just weird for liking the idea of seeing what your neighbor built, chatting with them, trading ideas, etc, instead of ban lines and sky boxes to seclude you from your neighbors as much as possible?

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It can be quite frustrating having problems finding lands where people are actually active. Best thing is to scout around and buy land where you see "green dots" activity. That way you'll never be aloen and when you build something new curios peopel will come around and inspect it :) 

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I remember that vision. I had it once.    .....actual neighborhoods, people walking by. And in truth it exists just not gridwide. You see that (or at least I have) in rp neighborhoods or sometimes they're called "family rps".  For me personally I approached "all" of sl as an rp . In a way I still do.  Not so with a lot of people. And since they essesntially are using sl as a truely pimped out chat for their firstlife, you end up looking for "an rp inside of an rp" if your view was like mine.

Just info that might help.

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Some roleplay sims have very strong communities.

In 1920s Berlin we have such a community, over 60 tenants living in one single region, some have been living with us for over 2 years, people know each other, are worried when someone has been offline for a while, there is gossip, complaints about playing records late at night, etc.

And many of these people actually meet each other at the shops or our daily happy hour in the club.

Find a roleplay sim you like and you may get the community as a bonus.

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I would also say certain role play sims or themed sims. There are a lot of activities in role play sims that attract a regular crowds, the role play itself, tournaments, raids, lessons etc. But you can have moments too when you are walking trough deserted streets or an abandonned castle.


There's also more interaction in sims where all residents are the same kind of avatar, be it pirates, mermaids, fae or furries. Basically Second Life is like the big city where neighbours know very litle of each other and social contacts pass trough work and after-work activities.  

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