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What are you excited for in Second Life?

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7 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Thought you were anti-adult stuff.


I'm just anti creepy people doing creepy things with child-presenting avatars, and I like to poke at people who insist that without the Adult side, SL will die.

Personally, I think they believe what they say, but somehow their point of view comes off very, very creepy because they tend to go on-and-on into various kink as if "my kink is threatened", etc. Kind of like people defending AP. WAY TOO MUCH INFO, nobody really wants to hear about the details AFAIK.

See my post above responding to Ayashe.


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14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Clarification, I believe that I said earlier a "cesspool of kink"; that was me deliberately "poking" at those who constantly say that without a "focus" on the Adult side (and they go into specific kinks), SL will die.

Well, to be fair, it's difficult to separate the two. If a platform has adult content, it will often be kink-friendly to some degree.


14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Both are possible - a "sanitation" for "child-presenting" avatars, and also "embracing" whatever the "spicy side" is for "adult-presenting avatar".

For sanity's sake, I'm not going to bring the child avatars thing into this thread. I'm only using this line to springboard off of.

I actually think Second Life is at the point where it needs to choose a lane. I cannot think of another platform (maybe there is one, but I certainly haven't used it) that both promotes/welcomes a full range of adult activity while simultaneously trying to hide it for a more general audience (on mobile). It's usually either 18+ only or something fairly clean, maxing out at R-rated. Mixing both is bad ideas and extraordinarily difficult to moderate. Many game devs wouldn't even attempt such a thing. Modders can and do get in there and do some wild things on occasion, but that's not actually sponsored by the dev team.

Look through Steam, just for a start. All of their adult games are 18+. Now of course, nothing is stopping anyone younger than that from getting in there (Steam's idea of age verification is inputting a birthday and calling it good), but the ratings are Mature/Adult 18+, so at least the devs can't say well, yeah we allow teens in there, but they have their own special areas! Yeah no.

We'll see how that works out in the long run. The mobile news is pretty telling, though.

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3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Is there? I thought I had heard it was only a tiny percentage? Less then 10%

That does not surprise me in the least. How SL works is IMO very un-Apple-ish. I could see Android users being more tolerant of that.

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3 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I actually think Second Life is at the point where it needs to choose a lane.

I agree! I would be perfectly fine with EITHER "banning child avatars" (hate to be them, sorry), or "restricting certain adult content" (knowing that could actually be dangerous for Second Life to do).

The only parts of the discussion that affects me "personally" lately are: 1) The possibility that somehow feral Furries are impacted (which is ridiculous), and 2) the fact that Mobile is restricted (can't get to my home parcel, etc.).  Otherwise, it's all just "here's my opinion".

I am "Excited" for whatever the Future may hold!


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3 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

They're not making it easy though. Apple is twisting the meaning of the EU rulings to strongly resist actual really open alternate app stores and payment methods to the point where it so stupidly difficult to meet Apple's own requirements that it's sometimes not worth the effort for devs. They may be following the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law is being basically ignored by Apple. Apple is holding onto that 30% cash cow as hard and long and tenaciously as you might imagine a mega-corp who wants profit above anything else would.

Note: I am about the biggest fan of Apple tech you could imagine, so I'm torn in my loyalty re: the above. I've owned more models of Apple computers than most people have owned computers, starting with my Apple II. I couldn't have done what i do professionally for 30 years without Apple tech.

But even I recognize their shortcomings, and the profit-driven corporatorcacy of Apple these days—either by twisting the meaning of the Europe rulings, bowing to China's demands, censoring simple apps that are too hot-potato political, their hand-wringing pearl clutching about adult anything, etc—is strong.

Being naive and simpleminded, I wonder if Apple gaming the system has a lot to do with their controlling mindset and extreme guardianship of 'the Brand.' Apple has a very definite idea of what the experience should be when using their stuff, and as an 'elite, luxury' brand, do not want to be tainted with apps they consider shady.

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Seems we are very little excited for what is in Second Life.
Totally off topic and barely on page 4.
And yes, the child avatars thingy is taking over the discussion again.
carry on.

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2 hours ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

Where did you "hear" this?

SL viewers report what OS they run under. A FS dev posted such figures as a nifty pie chart in another thread last year.

Windows - More than 93%

Linux  - less that 1.5 %

Awful Mac Cultists - 5.5 %


This was posted in that thread as a direct response to an Awful Mac Cultists claiming that the Cult Members made up 25% of creators, and 20% of the user base.

These clams are usually based on "But... But... Awful Mac s the OS for 3D modelling and texture editing!" while forgetting that ALL such software runs just as well on a PC.


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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Not looking too good for the Mobile app as per the App stores requirements as it will not be able to access Adult land. That is pretty limiting.

Full story on Reddit 


I had applied the first time they said beta test for Mobil app. The ticket still sits there… not sure 🤔 why I did not make the cut. I wonder if they do a formula of in world hours and lindens spent to determine who was approved for the Mobil app. 

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I agree! I would be perfectly fine with EITHER "banning child avatars" (hate to be them, sorry), or "restricting certain adult content" (knowing that could actually be dangerous for Second Life to do).

The only parts of the discussion that affects me "personally" lately are: 1) The possibility that somehow feral Furries are impacted (which is ridiculous), and 2) the fact that Mobile is restricted (can't get to my home parcel, etc.).  Otherwise, it's all just "here's my opinion".

I am "Excited" for whatever the Future may hold!

To clarify, I'm not talking about child avatars at all.

