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What are you excited for in Second Life?

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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Yep it is! I find it a lot easier to work with in Black Dragon than Firestorm, though. Personal preference there.


I'll keep my opinions about the usability of BD in general to myself lol.

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12 hours ago, Istelathis said:

As in developments, new features, events and so on.  At the moment, I am looking forward to SLB as well as more information on the mobile app.  

Yes! I'll say events in general. SLB, Fandom Con, Spoonful of Sugar. I'm trying hard not to start thinking about next year's Fantasy Faire yet. 😂

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I am excited for the massive up tick in A rated land values.

If the churn is going to be aimed at kids on mobile, who wont stay .. because lets just be honest here, Linden haven't touched social tooling or retention. The rest of the population will want to stay as far away from them all as possible.


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50 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm excited for any WelcomeHub expansion!

Why .. the welcome hub is 9 regions with 12 people, and half of them are only there to play the skill gaming slots run by LL because they don't trust the independent regions to be honest.

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2 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:
2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm excited for any WelcomeHub expansion!

Why .. the welcome hub is 9 regions with 12 people, and half of them are only there to play the skill gaming slots run by LL because they don't trust the independent regions to be honest.

Because, the quality will theoretically "improve".

When I posted the above, I was thinking about the "Community Gateway" (or whatever it is called), which only had 8 or 9 communities represented when I visited.  But I decided to make my post about the whole WelcomeHub. The "Power of Positive Thinking".  Better than saying, "I can't wait until they replace the awful Motown show, that's no party!"

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The motown thing... I have to be careful with my words here.. hrmm...

Firstly, I've got nothing against the sim itself. Some lindens taken some time to decorate that out, other lindens have taken the time to try to run events there.

I don't want to cause hurt feelings. My criticism here is this:-

The people that should have developed the Motown sim and ran events and kept it alive is Stynger, not LL.


Stynger as a company is trying to pull a 'hello fellow residents' , pretending they're all part of SL -  I've seen their pathetic twitter account. But they've done nothing to show that.

The sim is made by LL, the events are run by LL. All they've done is licensed LL some music. And ironically, that is what killed the sim because nobody is allowed to DJ there.

LL should have required Stynger to actually make an effort. After all, Stynger is the one trying to sell 'Styngs' on SL, region locked gestures on a global platform, what a joke.

My criticism of LL is why did you let this company that is so awful at bringing residents together be involved in LL at all. It's clear that LL is the one putting all the effort in, and we residents can see it. Motown would have been 100x more popular a venue if no bigwig soulless music company was involved and LL simply let people DJ in the region.

I would understand if it were a company that actually did bother to come inworld, build, interact with residents etc. But this stynger company is obviously completely out of touch.




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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Extrude Ragu said:

The motown thing...

Just to clarify, I only mentioned Motown as something I COULD have criticized, but I was really just calling out the "Community Gateway" or whatever it is called. 🙂 Since it only had 8 entries, I am looking forward to it improving!



Edited by Love Zhaoying
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22 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Because, the quality will theoretically "improve".

The fundamentals of a welcome tutorial area are the same now as they were back at the very start. The solution is always to do the same thing slightly differently stressing the goals of the moment, which is what we have.

The fundamental problem of platform and UI accessibility and usability are never addressed, at least not in any way that lasts more than 5 minutes once the rubber hits the road.

We were there the other day, and well .. it's 9 regions that could be a single region with a railway bridge to nowhere and a station that never has any trains. Can't help but wonder how many SL users get there, can't figure out how (or even that they can) leave.

As far as they are concerned, SL is just these 9 regions and they can spend money to gamble skill-game, buy a home or some sound clips.

16 minutes ago, Extrude Ragu said:

Stynger as a company is trying to pull a 'hello fellow residents'

This is why all corporate ventures into SL failed.

Stynger & LL missed the mark here for regular residents by a country mile. The sad thing is, there was a working and very popular product that demonstrated a viable use case in world already that has since been closed for obvious reasons. I don't want to know how few 'Styngs' or whatever they're called have been sold.

15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Just to clarify, I only mentioned Motown as something I COULD have criticized, but I was really just calling out the "Community Gateway" or whatever it is called. 🙂 Since it only had 8 entries, I am looking forward to it improving!

More isn't better. It's overwhelming and confuses the purpose behind on boarding.

Get a new user up to speed as quickly as possible and don't bury them under a mountain of concepts and mechanics.

Video games have largely solved this problem down to a fine art.

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Posted (edited)

If I were a newbie, and after a little bit of wandering around I stumbled into a real live music concert, complete with live DJ's on stage and people dancing and having fun, that would actually be a magical  first impression of Second Life. Chances are, it would be the kind of place that a newbie would make a friend and get invested in learning the platform.

