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linden labs and everyone need to read this.

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griefing is more dangerous than you think. if the lindens dont do something, one griefer can ruin SL and the business. if the griefing isnt stopped, just one griefer could end up crashing ever sim, thus renderig second life unable to work, and in turn the business is ruined. something needs to be done, now! we will not stand by while griefers try to ruin this gme, we need the linden labs to take action! im not being overly dramatic here either. everyone here has or has been griefed. the bronyville sim is a constant target. it is now high risk. how long till other sims follow it? i dont wish to find out. i ask, for the sake of everyone, that linden labs helps us, more so that usual, as it could also mean the game is on the line. i know its not the end of the world if this happens, but griefing can give rise to something worst. they could resort to hacking. please keep that from happening. i beg linden labs and everyone work to prevent griefing AND trolling. anything is possible, wether its good or bad. i wish not to take any risks. so with an end to what seems like a rant to me, PLEASE help us!

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If you see Abuse, Report it using the Help tab in SL.

There can be many reason why a Resident disturbs the peace. Sometimes, looking for the reason why can prevent future instances.

Not sure what the Lab will do but I can do my part. I agree, everyone should make an effort to prevent griefing.

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Avoiding a grief attack on login usually just takes logging in to a different location.  In fact, that's a skill useful for lots of problems people report here in the forums and I'm surprised how many don't realize they have that capability.  Guess they don't teach that one at boot camp anymore. :smileytongue:


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Yeah, I'm with Cerise.  You are being over dramatic.  Griefing is an issue that LL takes very serious and does take action.....one of the few things that they act on in a pretty quick way.  There used to be complete grid crashes due to griefers....the server code has pretty much made that ancient history (I haven't seen a grid crash due to griefing in 3 years or more).  LL relies on residents reporting griefing as the grid is a very big virtual space and they simply cannot "patrol" it to stop griefing (it would take one Linden on patrol in each and every sim 24/7 to even stand of chance of catching griefers).  The caveat is that the AR must be submitted for a ligitamate reason and include as much information as you can give........exaggerate your problem and your AR will go to the round file.


File an AR.  Have the other people on the sim that is being targeted file AR's.  LL will take care of it.  If it's a group of griefers or an individual that keeps returning as alts, then keep AR'ing.  It will stop at some point.  Ranting here and expecting a Linden to see your rant is not doing a thing for your problem. 

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Yes abuse report people, and the lindens do nothing about it.

My group must have at least 20 Abuse Reports put in about vehicles going around linden water and roads, crashing into our rentals, and chasing the people away from what is used to be a really relaxed and beautiful area to live in.

Contacting the creator, she claimed that was never contacted by the lindens, and couldnt be bother to put a exclusion list on her navigation system because there are just too many requests.

What do we do? Close down the rentals?

Abuse reports dont work, and in support they tell us that they cant help and we cant contact a linden direct anymore.

Anyway griefers are a pain, but the land tools help keep them away.

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few edits, my keyboard died on me a few times. one: i just realised how many times i lost the game making this. two: i left out trying in the part about being overly dramatic. *slaps keyboard* three: im actually paranoid about griefing and trolling. ive got some psychological issues so its possible that, like usual, i might have blown the griefer issue way out of proportion, though i accept opinions. though the griefer didnt just grief me, but a whole sim, using a script to make everyone in the sim crash repetitively. LL was notified, but usually griefers leave before they can be reported so im just asking the lindens constantly monitor high risk areas. that should keep a realitvely low number of griefers and trolls. i just dont want anyone else to fall victim thats all.

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Constant monitoring by LL is not only impractical it's very intimidating to people who just don't like being "monitored"............I'm one such person (and I'm no griefer).  Some of that discription you gave really doesn't qualify as griefing......intentionally crashing the sim is griefing (you can report the griefers even if they leave before you complete your AR.  Give all the information you can to LL in the report, times, how often, how many involved if you know.  LL has logs they can look at to get what really happened that might constitute a griefing incident).  The owner of your sim can ban the offenders.  If your owner thinks that's too much trouble then I think I would take that up with that owner...........maybe find a better, more quiet place to spend your time.

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Where is the griefing taking place? Mainland? Private estates? I had a grief attack several weeks ago at work and my boss  notfied the sim owner, which in turn notified LL. A Linden wa son the scene investigating the matter within 10 minutes.

When one of the SL restarts merged my kitchen table with my kitchen counter, leaving a huge phantom prim, I contacted the real estate agency, which in turn contacted LL. My friend said a Linden was on the scene several hours later.

It just seems weird there is that much griefing. Maybe people on that sim are doing things to cause griefers to attack (like they made the wrong person angry)?

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well the thing is we dont do anything. they pick on us because were bronies and they think its funny. they not griefing little girls, no, theyr griefing people of all ages. we never anger the wrong person. and thats our problem, they troll and grief our sim just because of our fandom and thats not right. weve tried and tried, but the griefers come back on alts. the lindens never IP block them.

