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On 10/10/2023 at 5:43 PM, Orwar said:

Darn it, I just revealed there's an orange on my desk. What wicked things will all the evil online peoples do with this sensitive information?!

/me points this fact out to @Luna Bliss and makes a complex series of animated gestures, nodding and blinking, ending with a stifled giggle and a "kablooey!" gesture ...

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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-Do you use voice in Second Life?

I have in the past at rare times, but not as often as I would of loved to.

-If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?)

I'm pretty introverted and shy so it has been easier just talking on voice with friends. I want to be able to join on people's conversations, but I find that quite difficult and awkward. But also, I tend to voice more on discord along with friends than in SL itself, voice quality on SL sucks.

-Do you think you have a good voice?

No, at least I don't think so. Comparing myself to others, who have gentler, sweeter or sexy voices I feel like I don't belong in any of the sorts, but at least I got a slight dialect and don't have a high pitched voice.

Edited by PixelBerry
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I rarely voice outside of groups that I'm very comfortable with and who have proven that they respect trans people. This is in large part because I'm a non-binary person with a voice that sounds quite like my assigned sex at birth, leading to me being misgendered when I speak. I'll occasionally attend discussion groups on a BDSM community sim and speak there, but often I opt to type instead. I'm a fast typist so it's not too hard to keep up in text.

I generally don't like listening to people on voice unless there's a purpose and direction to the conversation. People who just endlessly keep their mics open for innante chatter irritate me. I had a friend in SL who liked to call me while she was out shopping IRL. Not for a reason, just to have someone on the phone, listening to her breathing and walking around. It drove me up a wall. I hated it and had to tell her to knock it off.

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On 10/10/2023 at 9:00 AM, Gopi Passiflora said:

-Do you use voice in Second Life?

Nope, but I will open a youtube channel and sing for you if you want.

-Do you think you have a good voice?

I believe so, I guess it's ok, but it's much better when singing. Stop making us brag, we're trying to keep our pride levels down. 🙄

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 I don't mind using voice but it has to be in a mannerly way in the right vibe with conversation. Nothing forced or nothing that crosses the  line or its decline. 

I have spoken since I came here. I am confident to use it but it's not something that can be forced but it needs time to be used with people that can carry mutual conversation, not all slex.  I got to the newbie area era first walking in sl everyone was on voice people were very open  but times have changed but I am not giving up on it. You still chat with people, don't have to give it all out, just have a great laugh and make some friends.  



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I'm trans, makes me dysphoric so I don't voice. I used to before realizing but after, blegh. Also "typing me" is extremely different from "speaking me" and I've noticed that tends to bug people. I will turn on voice and listen to others if the situation demand it but I will not voice chat back.

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I'll use voice around friends or in some situations wherein it is an easier means to communicate but often do keep it turned off.

As for how I feel about my voice ... I don't think on it too much really unless I am feeling self-aware or insecure. Then I worry. I've mentioned elsewhere now that my birth gender's not really matching and while i can pull off a femme sounding tone most of the time ... It's not consistent.

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People at work said I had a good, clear voice. I have a Berkshire/Hampshire accent but to be honest I hate the sound of my own voice. It was made worse when I had to record the outgoing messages on the interactive call routing at work so I'd have to listen to myself over and over again.

As for voice in SL it's great for circumstances that require it - like a class or meeting. It's not so great in public as some people quite frankly just do not know when to shut up and go to sleep.

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On 10/10/2023 at 5:00 PM, Gopi Passiflora said:

-Do you use voice in Second Life?

I rarely ever have. I like to keep a record of chat logs to re-read later, as I have a tendency to miss some bits when "live". I do the same with TV shows (rewatch first episodes) because I don't pick things up first time round. (Other people might be surprised at how much they miss too, but it can be a bit obsessive, so I don't recommend it.)

-If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?)

Not applicable.

-Do you think you have a good voice?

I have a heavy Yorkshire accent, not a great voice, yet a face more suitedfor radio. For all these reasons I turned down the chance to have my 15 seconds of fame on Points of View on BBC TV yesterday when the programme makers liked a comment I typed to them and asked if I would make a video voicing and putting a face to my comment. 