And if LL let residents DJ and rez their little tip jars for their session, people would do it for free. LL would have a 24/7 magical live entertainment venue, and it would take basically zero effort to maintain and boost retention massively with all the memories being made and fun being had.

I recall one of the recent LL events had a live concert going on, and it was constantly packed, 24/7 the whole way through the birthday event with resident DJ's every hour of the day for weeks. One right by the newbie area would be massive for SL. I hope one day LL sees the error of its ways with this stynger company and turns to its residents for providing the life and the music in the music venue.


Edited by Extrude Ragu
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15 minutes ago, Extrude Ragu said:

If I were a newbie, and after a little bit of wandering around I stumbled into a real live music concert

They tried that for a while .. newbies were dumped at clubs in the hope they would come back to figure it out later.

Not much different from dumping a newbie into a raid.

This doesn't work as SL doesn't follow the common language of video games, all the normal keyboard shortcuts and controls are wrong out of the box .. because they have always been wrong, and were not about to fix that now.

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5 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Yep it is! I find it a lot easier to work with in Black Dragon than Firestorm, though. Personal preference there.

I really like black dragon but it triggers my motion sickness and I can’t use it.. I know it’s something to do with something I can’t remember how to fix… 

I do love the graphic output 

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24 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

They tried that for a while .. newbies were dumped at clubs in the hope they would come back to figure it out later.

Not much different from dumping a newbie into a raid.

This doesn't work as SL doesn't follow the common language of video games, all the normal keyboard shortcuts and controls are wrong out of the box .. because they have always been wrong, and were not about to fix that now.

Most clubs would be ejecting the new players with a warning to come back in a month when you’re not new anymore… 


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9 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


I'm just anti creepy people doing creepy things with child-presenting avatars, and I like to poke at people who insist that without the Adult side, SL will die.

Personally, I think they believe what they say, but somehow their point of view comes off very, very creepy because they tend to go on-and-on into various kink as if "my kink is threatened", etc. Kind of like people defending AP. WAY TOO MUCH INFO, nobody really wants to hear about the details AFAIK.

See my post above responding to Ayashe.


There is a lot of:

I heard....

Rumor has it.....

I thought......

Going around the forum lately.  

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14 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Pretentious Bloody Rubbish - Terminally broken hot mess, encourages the worst creators to make content that 60%+ of SecondLifers cannot see.

PBR Mirrors, probably the WORST mirror implementation in any game engine in the last 18 years.

2K textures, permanent texture thrashing for everyone who doesn't own a 30x0 r 40x0 series RTX GPU card.

PBR terrain, all the problems of PBR and all the problems of 2 textures ADDED together. Love those rolling hills of fall-back plywood!

GLTF Scene upload, enables zero talent failed artiste wannabes to upload entre scenes ripped from games and 3D artists, that won't be suitable for SL. also raises the spectre of failed artiste wannabes uploading complete furnished skyboxes and house as an "artistic whole" so customers can't remove furniture or decorative items they don't want, from the NO-Mod failed artiste's "vision". And raises the possibility that furniture vendors will go out of business, for a worse SL with fewer choices about how your digital home looks.

MobleLife Fail viewer,  massive waste of time, effort, and money, it's purpose destroyed by Awful Mac App store nonsense, by cultists  seeking an imaginary Awful Mac whyPhone market who won't want to use SL n the first place.

LL's continuing fiasco of Sux-Ra Noob bodes, they should have just asked the "body replacer mod creators from Fallout  4 & Skyrim to do t, t would have taken les time and been 1000% better.

New ToS changes/draconian verification designed to make life a pain for anyone who isn't a puritan killjoy.

Higher Lindex transaction charges & MP sales tax to compensate for the cost of all the above crap and the loss of paying customers it will cause.


Did  miss anything?


Oh yeah, "Cult of Pointless Positivity" spammers acting like any of this stuff is "good", because they can't stand the idea of accepting that LL are BAD at running SL.


If you hate Second Life and the forums so much, why are you here?

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14 hours ago, diamond Marchant said:

I am looking forward to the impending protected water (20m) connection between Bellisseria and Sansara. This happens when Urchin Sea is connected to Bleaberry Tarn by completing the northwest Ranch coast with 7 new regions.

Me too. It's nice to be able to fly over protected Linden land, rather than other people's parcels.

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12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Clarification, I believe that I said earlier a "cesspool of kink"; that was me deliberately "poking" at those who constantly say that without a "focus" on the Adult side (and they go into specific kinks), SL will die.

