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So what changed in the Terms of Service?

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5 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

I never got to experience childhood the first time around. I was put in foster homes, beat by my parents, many other things I won't type here, bla bla bla. I've never once thought to be a child to relive it the right way.

Also, SL is not a therapy site. It's a social platform.  It may go away by tomorrow morning. Then what are you going to do?

While you're right about the transient nature of the platform maybe we should avoid getting into a debate about what type of platform it is since that's most likely even more subjective and contentious than the definition of an "adult avatar"?


11 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

I would expect nothing less. Actually I think that they should have published the skins/new body, whatever BEFORE they announced it as we still don't have a clue what the modesty layer is supposed to look like!

It's a shame that LL spent all that time developing mesh adult avatars when in hindsight what they really needed was some TOS compliant child avatar bodies.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

People deal with things in different ways. I'm way better for SL than I was beforehand so if SL closed tomorrow I would be sad but I wouldn't fall apart if that's what you're asking. 

Lastly, to you SL is a social platform, you don't get to decide what it is and isn't for everyone else. Believe it or not there actually are counseling centres in SL. I wouldn't trust their credentials but they do exists, just as there are places that support gay people or any other marginalised group. 

I wouldn't dream of telling you what SL can and can't mean to you. 

Perfectly fine, however none of these new rules restricts ANY of that.

Edited by Kathlen Onyx
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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

For a lot of child avatars, myself included, it is a way of experiencing the childhood we never got to experience the first time around. The appeal of SL is you can be anything you want to be, even things you can't be in RL. I have my RL to be an adult and do things like work and other such responsibilities etc. 

You don't seen to understand but you also seem to want to. If you really are interested you should Google the 10 ACEs of trauma (adverse childhood experiences) I experienced 8/10 growing up. 

Okay I kind of get it. But children in rl are very restricted in their movements and generally don't want to go to galleries etc. I go to therapy too because of a *****ty childhood. I am NO therapist 🤣 but I will stick with my unsolicited advice of wearing a different avatar for when you are being yourself in sl by doing more adult things and not a child. 

Edited by Robberinthemuseum
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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

Just FYI as this has been brought up a couple of times.

No one LURES you with a TP. If you don't know the person then you don't accept the TP. Very simple. You can't use the "but I was lured there"! argument. 

I never just blindly accept TP's. How utterly stupid is that?


But it's called a teleport lure? 😆 

What if they promise you candy and a puppy?

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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Just now, Kathlen Onyx said:

Perfectly fine however none of these new rules restricts ANY of that.

No, and as I've said I agree with the rules. There are just areas I want clarity on and I wish LL had gone about things with a bit more tact and explained things fully before dropping this right before the weekend. 

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I like this idea. Put up a board that gives the new rules about child avatars and land maturity ratings. Right next to it have another board that says "Why is my avatar wearing underwear/ a bathing suit?" That second board gives them a short quiz on the new rules. If they pass it, they get a folder of skins that don't have underwear or bathing suits painted on them.

We could do that, but it seems a little dull?

Instead can we send them on a magical adventure through strange and wondrous sims where they will encounter mysterious characters who will lead them to the pantsless nirvana where all their dreams will come true....

Come on, let's make it fun for them and give them some feeling of accomplishment along the way!?

Edited by Fluffy Sharkfin
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1 minute ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Okay I kind of get it. But children in rl are very restricted in their movements and generally don't want to go to galleries etc. I go to therapy too because of a *****ty childhood. I am NO therapist 🤣 but I will stick with my unsolicited advice of wearing a different avatar for when you are being yourself in sl and not a child. 

It's good advice. 

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20 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

I never just blindly accept TP's. How utterly stupid is that?

years ago, at that time people got lots of tp requests from adult clubs, i enabled the accept only tp requests by friends .. dunno that's still active, but never seen those ever again.

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2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I like this idea. Put up a board that gives the new rules about child avatars and land maturity ratings. Right next to it have another board that says "Why is my avatar wearing underwear/ a bathing suit?" That second board gives them a short quiz on the new rules. If they pass it, they get a folder of skins that don't have underwear or bathing suits painted on them.

It would never go through, people would get outraged, it would signify the end of times, and well, ya know how it is here on the good 'ol SL :)


Then we would all be arguing amongst one another, but at the very least it would be entertaining 😁



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4 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

It's a shame that LL spent all that time developing mesh adult avatars when in hindsight what they really needed was some TOS compliant child avatar bodies.

