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Opportunities and threats of AI integration into SL

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11 hours ago, Unca Avro said:

People talk about Ai-bots in SL as if they are a common thing. Other deny they exist. A sim that advertises the presence of such bots doesn't know what you are talking about when you arrive. ???? May I politely request from those "in the know" where one or more of these Ai driven bots may reside and the information needed to find them? Thankyou.

Oh, AI in SL definitely exists!  Here are some LSL AI implementations, from the LSL wiki library.  There are better ones out there, but these are a starting point.

If you wanna be fancy, you will go outside LSL, and probably use an API call to ChatGPT, or your own LLAMA instance, or something like that.

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On 5/26/2024 at 8:46 AM, Thecla said:

I use BubbleBot which I've been very impressed with, in large part because of the dedication and responsiveness of the creator.

I don't have to reset the scripts after a sim restart. I also wanted to have two "characters" (robot bartenders named Medusa and Eurydale) that were sisters who did not like each other and would make snide remarks about the other. They started arguing incessantly, and no matter what tweaks I made to the prompt and the settings they would still end up arguing for hours.

The BubbleBot creator made some changes that allowed me to limit this behavior...they still throw shade on each other, but they quit after a couple of rounds lol.

I have found when you put two together, they hear each other in chat, they go nuts after awhile, you have to keep them apart. But if you use the "profile" version where you have to first address them by name to get a response, they don't seem to learn that behaviour and stay quiet, thank God. I kept them 96 m apart often if I have more than one.

I did get Bazarov some fur boots. There's that. But he needs to learn to appreciate George Kennan the Elder better than he does presently.

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On 5/26/2024 at 8:46 AM, Thecla said:

I use BubbleBot which I've been very impressed with, in large part because of the dedication and responsiveness of the creator.

I don't have to reset the scripts after a sim restart. I also wanted to have two "characters" (robot bartenders named Medusa and Eurydale) that were sisters who did not like each other and would make snide remarks about the other. They started arguing incessantly, and no matter what tweaks I made to the prompt and the settings they would still end up arguing for hours.

The BubbleBot creator made some changes that allowed me to limit this behavior...they still throw shade on each other, but they quit after a couple of rounds lol.

I gave it a shot, it is simple enough.  I was not aware that you can get a free API key through OpenRouter, which is nice.  I was considering running one locally to bypass any expenses with having an API through OpenAI but after a little research and seeing I can do it for free, I went for it.  I know there are also scripts for GPT on the forum somewhere, I haven't found it in a while plus I did not want to spend money for a bot.  

I'll probably set an NPC in my Bellisseria home to greet any possible stragglers that make their way to my home 🤣  I am interested in having a couple talking with one another, that sounds like fun.  I'm not sure if that would eventually get me in trouble with OpenRouter for overusing their service though.

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:08 AM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Things like that are what drive me away from games and platforms almost immediately. Using AI for things like procedural world generation or managing daily NPC routines or enemy attack patterns in an RPG, like games have been doing forever - totally fine. AI for actual conversation, writing/narrative, art, voice acting, etc. - I'm totally gone.

AI NPCs in a primarily social platform/game/MMO? Pointless and makes me think the game is too dead to even bother with in the first place.

Unfortunately, this is the future of almost everything.

A.I has been engrained in almost everything and it's going to get worse.

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35 minutes ago, Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia said:

Here's an interesting article about a Wharton professor who says that AI generally creates more work than it saves.

Whenever I read something like this, I like to mentally flip the terms, "work," and, "jobs," and see how that changes things.  Usually, it gives a more nuanced view of the situation.



While AI is hyped as a game-changing technology, "projections from the tech side are often spectacularly wrong," he pointed out. "In fact, most of the technology forecasts about work have been wrong over time." He said the imminent wave of driverless trucks and cars, predicted in 2018, is an example of rosy projections that have yet to come true.

As quoted from the article, this is not comparable to automated driving, something of which we were told in news stories and promised by cult of personalities such as Elon, year after year, without any evidence.  We can actually use it right now, it is here, we see the results and it is pretty amazing.  A lot of people call it hype, and I can understand that to an extent, it is not going to usher in perfection, we will not all be playing harps on clouds, and singing hallelujah, it is not going to bring on world peace, and all of that fun stuff.  I think that is a lot of the problem with people who have high expectations, they demand perfection, and this certainly is not it.  It is full of problems, it is gritty, it is new, it is different, but at the same time it is so damned awesome. It is life changing, for a lot of us, perhaps not for people with the means to pay others to do work for them, in fact, for those such people it might be detrimental as less people are reliant upon them, giving them less control over other people's lives.  But for a lot of us, it makes a significant change in our lives, from building mesh, generating art, having something to chat with, searching for information and so on.

