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What behavior do you find endearing?

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While reading the "what behavior do you find off-putting" thread I got kind of depressed so I thought I would start an opposite thread.  Let's see if we can have more responses in this one vs. that one.   

I'll start.

I used to go to this now closed club and there was a hostess there that I was friendly with. We'd banter back and forth and it was a fun time.  I came in for a set one day  and five minutes later she sent me a gift from the MP.  She IM'd me and said "I saw these and thought of you immediately. I hope you like them"  It was a one off, nice thing to do.

I've run into this behavior much more than off putting behavior.

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I have no special stories about SL. But the fact that I'm still around in SL  after almost 17 years tells a lot.
Second Life is a great place for me to spend (a lot of) time (and L$), even if it is not perfect and there have been some bumpy rides at times.

All in all It's a wonderful world with enough diversity, unexpected things, great places and nice people to make it worth to stay and live a second life.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Almost Saturday again.
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Someone ( in world) who will spam the c key with me . Someone who let's me stand on their head . Someone who I come back from being afk to find standing on my head . Someone to SLiff SLuff SLaff with :B .

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Twice when I was new, I interacted with guys that didnt try hitting on me. 

One was at Tempura Gardens. I was standing in the main hall and a guy with a peg leg asked me to dance. We had a nice dance and chat.

Another time I was at Tobys, and a foreign guy asked for a dance. When we finished he thanked me so much for allowing him to dance with a beautiful American woman.

All guys arent creeps, just most 😂

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going back a few years to another life, I used to hang out at OIP/HIP area

i am standing up by the OIP temple. This week old new person shows up wearing LLQuadDog avatar. So I say Hi! they say hi back and we have a chat. They quite excited telling me all about the adventures and sights they have seen flying round and how much fun and amazing it is all to them

over the next week they show up everyday for a little bit chat before fly off for more adventure. New people full of curiousity, Is a joy to be by them

one day they stay a bit longer.  Then they said: I better go now because is getting dark, and I might not be able to find my spawn place, which some of the people told me is my home . I got lost the other day in the dark and had to logoff over the sea. When I log in the next day I was at my home so I was bit relieved about that

so I ask them about their home and they describe totems and fir trees, so I go ah! Waterhead, you have quite a long flight home. And they say: yeah I better go.

and in that moment  I couldn't bring myself to tell them about World\Sun\Midday because I didn't want to break their immersion. And off they flew

anyways few days later they show up again and it starts getting dark. And I say is getting dark you don't want to get lost and drown in the sea again if you can't find your way home. And they laugh and say lol I was looking at the viewer menu options yesterday and I found out that I can stop the sun. Why didn't you tell me that lol

I explain that I didn't want to break their new person experience, that we only get to experience this one time. Like childhood, we only get one go at it. And they laugh and say yeah that's true, has been really enjoyable working this game out for myself

new people yes

so I don't tell them about World Map or Teleport either. And off they flew toward their home place of Waterhead in the midday sun


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2 hours ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

While reading the "what behavior do you find off-putting" thread I got kind of depressed so I thought I would start an opposite thread.  Let's see if we can have more responses in this one vs. that one.   

I'll start.

I used to go to this now closed club and there was a hostess there that I was friendly with. We'd banter back and forth and it was a fun time.  I came in for a set one day  and five minutes later she sent me a gift from the MP.  She IM'd me and said "I saw these and thought of you immediately. I hope you like them"  It was a one off, nice thing to do.

I've run into this behavior much more than off putting behavior.

Nice thread to start, Sam :) We were in need of something positive on this gloomy January day.

1 hour ago, Midnoot said:

Someone ( in world) who will spam the c key with me . Someone who let's me stand on their head . Someone who I come back from being afk to find standing on my head . Someone to SLiff SLuff SLaff with :B .

Definitely good to find other people with whom to test "weapons" and fun HUDs that others might see as griefing tools. 


I find it endearing when people do the opposite of using security orbs/devices to keep people out of their property and they actually put out welcome signs and gifts, sharing the goodwill.

I found it endearing when a newbie clambered onto the back of a flying bat I was riding a few days ago and sparked up a conversation that was more than just a "hi", even though English was not his first language. It was quite an interesting conversation.

I find it endearing when people generally pay it forward. That was one of my first experiences in Second Life. People pooling and sharing their knowledge about all the "how to" aspects of Second Life, and showing me interesting places they've found.



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I love encountering people who are excited about SL to the degree that they experience it as magical. Usually that attitude is found in new residents, but sometimes older ones see the potential of SL and remain enthused.

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Didn't happen in SL, but somebody mentioned that I was popular in Open Sim. The male avi claimed he'd seen me somewhere in SL but didn't reply to me there. Hmm... maybe I have a mysterious aura, or he was shy?  🤔 Elicited a quick chuckle IRL.

(I would have chatted longer, but I was stuck for more than a few minutes as an orange cloud via FS. Had to log off, clear caches, then relog... bummer.)