Are you suggesting LL should not have developed Noob Issue ADULT mesh bodies, even if they are ***k ugly, but instead forced all noobs to be Walking ToS Violation Abuse Report Clickbait?


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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

Also, SL is not a therapy site. It's a social platform.

It's been my experience in 18 years here than many long term users end up exploring it as a form of therapy, ways to explore past trauma, live a life denied and so on.

My first night in SL was spent playing gambling games with a woman and her SL husband, She was bed bound and had been for some time. This place made her final few years some of the happiest of her entire life.

SL is many things to many people and we're all here for our own personal reasons.

A little empathy goes a very long way. Please be kind.

Edited by Coffee Pancake
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1 minute ago, Coffee Pancake said:

It's been my experience in 18 years here than many long terms users end up exploring it as a form of therapy, ways to explore past trauma, live a life denied and so on.

My first night in SL was spent playing gambling games with a woman and her SL husband, She was bed bound and had been for some time. This place made her final few years some of the happiest of her entire life.

SL is many things to many people and we're all here for our own personal reasons.

A little empathy goes a very long way. Please be kind.

No one seemed to have an issue when they said Second Life isn't a dating site. AND a lot of people say that.

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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

What about experiences? 

Just to elaborate and maybe complicate what Kathlen said a bit.

She's absolutely correct that it's not at all a smart thing to accept a TP blindly from someone you don't know and trust -- I won't do it, and I'm not a child RPer: there's much less chance of me being lured into a dangerous situation.

I'm less worried about Experiences because they can't be made by just anyone: throwaway alts can't make Experiences. But I am still leery about accepting them unless, again, I have a reason to trust the maker.

That said, if someone "lures" you with a TP into a trap, and you accept it, that doesn't make it "less" of a lure, or less of an ARable offense. You may be in some sense culpable because you were incautious or gullible, but their violation of the ToS, and their guilt as a griefer, is no less.

Consider an analogy: if I leave my door unlocked and get robbed, I am in some sense partly responsible for the robbery, but it doesn't reduce the guilt of the robber at all. It's still a robbery. You don't get to claim that an unlocked door is an "invitation" to enter and take what you want.

My point is that it's only good sense to avoid potential traps, but that the main burden of liability for what occurs is STILL on the person who lured you. They can and should be ARed, and I'm reasonably confident that they won't get a free pass because you were silly enough to accept the TP.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
Clarity. AGAIN.
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9 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

It's a shame that LL spent all that time developing mesh adult avatars when in hindsight what they really needed was some TOS compliant child avatar bodies.

I said earlier in the thread that I would actually like it if LL made a child avatar with all the protections built in. I suspect the reason they haven't is because the optics would look even worse if something were to happen with an avatar they had actually made and endorsed. 

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Are you suggesting LL should not have developed Noob Issue ADULT mesh bodies, even if they are ***k ugly, but instead forced all noobs to be Walking ToS Violation Abuse Report Clickbait?


Allow me to be completely clear.

Just because the manner in which you express yourself falls within the guidelines of these forums does not mean I'm obligated to entertain your nonsense.

I don't see any reason to go into further details, just as I see no reason to engage with you.

P.S. If you really want to talk with someone I believe that @Madi Melodiousis still waiting for the apology that you owe them after the very serious false allegations concerning a grave breach of the TOS that you levelled at them.

Edited by Fluffy Sharkfin
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5 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I am 5'9" in SL and I know for a fact that SL to RL height is not 1 to 1. Also totally do not look like a child. I think I am well put together, if you ask me. Lol. I mean I do look youngish, but I mean I don't look 34, let alone 18 IRL. Lol 



what do you mean height isn't 1:1? explain please

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5 hours ago, Starberry Passion said:

True, we are in the dark about certain things but with that said, They can keep threatening me all they want, I've been around adult sims as an adult for a long time, no one has said a thing to me, save for a few rare times when I've met an amazon with a massive chest and a table butt telling me I'm too short because they are 7'8" and I come up to their crotch. Like seriously? No wonder I come up to your crotch, you're a giant. Duh... It's unfair that I have to meet someone else's standards to be comfortable where I am.


That happens all the time, these giants annoy the hell out of me, I'm realistic height and they are freaks pure and simple.

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25 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

I never got to experience childhood the first time around. I was put in foster homes, beat by my parents, many other things I won't type here, bla bla bla. I've never once thought to be a child to relive it the right way.

