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why having or beeing an alt is consider bad?

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17 hours ago, Gabriel Isodo said:

I don't understand why on second life beeing an alt is something considered bad. We can have 2 3 or 10 accounts. What is the problem?

Some people see SL as an extension of real life society and consider being anyone other than yourself (or not "being honest" about your real world self) a type of deception. These people tend to get upset about alts, or at least alts that come without full disclosure.

Other people see SL as a fantasy world in which anything is possible and take avatars at face value, seeing them more as characters. These people tend to be unconcerned with whether or not they may be dealing with the same real world person behind different avatars, and might even prefer not to know.

These different kinds of people will probably never see eye to eye since they're approaching SL in fundamentally different ways. As one of the latter types, I just try to avoid the former.

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3 hours ago, shireena1 said:

LL employees may well have alts too! But i do not have proof of that.

Strawberry Linden was and still is Strawberry Singh. Abnor Mole has admitted publically that he plays Magellan Linden. All the Moles have regular resident accounts too.

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3 hours ago, LittleMogwai84 said:



My main concern is how can anyone manage more than one inventory!? 💀

My alts have smaller inventories, reflective of their uses and how often I use them. Because I've limited them to their own clothing styles and color preferences, it's easier to manage those inventories than it is to manage my primary account's inventory.

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I have alts, cause I don't need to be harassed on my main account about my store. I have business hours just like in RL and don't want to get messages about imaginary problems and inability to read a note card on my main account 24/7. It says rez me... so rez it, no it will not unpack when you put it on like a hud, that's why it says Rez...

Anyways I care so little about what people do on their alts. Lie to me or don't up to you. If I don't know you IRL then chances are I don't care enough about you to care if you deceive me with 1243631361 alts. I don't do SL to RL relationships either and am partnered to my RL BFF. So all of that doesn't really affect me. And I am one of those RL is RL and SL is SL people, again if I don't meet someone IRL then it's not so deep for me to really and truly care.

Do with your alts as you please just don't break TOS.

Edited by Laylah Yaseotoko
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17 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Also a quick follow up, isn't there an actual limit to the number of accounts one person can have?

There is, it's 5 per household (unless they changed it which I doubt). However, if you dig a little further you discover they don't enforce it unless someone is abusing the privilege of having more than 5 alts.

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50 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My only alt has the same basic name as me (with a different spelling), and I don't hide that they are "me", so there is no reason for anyone to think that particular alt is "bad".

Same here, very similar name and even a fairly similar appearance. I picked the same surname (and initials) so it pretty much looks like my alt is my main's relative :D I always disclose that it's me when I'm using my alt and come across someone I already know. None of my friends have ever had any issues with it.

From what I've observed, those who dislike alts often feel that way only when others are secretive or deceptive about them/their use. Of course, people have the right to keep their alts a secret if they want to, but if they're worried about negative reactions, this is something to consider.

Edited by Clem Marques
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I was my first av's first alt, born just one month after the original.  I still keep a picture of her(my first av) in my profile's back page where originally you rl pic was supposed to go.

Being accused of being an alt is a sure way to bring drama to a boring gathering. I remember the first time my first av posted in the forum she was immediately attacked for being someone's alt just because I had the temerity to agree with someone. It wasn't true but truth rarely matters when accusations are being flung about.

I've created more alts than I can remember over the years. My peak alt creation years were the ones when I played Tiny Empires.  I don't bother to create new ones anymore, I just recycle the old ones that I still remember the login info for. Except I did create a new one when the Senra body came out. Named it Pat so I could use the same name for both the male and female bods. Alas, another alt left on the shelf in perpetuity as interest in Senra faded rather quickly.


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14 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

Being accused of being an alt is a sure way to bring drama to a boring gathering. I remember the first time my first av posted in the forum she was immediately attacked for being someone's alt just because I had the temerity to agree with someone. It wasn't true but truth rarely matters when accusations are being flung about.

That can happen sometimes. Just shrug it off if someone wrongfully accuses you. Happened to me when I was new to SL and had the audacity to visit a club where older avatars were dancing. I didn't care and found it funny. :D 

Some people are simply paranoid, there's not much that we can do about it.

