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What's the creepiest experience you've ever had in Second Life?

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4 minutes ago, Thecla said:

Way back when I was deeply immersed in Gor, in it's reputable hayday, I had a very successful store that paid for multiple sims and all that I wanted to buy in SL. I ran a well regarded roleplay group and was an active member of the community on many levels.

I had a stalker. I rebuffed them. And then the trouble started. They copybotted my avatar and all the products in my store, and ran around Gor maintaining that they were in fact me, and that I had stolen their identity. They taunted me with screenshots of reports to LL, of conversations with friends and acquaintances, etc.This was rather stupid, since all one needed to do was look at the creation date of my products and blam, truth laid bare, but it took me awhile to clean up and it was not fun. The amount of chaos and anxiety it caused me and the community, given the tenacity and ferocity of their tactics and stamina on the issue, was pretty intense.

They finally went away. Hopefully they found a good therapist.

Sorry to hear that, it happens to many people. Some people play for keeps these days. One misunderstanding can lead to months even years of stalking on social media and other platforms.

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Not creepy but you did say 'unnerving' and this still unnerves me. When I first came back and began exploring the NSFW side of SL I hooked up with a woman and did things. Then I had to go and she positively begged for me to stay. No, it's not because I'm the shiznit or something it was because she was alone and miserable. This was about 14 years ago so I don't remember what she specifically said but I do remember my heart breaking for her when I logged off.

I've had a lot of weirdness since then, dolcett, whatever -I'm from the internet, it doesn't phase me.  But for some reason knowing I was leaving someone alone who was in a ton of pain and misery who I just met hooking up with...that hit me in a lot of ways, and that's probably the most unsettled I've been in this game.

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Most creepy was the guy who was attracted to my avatar & presumed to tell me that Persephone symbolizes the perpetual virgin. Then he gave me a folder full of skins, a shape, clothes & make-up that he thought were attractive. We had some interesting conversations, but I kept feeling like he was obsessed with a view of Persephone that is not me. Then the one time I agreed to SLsex with him, he changed in mid act into a werewolf with 2 pen!ses. I laughed, teleported away, unfriended & blocked him.

Another guy who was creepy usually wore a snake avatar. Since I first met him in an Adult sim, I thought that was clever. He turned out to just be weird & possibly a Satanist or Luciferian. I unfriended and blocked him.

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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Most creepy was the guy who was attracted to my avatar & presumed to tell me that Persephone symbolizes the perpetual virgin. Then he gave me a folder full of skins, a shape, clothes & make-up that he thought were attractive. We had some interesting conversations, but I kept feeling like he was obsessed with a view of Persephone that is not me. Then the one time I agreed to SLsex with him, he changed in mid act into a werewolf with 2 pen!ses. I laughed, teleported away, unfriended & blocked him.

Another guy who was creepy usually wore a snake avatar. Since I first met him in an Adult sim, I thought that was clever. He turned out to just be weird & possibly a Satanist or Luciferian. I unfriended and blocked him.

You too, eh? I had a similar experience many, many years ago. Though I'm thankful to say I never visited this particular bloke's boudoir. Though he was interested. I, however, was not. He'd always IM at odd times. And finally, he gave me shapes, skins and felt that was, in his eyes, what I was supposed to be to him. He was also unfriended and blocked.

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On 5/21/2024 at 8:24 AM, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Don't share your creepiest experiences here. You might just inspire more creeps.

My creepiest experience in SL was that someone gave me all their money.

Mine too, but it was only a while later. It went from weird to creepy when I finally realized she most likely did it because she knew she was about to die in RL. 😿

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ive had multiple instances of horny dudes or other-wise weird ppl bombarding me while in my home. mostly happened in non-linden homes. still did happen once in the linden home. i recently switched back to mainland, but i'm in a skybox. i'd be very surprised if i dealt with that up here, that'd take determination XD

the weirdest case i can remember was i was working on Goromi avatar and i noticed this guy in a starter avatar staring through the window at me. i asked him what he was doing. i cant remember his response, but he stayed outside my windows for a little longer before leaving. it was awkward. that rental i was in couldn't use security orbs. orbs can be a nuisances to set up but after several creepy encounters, the security orb will stay.


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The guy who was trying to hit on me, who made a ***** joke about my dog. That was pretty far up there as far as creepy goes. Guys who choose the middle of roleplay to introduce some repulsive fetish, also high on the list. All of the guys who IMed me with explicit messages when I had my store next door to a sex club and was just trying to work, they were creepy.