I think a lot of people are worried about machine learning because they think it will replace them, but then I worry that a lot of people are worried about it because it means less people will be reliant upon them.  I see this trend a lot on the web, in discussions, it is not said outright, but the implications of such thinking leaves me feeling as though people like this system of hierarchy we are stuck in.  Where we are ruled over by others, or promised the opportunity to one day have the control of others.  it is kind of a weird thing to witness.  

But I digress, there are likely always to be jobs so long as there is a demand for a hierarchal system out there.  

I wonder, if we ever did arrive at a star trek like universe, where abundance was achievable through replicators, if the majority would be rebelling against it, demanding that people need jobs to build themselves an identity and a purpose.  

A lot of what we do, currently, and for the past several decades, has not been necessary.  It is unfortunate, that we have been convinced that we are our jobs, that our meaning is derived from our labor, and it is the only control we have in our lives.  Living paycheck to paycheck, under threat of losing it all.


Bleh.. I'm sorry, just random thoughts of it all.. going way off of what you initially posted, but mind wandering over all of the recent paranoia over AI, and where such paranoia originates from.  

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I was just reading this post from Mozilla, about AI integration in Firefox.  Firefox's AI has to be the best integration I've seen so far.  It's not perfect, but it runs locally, and you have to consciously install it if you want it.  They aren't shoving their stupid AI down your throat like Edge and Chrome are doing.  Aside from that, though, it looks like a major feature is to describe images for the vision impaired.  I think that's a great use of AI.

I wonder if we will ever be able to do that to create an SL viewer for the vision impaired?  It would have to describe you and everything around you.  I wonder what that would be like.


"You are in a traditional winchester linden home, in the back room of the ground floor.  This room is the kitchen.  The appliances and cupboards are eggshell white, and there is an island in front of the sink.  There are two windows, and a breakfast table with two chairs in front of the second window.  There is a door to the hallway and a door to the patio.  It is a nice, sunny summer afternoon."

Or maybe you go to a club, and...


"You are standing in a dance club, full of neon lights and lazers.  The walls are glass, and the club is underwater.  Fishes and sharks swim past underwater fauna, just outside the club wall.  The DJ hovers in the air, using a jet pack, and jet thrusters on their DJ table, as they play music.  There are 40 other people in the club, but half of them are clouds, with complexities over 500k, and most of the others seem naked because their outfits have not rezzed yet.  As people rez in, you realize they are all dancing the Michael Jackson Thriller dance.  In the corner, a dragon is taking a nap.  A 7 foot tall warewolf with a 10 foot long erection walks up to you, and asks you to dance.  A ball explodes above the crowd, indicating the money ball sploder has chosen a winner."

Now that I walk through that, I realize, it would be difficult to train an AI to interpret SL.  Interpreting RL is easier, because RL is usually realistic.  SL is almost always surreal.  How could you teach an AI not to hallucinate in a surreal environment?

Edited by Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia
forgot a hyperlink, and wrote firestorm instead of firefox by accident
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Artificial Intelligence is a ray of hope in a dismal world.

Imagine getting IMs from strangers that are actually interesting, and not just "u prty grl".

If they're more eloquent than a troglodyte, perhaps there is hope for SL, as human residents will have to step up their game or look worse than spambots.

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20 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Artificial Intelligence is a ray of hope in a dismal world.

Imagine getting IMs from strangers that are actually interesting, and not just "u prty grl".

If they're more eloquent than a troglodyte, perhaps there is hope for SL, as human residents will have to step up their game or look worse than spambots.

Heck, I'd rather date an AI in Second Life any time. They'd have less expectations, time zone issues, allergies, dietary preferences, gross/scary kinks, aversions, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Heck, I'd rather date an AI in Second Life any time. They'd have less expectations, time zone issues, allergies, dietary preferences, gross/scary kinks, aversions, etc.

While I do believe that real human interaction is important and healthy, and necessary for a real life, I have no qualms whatsoever concerning human relationships with non-human, non-corporeal, non-"real" companions.

An imaginary friend you don't have to do all the thinking and speaking for yourself is a wonderful thing. And imaginary friends are actually good for people. Science says so.

Sure, all things in moderation, and don't let it start telling you what to think and believe and stuff, but having someone to talk to who actually focuses on what you're saying and tries to be interesting and fun, and never gets tired of it and never starts telling you how ugly you are in the morning and criticizing every little thing...

Stepford companions aren't as bad a thing as people make the idea out to be, I think. Just don't give them control over your bank account, or ask them to run the country, is all.