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Helpfulness.  I see a lot of that in SL.  Also the spark of curiosity that can still be raised in an oldbie.  I took one on a tour of a really old run-down build this morning but she was still enthusiastic about it and keen to explore.  Also old-school Tinies.  They don't tend to have much vanity. :) 

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Taking the time to really get to know other people.

Seems to be common with introverted/shy people. An often underrated trait, there's something special about people like that. Like a hidden gem. They are often the quiet ones in a group setting, but if one notices and approaches them, they might be surprised by what they find. I am biased because most of my closest, best relationships/friendships in SL have been like that, it's nice. Some very memorable interactions too.

In terms of behavior, I guess it would be the willingness to have proper one-on-one conversations and enjoying that. Choosing to go beyond assumptions and first impressions.

Edited by Clem Marques
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I find people that are comfortable to be around endearing.  Those up for a chat or dance or hour exploring a pretty region.  They don't bring the drama or feel the need to fill every second with chatter and they don't expect you to provide all the entertainment. They are just easy to be around without thinking anything is expected of you.

Another endearing quality is playfulness and silliness.  It's harder to find these kind of people than it used to be, but they are out there.  I tend to avoid people that are serious all the time and only want to have deep, emotional conversations.  Not that I can't enjoy a deep, emotional conversation, but balance it out with some fun, too.

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Humble people, I love them to pieces.  We need more humbums in this world, I feel so much more at ease when I don't feel like I am in some sort of competition.  Just a laid back attitude, people who are relaxed, know enough not to start controversy or take things too far and see how silly it all really is.

People like the dude.



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I am still blown away by super customer service - the kind that actually goes above and beyond whatever my small request was.  Things like me notifying a merchant when they forgot to put out a demo (or make it clickable/buyable) or forgot something within a package (a single item missing from a an outfit packaged for many bodies) -- and then having the merchant surprise me with some store item or gift card just for notifying them of the issue.


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When I receive a nicely worded notecard - it feels more special than an IM.

I received Christmas cards this year for the first time in ages - so thoughtful and made me smile

My BFF in SL messaging me about a home she's seen - teleporting me over to see it, then  both of us spending hours home shopping for no apparent reason other than we enjoy each others company & opinions.


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People who IM as soon as I log on – why waste time? B| 

Club owners who drop their staff a tip after a quiet/empty set 👍

All the people who make an effort with RFL/Toys For Tots fundraising events 🎇

Noobs who don’t know the ‘rules’ and go wild 🤩

Edited by Rat Luv
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People that pay attention (especially asking questions) when you talk about something, even if they don't understand or aren't typically interested in whatever the topic is.

That's a lost art.

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55 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

People that pay attention (especially asking questions) when you talk about something, even if they don't understand or aren't typically interested in whatever the topic is.

That's a lost art.

I'm sorry, did you say something?

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Newbies in general, but especially the ones who want to explore SL. 

My home is a north coast Victorian, so it's not too far from the welcome hub. Yesterday I saw a 2 week old newbie in the female starter avatar that has a horse riding along the coastal road. I waved from my front porch and said "Nice day for a ride." They stopped as if trying to figure out who was talking to them and then continued on their way, which confirms to me that they were a real newbie.

Another new person who I met through the forum was writing a blog about exploring SL and was eager to explore, even learning from and exploring with multiple people, working on making his avatar look more like his RL self, trying out using a female alt, and getting into a relationship and sharing a home with another resident.

If you've been to Disneyland or Disney World with a kid, they let you experience the joy and excitement through their eyes. An enthusiastic newbie in SL does the same thing for me in SL.

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New residents. They remind me of.. me.
When they have been through FS and London. So also old farts who help. Both places do a damned good job.
I am biased - I see quite a few on my regular gig. Two days old and ask for a req? And get one.
(Always say 'Welcome to SL'.)
So thanks Tru et al for reminding me again why I am still here.

Good topic.

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Hmm, while I try to come up with something specific, politeness, kindness, taking time, generally, there's too little of that in all worlds, so I'm finding it endearing. 

Ah, I know. I still remember a very nice IM from someone who very genuinely, and specifically complimented me about a roleplay avatar that I had indeed put a lot of time and thought into every little detail, looks, "accessories", animations, profile IC story, everything; looking back, it would probably have to be my "master work" out of all to this day, even as it was before mesh.

While I'd done it completely for myself, and for the "realness" of the rp and other players, too, of course, it really was nice to "get proof" that someone (so, probably, more people) noticed and was kind enough to let me know. We never before nor after interacted, at least as per my knowledge, but I still remember it fondly, possibly every time I set up another roleplay avatar.

I'm somewhat shy, and would rarely IM others first, but ever since, it made me jump over my own scaredycat shadow a bit more often, like compliment sim owners about their sim and such. 

So, what would that endearing behaviour be, showing people that their efforts don't go unnoticed, acknowledging that someone's there and does their best to "improve the scenery", motivating/inspiring someone in a very kind and subtle way? Something like that. :)

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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