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4 hours ago, usedcars said:

not sure what is was called.   was it a STD Hud  in SL?   i swear there was one.  it was weird

You don't mean those vampire HUDs? 🐈‍⬛

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  • As a noobie, I had the same experience as @Garnet Psaltery of some random fellow jumping on me and starting to hump me while saying obscene things. I didn't react as calmly.
  • Dolcett sims.
  • One sim where you could hang yourself, or be hung by others.
  • One guy talked his girlfriends into being "beheaded" and their heads mounted on his wall. Their avatars were still logged in, and would stay so for days or weeks.
  • The avatars who let themselves be horribly mutilated and chained up in a filthy bathroom. For months at a time.
  • The "objectification" sim where people became statues or objects. They would stay logged in. The idea was to compete for who could rack up the longest time without responding to anyone.
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years ago I used to hang out at a biker venue where I had a few friends, there was a guy who was kinda pursuing me, even though it was well known that he was married in RL, to a lovely looking woman.  I kept him at arm's length, not wanting to cause any bad feeling at the venue. There was an occasion where he was getting quite .. dunno, is emo the word I am looking for? sorry for himself and hoping I would fall for that.. he then accused me of having an alt who was leading him on.. he kept saying you already have a 2nd life, why do you need a 3rd.  he was adamant that I was doing this to needle him.  I wasn't. I don't use alts and I don't behave in the way he said I was. He also told everyone else his made up version of what I was supposedly doing. he was so serious about it that I began to wonder if there was someone else out there pretending to be an alt of me.. or was there someone who thought it was funny to do so and cause stress for two other people. I wondered if it was one of our mutual friends.. at the time there was a nice friendly community at the biker bar  including both males and females. The idea that it might have been someone I knew doing this kinda got to me and yes it did creep me out. never did find out but I do have a suspicion about one person.

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People trying to get me into "adult" roleplay when I'm a SL kid..


I explained, I became a SL kid because I really got tired of all the people hitting me up for slex. I let them I'm asexual to which they asked, "So when you touch yourself....down there what do you feel?"


Ew, ew, ew, ew.

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I had a situation that was a bit opposite of what people think of when they think of children in sexual situations on SL. I was using a female avatar at the time, and I was part of the airplane passenger group, and had responded to a call to ride a plane. One of the other passengers was a young boy. He began telling me that his Mother had put him on the plane, to go stay with his aunt for a while. It seemed perfectly innocent role play and I went along. When the plane landed he told me his aunt was running late and asked if I could watch him. So that seemed fine I'll watch him. There was a beach nearby and he said we could wait there for his aunt. Ok let the kid play in the sand till his aunt arrives. When we get to the beach the little pervert starts to hit on me. At that I TPed out.

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I think the creepiest experience I've run across was creepy because it was so inappropriate for the surroundings. I mean, I've seen and done some weird stuff in SL. But generally I knew what I was getting myself into. This was just....whiskey tango foxtrot. So, I was at a Shop 'n' Hop event, it was one of the last days of it so there were barely any people there. Making one last trip through the regions to see if there was anything I needed (wanted). Stopped in front of a store display, and there's a family near me chatting in local. Mom, Dad, kid in stroller. The kid starts loudly telling mom to remove some clothing so he can have an all-natural snack. (I cleaned up the language there). Then once he got started, there was a lot of moaning from the mom. That's it, end of my shopping trip. I was out of there quick.

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Came across someone who claimed to be (and then legitimately proved) they were a US secret service agent who was researching the potential uses of social media sites and games being used as platforms for the sale and money laundering related to counterfeit merchandise irl. And they mentioned that it’s not uncommon at all for platforms like this to be used for all kinds of illegal trade, and for members of assorted government agencies to regularly scout around ingame looking for potential ways the platform could be used illicitly like that.

Kinda weird to think not only is it reasonable to do so, but probably done quite often, that any game with a virtual currency that holds an IRL value is perused by three letter agencies every now and then.

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I have had several upsetting experiences....

Finding a nice home on the mainland (this was years before Linden homes) and a few months later someone plonks a casino next door with spamming objects. Made a loss on the land sale as I was forced to move.

Stumbling into some farms that were not exactly the sort of farm old MacDonald would recognise *shivers*.

Accidentally deleting my home as a result of a mis-click. Actually I have done that several times!

Adding an extra zero onto a L$ purchase - those 100,000 lasted a while.

Other things I cannot mention as you are all far too delicate.

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My creepies experience would be when spoke to someone for like an hour then we haven't seen each other like 1 or 2 years. I ended up forgetting them (reason i remember them now Is because I remember negative things people did more than i do positive for some reason.)

They got upset with me to the point, because I forgot them and didn't say they were my friend, they started stalking me, spreading rumors about me, trying to get my Owner atm to uncollar me and tried to take all of my friends from me. They got so upset they wanted to replace me for everything that I was and had, so they were like a hate stalker online. They even got the temple where she became a sub for my Domme for a time, to try to influence her and anyone she had. (She had a few subs other than myself.)

Like I don't think I'm anyone special enough to go this hard over and if I don't know you that well, will most likely forget you.

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