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2 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

But... does anyone need to 'do it' at all?  There's a lot of emphasis, in first and second life, that there's nothing more important nowadays.

Breaking Newsl:

Puritan Kill-Joy Citizen Crusader thinks sex should be banned in FirstLife as well as SecondLife.

No Pictures at 11, because censorship!


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10 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

But... does anyone need to 'do it' at all?

Yes, some people -- a great many people, probably a majority -- do. Sexuality is enormously important for most of us, I suspect; it's an absolutely integral part of who we are. It's an absolutely vital part of who I am, for that matter, even if I choose not to express that side of me in SL.

There are, of course people -- asexuals, for instance -- for whom it is unimportant. Apparently it's not important to you? And that's totally cool.

But why is it necessary to be judgemental about those who are different from you? Why do you insist that your preferences represent the "reasonable norm," rather than merely just one more expression of the enormous diversity of ways in which human sexuality does (or does not) express itself?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But why is it necessary to be judgemental about those who are different from you? Why do you insist that your preferences represent the "reasonable norm," rather than merely just one more expression of the enormous diversity of ways in which human sexuality does (or does not) express itself?

Maybe you should ask that question to those who are different from me, and why their preferences are more important than mine?  It always amuses me how those who shout the loudest for 'tolerance and acceptance' in the real world are often the most intolerant and unnaccepting.

It seems that the 'ignore' function does not function as a 'block' function.  I guess the forum needs fixing too.

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4 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Maybe you should ask that question to those who are different from me, and why their preferences are more important than mine?

Your preferences and Zalificent's are not in conflict: they are not "more important" (nor less important), but merely different.

You have a set of tools available to you to avoid pretty much any experience of sexuality in Second Life: the preferences of others have nearly zero impact upon your experience of the platform. They are, in effect, irrelevant to you.

Given that they needn't impinge upon your life, why are you so insistent that others must conform to your preferences?

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Your preferences and Zalificent's are not in conflict: they are not "more important" (nor less important), but merely different.

You have a set of tools available to you to avoid pretty much any experience of sexuality in Second Life: the preferences of others have nearly zero impact upon your experience of the platform. They are, in effect, irrelevant to you.

Given that they needn't impinge upon your life, why are you so insistent that others must conform to your preferences?

Meh... maybe I should just give up on the forums altogether.  They've had zero impact on my in-world enjoyment for so many years I guess I can get by without them now.  

But should I allow myself to be bullied out by one irrelevant person, due to the lack of ability to block that person properly?

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Just now, Lewis Nerd said:

Meh... maybe I should just give up on the forums altogether.  They've had zero impact on my in-world enjoyment for so many years I guess I can get by without them now.  

But should I allow myself to be bullied out by one irrelevant person, due to the lack of ability to block that person properly?

I don't see, honestly, that you've been bullied at all. Forums are about discussion, and the shape and tone of that discussion is going to depend upon a great many things. Zalificent is, characteristically, sarcastic in her replies (so, sometimes, am I), but she's not "bullying." And as Val noted above, she hasn't really "threatened" you.

It may well be that you're not temperamentally suited for the give-and-take of a forum? Not everyone is, and that's fine too. And not everyone enjoys a place like this.

But it can be really valuable to hear other perspectives on subjects like this, and, whether you agree with Zalificent (and me) or not, you're actually better informed about other approaches to SL than you were. Just as I have gained by listening to you, however vehemently I may disagree with your viewpoint.

There are of course exceptions, but I think it's rarely better to just shut out other voices.

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3 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

But should I allow myself to be bullied

Disagreeing with the fraudulent claims you made about Adult content being the default, is not "bullying".

Nor is disagreeing with your suggestion that abolishing a huge part of the grid that pays to keep SL open, "bullying".

Nor is pointing out that your fraudulent claim that anyone with banlines cannot possibly have SL Friends, is nonsense, "bullying".

Nor is pointing out that your fraudulent claim that anyone with banlines "must be hiding something" is nonsense, "bullying".

Nor is pointing out that your fraudulent claim that anyone who doesn't want adult content banned, must be a loser with no RL, is nonsense, "bullying".

Nor is pointing out that sneering down your nose at anyone not exactly like you, is elitist snobbery, "bullying".

Nor is laughing at you when you say laughable things like "there's no need for people to have sex in RL", "bullying".


You need to learn the actual meanings of words before you use them.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It may well be that you're not temperamentally suited for the give-and-take of a forum? Not everyone is, and that's fine too. And not everyone enjoys a place like this.

Maybe I'm just too old for this sort of thing.

Regular users may well understand that someone is, as you put it, "characteristically sarcastic" in their replies - and whether that's just how they are or "role play" of some kind, doesn't really matter.  I don't know these people, and if they come across to me as threatening or abusive then maybe that's not necessarily my fault; I take the written word as it is, and judge it on its value rather than trying to second guess that he/she/it "doesn't really mean it".

I'm sure if we sat down across a table in a cafe in real life and talked without any of the "masks" of SL we all wear we may both be surprised.

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Oh for heaven's sake. It's just sex. And it's just SL sex. Give it a rest already.

Here, in hopes of stirring up some less redundant unpopularity:

  • Halloween is stupid, and
  • Decorating for the season in SL reveals a childhood crush on one's elementary teacher, still triggered by the smell of construction paper.
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4 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

So you don't think "exclude adult content, assuming it's actually categorised properly" should be the default, with the user being able to decide for themselves if they want to experience it - rather than having to take steps to avoid it?

