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Seeing how Our Lady of Perpetual Silence has become the subject of both scientific research and a cult following, I felt it was inappropriate and no longer neccessary to keep her locked up in my patented Mk1 Zombie Catcher. To which end I have erected an open shrine around her so that her devotees can have full and unfettered access to her levitating self.

Lost avatar-04.jpg

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Looking at Tem's photo of us, I see that I too was levitating! Our Lady is truly miraculous!! 

I hurried over this morning to pay homage at the new shrine...

Our Lady 1.jpg


I stayed a while in contemplation...

Our Lady 2.jpg


and got in a little manicure (I don't think she minded).

Our Lady 3.jpg

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Always keen to make an L or three million, the *organisation sends in it's heavy guns...

OurLadyofPS5.jpg... me. My pilgrim disguise served me well. *blushes..

Still no response :matte-motes-agape: Death could not claim her, let us hope the heavens hold a place for her poor soul..

*Sister Aveline begins fasting and commences the first of many rosaries and prayers for our forgotten lamb..

^^ I BEG your pardon:smileysurprised:? the stockings and boots? Oh! ... gigglez, duty free/tax exempt... for the *organisation of course ^- :smileywink:

Praise the Almighty! \o/ 8^)



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The shrine has been abuzz with activity so far today...and it appears word has leaked out to the press.


I stuck around to memorialize the morning's events, and witnessed Dee attempt a seduction.


Our lady remained unfazed, and even a visit to Maddy's soul-cleansing Infernal Flame (witnessed by Venus, Dee, and me) didn't impress Our Lady. 


It all became too much, and medics had to be called in to transport those overcome by religious ecstasy!

Stretchers 3.jpg


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With reports of a strange phenomenon happening at an old piece of abandoned land coming in I thought I would fly in and have a look.

Well if you are going to have a pilgrimage this is the place to do it, lots of free parking!


Touched by the site of other visitors I offer up some flowers to the person know as Our Lady of Perpetual Silence.


Getting no response I try to buy an interview.


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Sylvia it is amazing. This "Our Lady of Perpetual Silence" has secret powers. After a short recovery I found myself inspired to build something of great significants in her honour.

One must understand I was never able to perform a build with such beauty prior to my pilgrimage.

I feel blessed


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DQ Darwin wrote:

I feel Sylvia it was the least I could do to show my respect:P

WOW Dee! That is truly unbereaveable!

I have begun the application for the acceptance of the first mirakewl!

This may well be the shortest path to cannonisation in the entire history of SL.

I have had words with his whollyness Theologian Lindedn'n'n XVIII and he couldn't put down the picture of your new found skills Dee, mumbling something about the curves, rope and boots o.0 (he is a strange one, I've never seen him shake so much and he had to excuse himself). *scratches head...

Of course being confronted with such amazing mirakewlous evidence it would only be a natural reaction I suppose. He did say not to worry and that he would have the situation well in hand as he left.

All is well :)

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Quinn, having heard of the New Miracle, insists upon a visit. I reluctantly agree to join her but remain skeptical. Quinn has even taken the trouble to wear her devotional Mouseketeer hat. As I assume the lotus postition in the shrine I find that even I am drawn into the holiness. Truly there is something other-worldly happening here.


Then I notice four letters scratched in the earth before her—YWFF. Is this a sign? Is it a  devotional offering from another visitor? The Mystery deepens.

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Having read about some sort of fashion miracle, I had to pay her holiness a visit.




Gazing upon her countenance I could almost feel a sort of quiet calm descend upon me. Her look was one I felt I could relate to, the calm expressionless bliss of someone deeply and irrevocably lost within an everything must go sale.




I lost all sense of reality. I lost all sense of time. I felt as if I had finally found the luckiest of lucky chairs, and the letter was a capital C.




I don't believe anything will ever be the same.


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Not believing a thing I am reading about this little tramp I decide to employ my own aggressive negotiation skills to prove she is nothing more then a noob!

um... what is this feeling? Look how beautiful she is...

Overwhelmed by the magical feeling of creationism in this place I feel moved to change outfits and join her.


Is my miracle incomplete because I doubted or is this the beginning of something new and wonderful?


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I think Our Lady is urging us to simplify...I couldn't help but notice that she is wearing freebie sandals, but I didn't realize the importance of this observation until you and the others suddenly started wearing plywood attire. 

i hope this doesn't mean I have to sacrifice my Bax boots. 

/me rummages through inventory in search of pink dotted dress she was blessed with when she joined SL

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I must say, I am dissapointed to see all this folderol about religious inspiration. The Captive of Crescent is a scientific specimen, nothing more! One which may - and I must stress "may" until our good Doctor is allowed to proceed with his experiments - hold the key to certain crucial advances in avatar medicine.

Please, good people, give Dr. Sir Alazarin Mondrian Mobius the time and room he needs to conduct his investigations! He must be allowed to erect a New Apparatus, preferably involving a Jacob's Ladder, a Van de Graff generator, many glowing tubes, and ideally something that zaps the subject periodically with an electrical discharge...

Veterans of the warfare in Jesse and other combat sims are desperate for the advances that may be fueled by what we can learn from the Captive. Can you really in good conscience say to these poor, crippled avatars: "No, honorable sir, though you are confined to this wretched virtual wheelchair for the rest of your empty days, I will not allow the vital research that could release you from this prison because I think God is speaking to me through lab mice!" Honestly, such selfishness!

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it's funny because if you know me well that's a religious affinity for me.


a scan bot is a bot that scans for certain things... some might be as simple as recording names and times to use for marketing spam, other could be more sinister like illegal clients ripping all the content that comes into range.

it could also be a monitor, a group spam bot, a group inviter bot, or a dozen other things.

given the behavior it is probably NOT a chat client or greeter bot though.

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