(Apologies if any of these questions have been done before.)

I occasionally use voice in Second Life, but not all the time. I'm mostly a typer. 💜

I only use it when the other people have initiated the conversation with me in voice. Since I have a distinct voice, I only use it while playing certain accounts/characters (usually my alien, shapeshifter, or fishman characters, since not even my human male characters resemble my real life self.) If I'm playing a female character I try to avoid active places with voice. 💜

I said before I have a distinct voice, and I don't think it's very good.  Talking-wise I talk too fast and I think people don't understand me, and singing-wise I think I'm tone deaf. 

Heck, me too! Are you me? Tee hee 


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On 10/10/2023 at 6:00 PM, Gopi Passiflora said:

-Do you use voice in Second Life?

-If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?)

-Do you think you have a good voice?

(Apologies if any of these questions have been done before.)

I occasionally use voice in Second Life, but not all the time. I'm mostly a typer.

I only use it when the other people have initiated the conversation with me in voice. Since I have a distinct voice, I only use it while playing certain accounts/characters (usually my alien, shapeshifter, or fishman characters, since not even my human male characters resemble my real life self.) If I'm playing a female character I try to avoid active places with voice.

I said before I have a distinct voice, and I don't think it's very good.  Talking-wise I talk too fast and I think people don't understand me, and singing-wise I think I'm tone deaf. 

-Do you use voice in Second Life?

Sometimes. Mostly outside programs, though. It can get terribly noisy in-world.

-If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?)

Used it last time for an MC ride out. Enjoyed it a lot, turned it off after. Back to "normal" SL :)

-Do you think you have a good voice?

I can carry a tune pretty well, it's for others to decide.

The voice discussion is as old as time here, it seems. I totally get why women stay away from it.

My adopted nephew has actually bloomed at lot by using voice in video games in a world wide setting. He was a... Well let's be honest, not a crack baby, but a heroin baby. Let's leave it at that. His English has improved tremendously, as have his overall communication skills.

Myself, I'm just too lazy I guess. I wanna listen to music or a UK panel show, a podcast, stuff like that, whenever I'm in SL usually. Doesn't mean I don't connect, but prefer to type.

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On 10/10/2023 at 12:15 PM, Luna Bliss said:

In the past I didn't like my voice.  I began singing mantras in earnest, and was so impressed with the return of my voice (on many levels...like 'finding your voice' ) that I started a group in SL named Moonlight Mantras.  I felt my voice was too high, and I'm developing a lower range I didn't know I had -- it just took some loud screaming singing songs of love!!   I sang a lot in the past, composed songs, but my voice was never like this!

Sing, Gopi, Sing!    :)

I will! Thanks for the encouragement!

@Marigold Devin Great minds think alike I guess!

Edited by Gopi Passiflora
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-Do you use voice in Second Life?

Yes, although I prefer to use Discord as voice in SL generally makes me crash within 30 minutes at the outside.  The official viewer works better for voice for my purposes, if by "better" we mean "disconnects instead of Bugsplats."

-If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?)

I use it with some riding groups (hard to steer your horse and type at the same time), drives (ditto, only with cars) and with good friends, especially when we're working on avatar issues.  If someone insists upon voice or "verification", it tells me two things:  a) they're probably trying to create a sense of forced intimacy by using voice where I generally wouldn't (powertripping is a sure way for me to say buh-bye), and b) they clearly haven't read my entire profile which contains a link to my husband's and my "Love Made in SL" episode with both my RL voice and face.  There is literally no need to verify if I'm female because it's on the Lab's official YouTube channel for the world to see. 

-Do you think you have a good voice?

I'm told I do; I find it cringeworthy, but different strokes, etc.

Edited by Ajay McDowwll
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no I very rarely use voice, when I am online my rl partner will most likely be watching tv in the same room so it would be very inconsiderate of me to sit there babbling away. Also I have a hearing impairment and cant always hear voice properly unless I am very near to the person talking. I dont mind if other ppl talk to me on voice but I'm afraid it will be typed responses from me.


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