By choose a lane, I mean either they go full 18+ like almost every other adult game out there and do their spicy thing, or they ditch adult content entirely and aim for a more general audience. Right now, the way it stands, it's a mix. Unless it's changed, the minimum age for SL is 16 (limited to General sims, I believe). 13-15 limited to approved educational G sims. Someone feel free to correct me if I have that wrong.

I'm saying - either or. Having both while trying to expand to new platforms is rouuuuuugh.

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3 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Being naive and simpleminded, I wonder if Apple gaming the system has a lot to do with their controlling mindset and extreme guardianship of 'the Brand.' Apple has a very definite idea of what the experience should be when using their stuff, and as an 'elite, luxury' brand, do not want to be tainted with apps they consider shady.

I think "shady" and "Adult" is all relative, since Apple / iOS has lots of Adult apps (like RL dating apps where people post naughty pics, etc.)

Possibly since Second Life is a "Game" it is considered a little differently?

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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

By choose a lane, I mean either they go full 18+ like almost every other adult game out there and do their spicy thing, or they ditch adult content entirely and aim for a more general audience. Right now, the way it stands, it's a mix. Unless it's changed, the minimum age for SL is 16 (limited to General sims, I believe). 13-15 limited to approved educational G sims. Someone feel free to correct me if I have that wrong.

I'm saying - either or. Having both while trying to expand to new platforms is rouuuuuugh.

What about an option for a separate "Teen Grid" like in the old days? 

Adult Grid = 1 App for Adult users

Teen Grid = 1 App for Non-Adult users <= Safe for Kids! Yay!


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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What about an option for a separate "Teen Grid" like in the old days? 

Adult Grid = 1 App for Adult users

Teen Grid = 1 App for Non-Adult users <= Safe for Kids! Yay!

In today's climate with increased regulation and scrutiny and whatnot, the general perception would probably be just as bad.

Back in the day, it wasn't as big of a deal. 2024 is a different beast.

To get back to the OP, if anything, I'm interested to see which way SL swings in the near-ish future.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:


They should just make a non app store version that can access adult content.

On android, installing a downloaded app from the web is easier than on Windows. If you can figure out how to install Second Life on windows you'll have no problem on Android.

On apple devices things are changing too since the EU is changing law on app store monopoly.

I wonder if the mobile app will also be opensourced.  I hope so, because we might see all sorts of ports available, as well as modification just as we do tpv..

Edited by Istelathis
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I don't see any positive outcome to talking about the new tos for months. We're at a point where everything that is to be said has been said.

People should just raise tickets at this point.

I look forward to there being a new hot topic I'm tired of this one

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3 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Photography is all I do here now and I've cut down on some of that lately as I'm not shopping much anymore. Even with that, though, I have zero interest in PBR. Just not interested in having to manually make it work myself (unless that's no longer necessary - I haven't been keeping up with it). If anything, it'd make me log in even less. Just sounds like a hassle.

I never even understood Windlight, and didn't even bother to try with EEL or whatever came after that. I have no idea what SL even uses now, probably yet again something different.

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1 minute ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I never even understood Windlight, and didn't even bother to try with EEL or whatever came after that. I have no idea what SL even uses now, probably yet again something different.

EEP (formerly windlight) isn't too bad to learn at all. That's mostly just fiddling with sliders and things, and you could get some really cool sky effects with it. Nothing needs to be rezzed or set up in any specific way. I just have fun randomly messing with stuff until I get lighting and effects that work with my shot. 

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I thought you said you were looking forward to more TOS changes to make SL less of a cesspool? Your words, not mine. 

Realistically, it'll probably get more sanitized as time goes on. The more they try to expand to other platforms and demographics, the more likely that becomes.

The gentrification of SL lol

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6 hours ago, Kathlen Onyx said:
10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

To clarify, I'm not saying I know about anything in particular, just that there has to be stuff since the new graphics are an "enabling" technology.

I'm also excited for a return to any work on a "puppetry" project, VR support, and AI integration.

How dare you post something positive that doesn't include adult content!

I almost missed your kind response. Thank you for your encouraging words!  (Not sarcasm, as I knew what you meant!)

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36 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What about an option for a separate "Teen Grid" like in the old days? 

Adult Grid = 1 App for Adult users

Teen Grid = 1 App for Non-Adult users <= Safe for Kids! Yay!


Funny, as I read through these posts (and not at all surprised that this thread turned negative almost immediately), I was thinking the same thing about the SL browsers, too: one for G and perhaps M, the other for all three regions. I am sure far more problems than this exist (and honestly I don't care what LL decides), but to me one big problem is that people younger than 18 may want to go to the more adult regions, esp M, and may just use the version that does it all. Also, if LL uses the typical age verification approach, they can just lie about their b-days anyhow.

In the end it is not for me to sort out. And honestly, given my experience with mobile apps vs 'desktop' apps, esp for something as complicated as SL, I cannot think of a use case I would have. I did use Lumiya a long time ago when I was Hosting at clubs so I could send out notices from work, but wow, text stuff is all it was useful for. I have used iPhones the last several years, so it isn't even an option for me now, and I seriously doubt it ever will be.

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27 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

EEP (formerly windlight) isn't too bad to learn at all. That's mostly just fiddling with sliders and things, and you could get some really cool sky effects with it. Nothing needs to be rezzed or set up in any specific way. I just have fun randomly messing with stuff until I get lighting and effects that work with my shot. 

Is EEP still the current thing then?

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