Also, SL is not a therapy site. It's a social platform.  It may go away by tomorrow morning. Then what are you going to do?

I had a horrific childhood... I turned out different than others who are still alive and were in similar situations... everyone is different.  It never made me want to relive anything, or play a child AV on SL... but If people get some happiness and help on SL differently than we do, I think that's a great thing for them and I wouldn't want to stand in their way if they aren't hurting anyone.

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2 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

what do you mean height isn't 1:1? explain please

LL Fail-Viewer users...


Use the LL Fail-viewer, edit appearance to 2m tall.

Stand next to a 2 M high prim, notice you and it are not the same height, state SL scale is not 1m = 1 m.

Ignore the fact that the height in the appearance window of the Fail Viewer was, and probably still is, completely borked.


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1 minute ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

No one seemed to have an issue when they said Second Life isn't a dating site. AND a lot of people say that.

That's a whole other can of worms isn't it? 😆. I think the issue is the legality of the whole thing. Some people are making questionable video content in sl using child avis and sharing it in Discord groups.  This is considered cp and against the law. So it's a legal issue. One of the reasons I won't ever do any kind of family rp or anything like that. I'm not sure I'm even allowed mention any of this in the forums. But it's very serious and the people creating this content need to be arrested in rl IMHO 

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going to head out ... my new post would just be ; see page xx repsonse 3rd from top ... 

counting if the nummering of the pages is correct in a very thick book starts to be more interesting :SwingingFriends:

might pop in later for a quick scan

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Posted (edited)

So, on to the elephant in the room er... in the  sim. Often enough, while visiting "child friendly" places I ran into feral avatars (that is normal quadruped animals, not furries) with genitals attached. This always appeared creepy to me and made me avoid those places. With the change of the ToS this is now clearly an AR-able offense, right?

Sorry, not sorry, my fellow horsie and doggo friends, but I own the same avatars you have. Those genitals are detachable.

Edited by Fionalein
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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

That's a whole other can of worms isn't it? 😆. I think the issue is the legality of the whole thing. Some people are making questionable video content in sl using child avis and sharing it in Discord groups.  This is considered cp and against the law. So it's a legal issue. One of the reasons I won't ever do any kind of family rp or anything like that. I'm not sure I'm even allowed mention any of this in the forums. But it's very serious and the people creating this content need to be arrested in rl IMHO 

Oh definitely. 

There is nothing wrong with true genuine family role play though where everyone is dressed modestly and acts appropriately. 

A lot of people in SL enjoy emergency services RP. I've been involved in a few and played my role as a kid. One time I got stuck up a tree. The police had to corden off the street, fire rescued me with their ladder and ambulance crew took me to hospital to be checked over. 

My point is that child avatars can enrich RP situations when done properly. The crews afterwards stated how powerful the RP was because they were all concerned about this boy who might fall out of the tree and get hurt. 

Edited by brodiac90
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Just now, Fionalein said:

So, one to the elephant in the room er... in the  sim. Often enough, while visiting "child friendly" places I ran into feral avatars (that is normal quadruped animals, not furries) with genitals attached. This always appeared creepy to me and made me avoid those places. With the change of the ToS this is now clearly an AR-able offense, right?

Sorry, not sorry, my fellow horsie and doggo friends, but I own the same avatars you have. Those genitals are detachable.

I'm always amused in a wry way, that the same kind of people who kvetch about me being allowed to wear a studded choker on a G rated region, on the very rare occasions I need to shop on one, are usually quite accepting of a dog with a 9 inch d*ck on the same region.


Got to love those hypocrites, right?


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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

LL Fail-Viewer users...


Use the LL Fail-viewer, edit appearance to 2m tall.

Stand next to a 2 M high prim, notice you and it are not the same height, state SL scale is not 1m = 1 m.

Ignore the fact that the height in the appearance window of the Fail Viewer was, and probably still is, completely borked.


I use firestorm. i'm 1.65 m tall in the edit avatar window. a prim rezzed and stretched to the top of my head is 1.62m so the difference is 30 mm, just over an inch, so I'm an inch shorter than my stated height. Thus the ratio is 1.02:1 Thats close enough to 1:1 to me. Everyone needs to stop whining about height not being 1:1 to rl .

No idea what the numbers are in the official viewer but since the LL viewer is a disaster anyway, what does it matter, and why does anyone even use it?

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
took out extra word
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