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How does a stalker constantly find out where I live in sl and sneaks in to take personal pics?

Hepzibah Ellsmere

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Hi everyone. I have this long standing feud with someone in sl. I live on a private island which i keep very secret. But somehow this person manages to find out where it is, sneaks in to watch me and take personal pics of me which she then splashes on her profile. I have recently moved again for the third time. And just yesterday got a message that they are gonna find me no matter where i run to. I just wonder does anyone know how this is possible...or is there a way of hiding ur location in sl from stalkers. Thank you.


Thanks you guys. Ive tried all those things. The very last incident...I was in my skybox at about 3000+ height. The avi, obviously an alt, landed and within 5 mins had a pic of me and sent it to me. I know it was an alt cos it had been created just that day. I do suspect that someone I trusted may have leaked the location to her. So I'm taking extra care in this new place I got and ensuring no one but my baby knows where it is. Although I have received an Im from someone saying they were gonna find me anyway that it was so easy to do. We will see.

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Check out your friends.  If you have told someone where you live and they also know this person, they may be conveying information.  Worse, they may be an alt of this 'stalker'.  So, consider your friends list carefully.

Also, do not make it possible for friends to locate you on the grid map.

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A secret known by more than one person is not a secret.  The only way to hide is not to tell anyone where you are.  Even then, a determined detective will wait for the one time when you make a mistake and reveal your position.  If you want the ultimate in protection, buy a private sim and do not allow anyone to TP in.  I know a few people who have made that decision.  It works.

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If you really want to know who isleaking, get another (small) location and tell one by one your friends who you usaully tell where your "new" location is.  Maybe a friend owns a club or land and you get a skybox above them. Then when the alt comes, you know who it was and can mute them as well.

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This is from 2011, but did you find out how did this person knew?

I opened a thread with the same problem, and today, he found my new location using a noob account.

I told no one where I live, so I guess there's a way to find objects "by avatars" across the grid, cause I'm wearing nothing anyone gifted me, I was just making stuff for my store and he popped up.

I guess is an ex, as he pops up, checks who I am with, and leaves.


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Unless you were making stuff while standing in land where you have been before -- and it was therefore a known location -- the only remaining possibility is that you have a tracker of some kind in something you are wearing. If I were creating something like that, I would put a script in a child prim of something complex, like hair or jewelry, where it would be difficult to find under normal circumstances, and I would bury the tiny transparent child prim inside another prim or move it far enough away that it would not attract attention.

BTW, don't expect any response from the OP in a seven-year-old thread. The only people likely to respond here are those who have already responded to your previous thread.  ;)

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Here is a different approach.

While I don't know of any devices or exploits (other than a tracker on your person or on your land) or RLV, that will let a person know your location, let us assume there is one.  You can still keep your stalker from taking pictures of you.

1.  Make sure the stalker is banned from your land parcel.  To prevent alts from invading, set the parcel to only allow access to group members, then only invite known and trusted friends to your group.

2.  Also make sure that you have a security orb in your skybox, and that only known and trusted friends are on its "allowed" list.  Set the area of effect to cover your entire parcel.

3. The above steps should make sure that the stalker cannot actually come onto your parcel.  Now, the next part is important:  In About Land/Options, UNcheck the box that says "avatars on other parcels can see/hear avatars on this parcel."

A stalker can still know you are home, and see you as a dot on his map, but he will not be able to see you visually or take your picture.

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7 hours ago, TEMPTATlON said:

I told no one where I live, so I guess there's a way to find objects "by avatars" across the grid, cause I'm wearing nothing anyone gifted me, I was just making stuff for my store and he popped up.

I am actually quite interested in to how they are finding you.

Do you rent from the same company you did when you were with the EX? Most rental systems do leak the name of the tenant. Anshe especially with that huge sky playform full of rental boxes, each with a name in hovertext above it.

It wouldn't be so hard to go to each of the major player's rental box places and search for your name, that trivially giving the region.

Solution: Move to a new place, but use a newly created alt to rent it. Then assign yourself as a tenant. You don't show up then.

Edited by Callum Meriman
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I would never rent/buy where we used to live.

He found me in 4 different estates.


So there's an efficient way to find people.

He comes close, I guess he maps/uses the radar, and leaves as soon as he can.