While my quote above is "somewhat" tongue-in-cheek, I am being honest.  If we're going to keep being "adult", having SL recognize it makes "sense". 

Both are possible - a "sanitation" for "child-presenting" avatars, and also "embracing" whatever the "spicy side" is for "adult-presenting avatar".

For Example: 

1. The TOS change impacts a certain group of users, restricting them from "Adult" regions.  Those users will be restricted to areas that would not have whatever the "spicy side" is.  <= less freakiness / things that don't belong in this use-case.

2. Other users, who are on "Adult" regions, or who are allowed to take part in whatever the "spicy side" of Second Life is on "Mature" regions, are not affected by the TOS change. <= no changes here except restricting who can be there and in "adult situations".

Some "Adult side" users might be glad they'll have less chance of encountering child avatars in Adult regions.

Some child avatar users might be glad they can AR other users for being creepy  around them and propositioning them.

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7 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

The motown thing... I have to be careful with my words here.. hrmm...

Firstly, I've got nothing against the sim itself. Some lindens taken some time to decorate that out, other lindens have taken the time to try to run events there.

I don't want to cause hurt feelings. My criticism here is this:-

The people that should have developed the Motown sim and ran events and kept it alive is Stynger, not LL.


Stynger as a company is trying to pull a 'hello fellow residents' , pretending they're all part of SL -  I've seen their pathetic twitter account. But they've done nothing to show that.

The sim is made by LL, the events are run by LL. All they've done is licensed LL some music. And ironically, that is what killed the sim because nobody is allowed to DJ there.

LL should have required Stynger to actually make an effort. After all, Stynger is the one trying to sell 'Styngs' on SL, region locked gestures on a global platform, what a joke.

My criticism of LL is why did you let this company that is so awful at bringing residents together be involved in LL at all. It's clear that LL is the one putting all the effort in, and we residents can see it. Motown would have been 100x more popular a venue if no bigwig soulless music company was involved and LL simply let people DJ in the region.

I would understand if it were a company that actually did bother to come inworld, build, interact with residents etc. But this stynger company is obviously completely out of touch.

I'm sure the soulless music company paid good money to let LL try to promote their product to SL users. If they couldn't figure out that nobody in SL would pay for music that they can get free (for regular users) or cheaper (for djs), that's all on them.

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2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Some "Adult side" users might be glad they'll have less chance of encountering child avatars in Adult regions.

Some child avatar users might be glad they can AR other users for being creepy  around them and propositioning them.


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 I'm always excited for the Shop and Hop but .. that 's a month away. Bargains and credits and trying not to pick up too many gifts.. yes please.  Going slightly off topic I noticed it is going to be G rated or Adult rated. Wasn't it Moderate rated and sometimes Adult rated before?  I do wonder about the "spicy side" reveal but not holding my breath that it will be anything good. Hope so?

Will be nice when mirrors can work..  hopefully the next Firestorm Update or soon.  But it will be some work to get stuff set up.. I don't like doing lights in houses but the bf does so win for him I guess?  I hope the outcome is good. 

 I have COVID (pity me!) so this week has been rough.. but I managed to turn it into some inventory clean up time and I'm satisfied I got some shoveling and folders cleaned up.  Well, In between pissing off some forum members with comments I suppose 😝

 Also Bay City was a nice place to walk around so on Sunday they are having a 16th Anniversary Parade and some other events.. will try to see that if I feel up to it doing that.  People watching is the best fallback sl pastime.

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I am really looking forward to finding my left shoe. In the decade I was gone, apparently my left shoe got bored waiting for my return and set off on its own adventure.  Since returning to SL a few months ago I have just been wandering around with one shoe on.

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10 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

If you hate Second Life and the forums so much, why are you here?

I don't hate SecondLife, just what some people are trying to do to it.


I don't want to see SL turn into a "World of Noob Slaughter"  Million-Morons-Online.

It annoys me, for example, when COMPLETE IDIOTS say things like "...we need to FIX people just standing around...", do these Positivity A-holes EVER log into FirstLife? Never seen a group of people just "standing around" while they chat?

But no, they expect us all to be running and jumping and waving our arms in the air, constantly, thanks to the "miracle" of web-cam based trojan malware auto-gurning, with digital limb thrash anti-technology.

How much time, effort, and dev budget money was wasted on the "puppeteer" project, because ONE positivity cultist thought their system avatar face "looked dead".


If II owned SL, the very first thing  would do is CANCEL all those stupid focus group meetings where a handful  of idiots suggest "cool things" too devs who are so out of touch that they don't understand the idiots are asking for things that will damage the platform and waste a ton of cash doing it.



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