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About all you can do is keep AR them.  I'm sorry this is happening to you.

Griefers and hackers and people like that I have no clue why they are like that?  My best guess is it's a type of very low self esteem or a type of destructive esteem.  In other words, they don't like themselves nor anyone else.  It's a terrible problem. 

I'd suggest getting an alt where u can live a little more peacefully.  Maybe u can think about my suggestion?  And once u have an alt that is living more peacefully, you can then decide what is a better SL for you. 

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IP blocking them wouldn't do any good anyways..they will just get another ip and be right back in there..

if the sim owner won't do anythign..i would move to a better sim..you are kind of SOL if  the one with all the power leaves you powerless..

griefers show up in the community i live in..it's play time..it goes out on the horn and everyone comes a runnin to get first dibs hehehe

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In your profile pic you've got one of those new popular my little pony avatars on.

I'd read those were made by 4Chan coming to SL and trying to enter legit business here.

Is that true? If so - the people who made your avatar might very well be behind the hassles you're facing.


- Correct or misinformed blogger?

 If those avatars have anything to do with 4Chan, I'd suggest getting something new. The Tiny community has lots of cute little critter avatars, and are famous for being low drama. About half the Lindens are Tinies... so I think any griefer going after Tinies would face a sudden strong response.



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The one time a sim I owned was subject to repetitive grieifing -- someone had been banned from a club there, and retaliated by crashing the sim several times a day -- LL were very quick to send Spike Linden (who was one of the best Concierege Lindens, to my mind) over when I complained to Concierge Support about repeated crashes (I didn't even realise it was a griefer at the time).   Spike spent about an hour there with me and the club owner,  investigating the matter, and then announced he knew who the culprit seemed to be and how he was was doing it, and that we shouldn't have any more problems.   

We didn't.

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In the "old days" griefers routinely took the whole of Secondlife down...yet the business, it is not ruined. 

 LL probably do not IP block people often, if at all.  I certainly hope they don't do this routinely.  The reason for this is that it can cause whole countries to be blocked from accessing Secondlife if barely half a dozen people from that region misbehave, and there is no certainty that the person it is intended to block will actually be blocked at all.  They may have spoofed their IP address, or they may have a dynamic IP (most griefers will actually spoof their IP if they intend to have a long career).

LL are more likely to ban by MAC, but even this can be spoofed.




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im just asking the lindens to monitor the high risk sims to ban griefers. i think us bronies can handle trolls, its just a griefer issue.

trolls: we bronies love and tolerate em till they flee. doesnt work with griefers so we need help there, the mods and the sim owner are rying their best but the griefers keep coming, though i appreciate the occasional long lulls.

the animation based crashin item, though, drew the line. the lindens have been notified, and i hope they delete any item of that type.

btw: is there a way to mod our bot to where it auto ejects griefers, not everyone who rezzez items? that or notify if someone is griefing?

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you dont get it. griefers target us and most think its our fandom. our sim is relatively young. us bronies are just a fan group, the nicest community youll come by so far that involves a cartoon, or atleast the nicest community i know. but i doubt were the only high risk sim. thats why i wish to ask linden labs look after the higk risk areas and let the low risk areas be. they dont have to notify the sim residents that theyr being monitored. i just want the griefing to end. its tiring, old, and basically being overkilled, and its annoying (ulness you trap the griefer with the griefing object in a hollow ball, then its funny to watch them grief themselves to an extent.) as well as too common. minecraft is good about getting rid of griefers and i wish second life to be the same way, if not IP ban then respond to every abuse report.


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You have made a timely and good post.  It is therefore all the more disappointing at some of the negative replies you have received from some who should know better.    You are not being dramatic whatsoever.   The people who foolishly say so appear to have forgotten what it is like to be new to SL, and not longterm shills who know all the answers or - in this case - shrug and say 'nothing we can do, those griefers got us over a barrel'..  

 Griefing is still a very large problem for SL and LL.  I know of two people recently trying to join SL who were totally stunned when the welcome island area they emerged to was full of grief prims and naughty boys, and not a Linden in sight.  Needless to say, they left never to return.

Perhaps LL should reinstate Zfire Xue and get him to find a solution? :matte-motes-evil:

Sims may no longer crash (wow. progress, huh? They should never have been vulnerable in the first place) but griefing is annoying at best and game destroying at worst.

 Welcome areas and safe hubs should be high up the priority list for protection, as it only takes a few minutes to lose a customer.  LL's 'laissez faire' attitude to it's customers notwithstanding.

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Thank God for this humane response.


Griefing is why LL's idea of making SL a business or educational platform is doomed. I run a weekly event and it has been griefed for the last three weeks by graphics card crashers and other exploits. It is not fun. If I were part of a University trying to run classes, this would have put an end to it. LL needs to be much more proactive to end this stuff. They could do more — they seem to do nothing. 


And yes AR reports have been filed each week.

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