I missed the report to be sent 2 times, as I cant send pictures of someone who is there just a minute and leaves.

Its like a "light" way of huge harassment.

Read about the Dj's and media leaks. My media is turned off.

Im not wearing hidden scripts.

There's another way and its awful.

Tried to open a case but clearly says you need to report inworld, sending the picture for harassment.

Seems I'll need to get used to this until he gets bored. Hopefully soon.


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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Idea: change your settings for ALL your friends to “not show online status”, etc. Then you can decide when to initiate contact with your friends but they (and maybe one of them is your stalker’s alt) can’t find you / know you are logged in unless you wish.

Well anyone that know any of the groups you are in can still likely find if you are online or a new alt could simply type "hi" in an IM and if they don't get a "message will be saved" message, they know you are online.  


Along with Lindal's very good suggestions, if it was ME and I REALLY was concerned, I would move to a small new parcel, tell all your friends you will be incommunicado for a few days and hide out to see if your stalker STILL finds you. 

When testing, it is always good to eliminate things until you get down to a very short list. 

Since there IS the ability built into viewers for friends to see where you are, it doesn't seem like a huge stretch that a hacker could adjust a viewer or make an ap so that NON-friends, without the OK to show you on their maps could be able to find you.  It certainly seems easier than breaking into fortune five hundred companies -- and THAT happens. If that is the case, you are pretty much stuck. 


You COULD go around invisible LOL as a frustration for your stalker. Or retired you avatar for awhile until they get bored and stop looking for you.   There really are no great alternatives. 


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20 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

it doesn't seem like a huge stretch that a hacker could adjust a viewer or make an ap so that NON-friends, without the OK to show you on their maps could be able to find you. 

Most stalkers probably aren't technologically savvy and are using some other tactic.

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14 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Here is a different approach.

While I don't know of any devices or exploits (other than a tracker on your person or on your land) or RLV, that will let a person know your location, let us assume there is one.  You can still keep your stalker from taking pictures of you.

1.  Make sure the stalker is banned from your land parcel.  To prevent alts from invading, set the parcel to only allow access to group members, then only invite known and trusted friends to your group.

2.  Also make sure that you have a security orb in your skybox, and that only known and trusted friends are on its "allowed" list.  Set the area of effect to cover your entire parcel.

3. The above steps should make sure that the stalker cannot actually come onto your parcel.  Now, the next part is important:  In About Land/Options, UNcheck the box that says "avatars on other parcels can see/hear avatars on this parcel."

A stalker can still know you are home, and see you as a dot on his map, but he will not be able to see you visually or take your picture.

This works - EXCEPT you have to do it right:

Even if you have ban lines up and avatars outside parcel are not visible: ban lines only go up to about 60 or 70 meters. Once that high anyone can hover over your land. Once hovering over your land they can now see all avatars inside the land. THUS: set security Orb to be at 50 meters high and the range of 1K meters above and below. That is the only way to have "proper" security on your land.

As for OP Question: The one thing everyone forgets about is CALLING CARDS.

I do not need a tracker for you. At least not if I have your calling card: I will always know when you are online and I don't have to chat you and it doesn't matter if you are hidden away in your preferences.

And calling cards can be shared with *anyone* - they always are full permissions. There are many so-called "hacks" for SL, but they aren't hacks, they are left-over features from 2005-2006 that still work as designed and intended. Calling Card abilities is one of them.

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Calling cards give you the profile, you can open the profile of the person and read it..you also have access to their unique avatar ID number, and I guess a hacker or someone who really wants to find you can after that.  Your calling card is given them when you become friends. And, it stays on the calling card list after you unfriend them like theirs will stay in yours. I am sorry that you are having this issue.. I hope it clears up for you! 


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The calling card information isn't all that significant, generally. Clicking on it will open your profile, which you can of course get to in Search too.  The important information that a stalker might want is in your feed and in the picks in your profile.  A clever person might mine those for clues to who your friends are, what places you frequent, what display names you have used in the past, who you have partnered with.....  The calling card will not, in itself, tell anyone whether you are on line at the moment, but that information is quite easy to get in other ways. It also will not tell anyone where you are, except to the extent that someone might follow those clues I mentioned. 

It is worth remembering, though, that anyone who ever collected a calling card from you will still have it.  They are really hard to get rid of.

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