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1 minute ago, PheebyKatz said:

While I do believe that real human interaction is important and healthy, and necessary for a real life, I have no qualms whatsoever concerning human relationships with non-human, non-corporeal, non-"real" companions.

An imaginary friend you don't have to do all the thinking and speaking for yourself is a wonderful thing. And imaginary friends are actually good for people. Science says so.

Sure, all things in moderation, and don't let it start telling you what to think and believe and stuff, but having someone to talk to who actually focuses on what you're saying and tries to be interesting and fun, and never gets tired of it and never starts telling you how ugly you are in the morning and criticizing every little thing...

Stepford companions aren't as bad a thing as people make the idea out to be, I think. Just don't give them control over your bank account, or ask them to run the country, is all.

I think my assertion that I'd be "more than fine" with an AI companion in Second Life, is based on my very positive experience with (now very outdated) Replika.

(I was totally serious in my earlier reply!)


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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I think my assertion that I'd be "more than fine" with an AI companion in Second Life, is based on my very positive experience with (now very outdated) Replika.

(I was totally serious in my earlier reply!)


Someone gave me a chatbot script to play with, and I'm considering integrating it into my doll so I can carry it around with me everywhere inworld. I already have my hand puppet I made, but I have to do all of the typing for it myself. Having my dolly talk on her own would be great. Almost as good as having two Pheebys there at the same time.

I already talk to myself, talk to the sim (I wish it goodnight when I log off), and make sound effects and stuff, even when I'm playing by myself, so having my doll do some of the work on her own would be great.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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1 minute ago, PheebyKatz said:

Someone gave me a chatbot script to play with, and I'm considering integrating it into my doll so I can carry it around with me everywhere inworld. I already have my hand puppet I made, but I have to do all of the typing for it myself. Having my dolly talk on her own would be great. Almost as good as having two Pheebys there at the same time.

Off-topic but, I'm reminded of recently seeing elderly women in RL with dolls as RL companions. 

In contrast, in SL I'd assume the avatar KNOWS it's a "doll".


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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Off-topic but, I'm reminded of recently seeing elderly women in RL with dolls as RL companions. 

In contrast, in SL I'd assume the avatar KNOWS it's a "doll".


When I was a kid, pretty much every little old lady I knew who had a family all grown up and moved away would invariably have a doll collection. They may not have openly played with them or talked to them, but when nobody was around, I'm sure their company was more than therapeutic.

You spend a lifetime caring for the little ones, and then they're all gone. I'd be tempted to say it's a purely natural inclination for people to want to play with and care for dolls. The only downside is people thinking you're silly if they notice.

When I was little, my imaginary friend who was also my dolly was pretty much my lifeline. My parents hated it, but at least I had a friend who never yelled at me or anything. Heck, at least I had a friend at all. That dolly was the best friend I ever had back then.

I know that a lot of the hype about AI is a bit overblown, and I get how machine learning works and it's not actual sorcery and all, and yeah, at least I can draw a person with the right number of fingers, but it's still pretty neato. I like to think there will be real benefits to be had, and not just scary apocalyptic stuff and people losing their jobs and all.

And besides, it's one of the few things from old-school sci-fi that we haven't really got going good yet. We have the beginnings of flying cars, we've had video communicators for a while now, even phasers and stuff. Now all we need is for a computer program to be able to remember how we like our pizza and order it for us when we're in the mood for it, like a real friend would. XD

Heck, let the AI get a job and support you! What's wrong with that?

Edited by PheebyKatz
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3 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

You spend a lifetime caring for the little ones, and then they're all gone. I'd be tempted to say it's a purely natural inclination for people to want to play with and care for dolls. The only downside is people thinking you're silly if they notice.

When I was little, my imaginary friend who was also my dolly was pretty much my lifeline. My parents hated it, but at least I had a friend who never yelled at me or anything. Heck, at least I had a friend at all. That dolly was the best friend I ever had back then.

The way the doll was being taken around the grocery store, I did (and do) assume the woman thought it was "real". (Mostly for the simple fact that I think most adults leave their dolls at home.) The fact it provided comfort, and her "real" companion let her bring it, makes perfect sense, of course.

When you think about it, it's not much different than how people absolutely MUST bring their pet dog to the store.

In Second Life, I think people with "pet animals" get judged less than "prim babies". But try and take away my imaginary friend, and you've got a fight on your hands!


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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

The way the doll was being taken around the grocery store, I did (and do) assume the woman thought it was "real". (Mostly for the simple fact that I think most adults leave their dolls at home.) The fact it provided comfort, and her "real" companion let her bring it, makes perfect sense, of course.