At the Welcome Hub, one of the first things a lot of new residents ask is how they can access content other than General because the default setting for new accounts is General only.  For inworld and MP.  At some point over the years, you chose to include Moderate and Adult content.  If you reset your filters to General only, you won't even be able to "accidentally" TP to anything else.  

I live on Adult land.  I have a security orb up with a 30 sec. timer.  I have NO adult furniture on my parcel nor do I engage in any adult activity there or anywhere. Friends are on my access list.  I DO frequent many adult venues and honestly, see very little adult activity going on there. 

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4 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Now I know about it ... I still have no desire to go there.

And you'd be wise not to. It's very empty, very unfinished and I can't really see the point.

Only slightly interesting thing about it is that you will find the only place on the SL mainland where the Linden water level is different between two adjoining regions, apparently. A friend gave me a grid tour once and showed me that.


Edited by AmeliaJ08
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16 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

And you'd be wise not to. It's very empty, very unfinished and I can't really see the point.

Only slightly interesting thing about it is that you will find the only place on the SL mainland where the Linden water level is different between two adjoining regions, apparently. A friend gave me a grid tour once and showed me that.

As interesting as that may be to see ... it doesn't quite hit the "must do" list.  Sorry.

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12 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

And you'd be wise to. It's very empty, very unfinished and I can't really see the point.

Only slightly interesting thing about it is that you will find the only place on the SL mainland where the Linden water level is different between two adjoining regions, apparently. 

I hate to respond and drill further into one pop/unpop opinion already beaten to a pulp, but I can't let slide this Mainland geography challenge. Perhaps the most famous example of disparate water levels isn't on Zindra, but rather the much older "Sutherland dam" on the border of that region and Wakeley. What may be unique about Zindra is that there are three levels of llWater in the same river system, the highest at 50m in Laffoon, falling to 37m in Pengallen Bridge, and to sea level (20m) at Oritz to the North and Terri to the South. 

Zindra as a continent really gets a bad rap. It has some very interesting geography with scattered double-prim regions in a useful variety of settings and zoning restrictions (join or no-join, terraform or no-terraform). There are explicitly Adult venues, of course (and to look at the Map you might think that's all there is) but the vast majority of the continent is residential and about as tame as Mainland was before the Adult Content policy made Zindra necessary.

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2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:
  • Decorating for the season in SL reveals a childhood crush on one's elementary teacher, still triggered by the smell of construction paper.

Adding, a nostalgia for:

  • Eating Paste (generally associated with the dumber kids) and Play-Doh (the smarter kids)
  • Dipping girls' ponytails in inkwells (as told by the Ancients)
  • Making molds of your fingerprints with Elmer's Glue
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15 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

I hate to respond and drill further into one pop/unpop opinion already beaten to a pulp, but I can't let slide this Mainland geography challenge. Perhaps the most famous example of disparate water levels isn't on Zindra, but rather the much older "Sutherland dam" on the border of that region and Wakeley. What may be unique about Zindra is that there are three levels of llWater in the same river system, the highest at 50m in Laffoon, falling to 37m in Pengallen Bridge, and to sea level (20m) at Oritz to the North and Terri to the South. 

Zindra as a continent really gets a bad rap. It has some very interesting geography with scattered double-prim regions in a useful variety of settings and zoning restrictions (join or no-join, terraform or no-terraform). There are explicitly Adult venues, of course (and to look at the Map you might think that's all there is) but the vast majority of the continent is residential and about as tame as Mainland was before the Adult Content policy made Zindra necessary.

Ah maybe it was that, she showed me a sort of canal that had a lock somewhere in the middle of the continent in a city area where you could see two different water levels.

I enjoyed my grid tour but the impression I got from everywhere she showed me is that LL start projects and then... forget about them? it almost feels like most of the continent building was done in an era where they cared briefly and then abandoned everything, Zindra looked particularly bad with its deserted monorail, giant empty shopping mall, weird roads etc but everywhere seemed to have a semi-interesting lore and evidence that someone at LL once cared about it.

I'm 2017 intake, all of this is way before my time of course. The mainland grid feels like a thing from a past SL almost but I'm not sure the little details, lore and other interesting things about it ever truly mattered to many, if they did it's probably quite sad to see it become such an overlooked and for users like me largely unknown about thing. I think MMO-ifying the SL mainland might be a good way to generate new interest but it seems to be neglected in general.





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6 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

The mainland grid feels like a thing from a past SL almost but I'm not sure the little details, lore and other interesting things about it ever truly mattered to many, if they did it's probably quite sad to see it become such an overlooked and for users like me largely unknown about thing. 

Nothing stopping anyone exploring it though - there's an well established road system and places you can rez vehicles and drive about - or just fly over, avoiding the ban lines and enjoying the things you can see and visit?

"The mainland" mattered to a lot of people - especially when that's pretty much all there was (unless you were wealthy enough to own your own island, be a land baron where you made plenty of money renting to other users, or a bland corporate entity trying to be "cool") but many of them became disillusioned with SL and drifted away. There have been many LL decisions and other things such as "copybot" over the years that upset large numbers of users (when large numbers of users existed).

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4 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

The mainland grid feels like a thing from a past SL almost

That's a feature, though, not a bug. It was designed that way from the beginning, with weird little thematic mythologies to capture the wanderer's imagination, hinting at a mystical timeline starting long before SL. There's a whole myth of Magellan, for example, that pops up in the least likely places of each continent. None of it makes any more sense than the explorer chooses to read into it, which is all part of the mystique.

That may be an unpopular opinion. There must be those prepared to defend canonical Magellan.

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