Edited by Clem Marques
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I have an older alt, she doesn't age though, because of constant bathing in the soothing skin enhancing mud of the ditch I left her in.
Every now and then (five year intervals?) I feel sorry for her, and attempt to enhance her look with the latest freebies.
She was of course, absolutely fine she says, and didn't want the interruption in any case, and could I leave her alone please?
I guess alts get cranky when they get old. Maybe I will risk the accusations of being an evil plotter, and search the drains again to see if she is still there ... or maybe not?

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26 minutes ago, Clem Marques said:

That can happen sometimes. Just shrug it off if someone wrongfully accuses you. Happened to me when I was new to SL and had the audacity to visit a club where older avatars were dancing. I didn't care and found it funny. :D 

Some people are simply paranoid, there's not much that we can do about it.

At the time, I was young(er) and impressionable and it hurt my feelings terribly.  Later I thought of it as a badge of honor, but slightly tarnished. Finally, it's just a little footnote, seldom read and mostly forgotten until someone brings up alts again.  I have better alt stories but I'm not dragging them out again.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My only alt has the same basic name as me (with a different spelling), and I don't hide that they are "me", so there is no reason for anyone to think that particular alt is "bad".

I display the same last Heartsong name as Kat on my male alt, and have a Pick in both that shows off and explains the other. Kat shows off the male alt in hers, and the male alt shows off Kat. Can't get much more open than that.

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1 hour ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

I display the same last Heartsong name as Kat on my male alt, and have a Pick in both that shows off and explains the other. Kat shows off the male alt in hers, and the male alt shows off Kat. Can't get much more open than that.

Since I really only use LoveXiaoying to learn about female mesh bodies / heads / clothing, and take some pictures, I don't really think about putting anything in her profile.  My main account avatar is used for interaction, not LoveX.  So, our situations may be a little different but it's a great idea - I'll fill in LoveX's profile at some point saying "this is an Alt account of Love Zhaoying, etc."

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I've always been baffled by this.

I log into any old MMO and make a new toon to go play some stuff and nobody freaks out or starts accusing me of being deceitful unless they've got issues.

Log in here and spin up a new account to go try out something different - like a RP venue. Or just because you want to play around. And some people act like the sky reached down and smacked them on the head.

That said - it's rare to see that drama here too. And just like in those MMOs, when somebody here freaks out about alts if you dig into it you'll invariably figure out they got issues...


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22 hours ago, Midnoot said:

If you let your friends know you're alting around, it instantly becomes less suspicious and I'm fine with it. But don't "test" me just because you can. If I wanted to be graded on everything by some random MF on the internet, I'll take a class on something.

Thing is though, we have no control over what others do. It doesn't matter what we want.

Learning to accept that and deal with it is, in my opinion anyway, far easier on myself than letting it upset me.

People do what people do. Can't stand it? Learn to cope, or isolate, I guess.

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@Clem Marques 


Your answer is perfect. (grr why I write in strong letter and big?) anyway I understood that in the alt means bad people. But I think the basis of SL is to have an other life of many other lifes. So this is the inherant heart of sl to have alts. All avatar is an alt for me. I translate alt by avatar but bad one.



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9 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I wish people could create Alts who are smarter than their Mains!

how to you know what is a main and an alt.  Is it the age (the main is older) is it the time you use. The main is used 2 hours a day the alt 1 hour ?

What happend if you use one avare 2 hours one day and 1 hour the next day who is the main who is the alt ?

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29 minutes ago, Gabriel Isodo said:

how to you know what is a main and an alt.  Is it the age (the main is older) is it the time you use. The main is used 2 hours a day the alt 1 hour ?

What happend if you use one avare 2 hours one day and 1 hour the next day who is the main who is the alt ?


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45 minutes ago, Gabriel Isodo said:

how to you know what is a main and an alt.  Is it the age (the main is older) is it the time you use. The main is used 2 hours a day the alt 1 hour ?

What happend if you use one avare 2 hours one day and 1 hour the next day who is the main who is the alt ?

Very good post.

It makes perfect sense that a person's 'main' is the one that s/he mainly uses, regardless of when it was created compared to others. There is no sense in which the word 'main' can be used to mean the first account.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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