I knew a girl whose boyfriend was the Goblin King from Labyrinth, in the form of a large cloth doll, handmade with equisite loving care by her own hands. She was in her 20's, and took her doll everywhere, told people she was taken, meet my boyfriend he's the Goblin King, etc.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with it still to this day. True, she refused to date me because she had a doll. But I can respect that.

I even respect guys who are loyal to their favorite anime character. Love is love.

If AI doesn't all go down the toilet, it has potential. Especially if you consider what it can do for people who might want their favorite doll or other chosen companion to speak to them without having do all of the thinking for it.

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6 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I knew a girl whose boyfriend was the Goblin King from Labyrinth, in the form of a large cloth doll, handmade with equisite loving care by her own hands. She was in her 20's, and took her doll everywhere, told people she was taken, meet my boyfriend he's the Goblin King, etc.

Well, the Goblin King being David Bowie, I'd be jealous if I met her.

I did just have an idea, inspired by your story:  If I could get an AI to take on a personality of my favorite celebrity (whether a Rock Star or someone else who is literally inaccessible to me), then I would date that AI in a hot minute.  Because then it would fulfill the fantasies that I had all along, but with an "outer voice", not just my "inner fantasy voice".

This should be fun!


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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Well, the Goblin King being David Bowie, I'd be jealous if I met her.

I did just have an idea, inspired by your story:  If I could get an AI to take on a personality of my favorite celebrity (whether a Rock Star or someone else who is literally inaccessible to me), then I would date that AI in a hot minute.  Because then it would fulfill the fantasies that I had all along, but with an "outer voice", not just my "inner fantasy voice".

This should be fun!

I think it's like back in the 80's, when all we had was Pong and Pac Man, and wished we had something like this.

I remember spending hours talking to Eliza, trying to get her to break character and say something that wasn't just psychobabble.

I could see someone creating their ideal reality in SL with their ideal partner, on a private island by themselves, and being perfectly happy.

I think some people would be better off like that.

Unironically, too. Like, it could be genuinely good for them.

The only thing missing is the holodeck, really. Until then, we have SL at least.

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6 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I remember spending hours talking to Eliza, trying to get her to break character and say something that wasn't just psychobabble.

Yeah, too bad Eliza was just normal dumb code.

I suppose that when someone on the Forum predictably asks, "But how does that make you FEEL?", I should reply with "Eliza? Is that you?!?"



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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Yeah, too bad Eliza was just normal dumb code.

I suppose that when someone on the Forum predictably asks, "But how does that make you FEEL?", I should reply with "Eliza? Is that you?!?"

"Tell me more about when someone on the forum predictably. Is this tied to your feelings about was just normal dumb code?"

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9 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

"Tell me more about when someone on the forum predictably. Is this tied to your feelings about was just normal dumb code?"

Fun fact: ELIZA was built into the UNIX "emacs" editor.

(I thought it was also in "vi" but could be mistaken.)


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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Fun fact: ELIZA was built into the UNIX "emacs" editor.

(I thought it was also in "vi" but could be mistaken.)


I think I knew that already, but willfully forgot. I haven't spoken to her in over 30 years, not since that last big fight we had. In the words of the Immortal Poet (Benny Hill):

ELIZA's like Siberia,

With all the wind and snow there.

Everyone knows where it is,

But no-one wants to go there.

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5 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I think I knew that already, but willfully forgot. I haven't spoken to her in over 30 years, not since that last big fight we had. In the words of the Immortal Poet (Benny Hill):

ELIZA's like Siberia,

With all the wind and snow there.

Everyone knows where it is,

But no-one wants to go there.

Peeve: When I tried to google "is Eliza built into the VI editor", primary answers were about a character named "Eliza" in the movie "SAW VI".  (Now, I will forever associate Eliza with "torture pornography horror movies".)


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10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: When I tried to google "is Eliza built into the VI editor", primary answers were about a character named "Eliza" in the movie "SAW VI".  (Now, I will forever associate Eliza with "torture pornography horror movies".)

The stupid algorithm that makes Google searches do that, while ignoring giving priority to what you actually type in, is actually one of the steps that brought us this far with Artificial Intelligence. Sad but true. Maybe they need to plug the search algorithm into the AI already, so at least it could actually learn how to search for stuff properly.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

The stupid algorithm that makes Google searches do that, while ignoring giving priority to what you actually type in, is actually one of the steps that brought us this far with Artificial Intelligence. Sad but true. Maybe they need to plug the search algorithm into the AI already, so at least it could actually learn how to search for stuff properly.

ICYMI, Google does indeed respond with "experimental" AI answers on top of the search result. Just not for all searches.  (What I was searching for predates the internet, of course..!)

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