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Second Life "Life Hacks"

Love Zhaoying

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

- You can always start all over with a new avatar. That is called having an alt. Some people have more alts than they can count or remember.


The thought terrifies me... buying all that stuff...

Of course I could be far more efficient with spending now but still... not really an option. I have sometimes wished that LL allowed some heavily limited way of moving everything you own to a new account and the old one is killed off, that would be a good feature.


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Lock your platforms!

Unless of course you like falling, then don't lock it and:

invite a lot of people over for a party on your platform at 2500+m up in the air

put a bunch of balloons set to physical on the ground all around your guests

get the guests nice and drunk

get the drunks to start kicking the balloons around

quietly remove the floor (go into fly mode first!)

laugh your butt off!


Edited by Casidy Silvercloud
forgot a part
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Important lessons about how SL works:

  • Second life is a video game
  • Second life is not a video game
  • Your avatar is a reflection of you
  • Your avatar is a fictional cartoon with no bearing on you as a real person
  • Second life is for perving hawt chicks
  • Get these pervs off my avatar
  • Only fashionable people on the latest mesh are cool in SL
  • All those fashionistas are just mindless old people trying to re-live high school. Utterly lame. True cool people are on 2003 system avatars
  • True cool people are furries in dark purple and black
  • True cool people stay the freak away from those weirdo furries and their obsession with purple glow
  • Truly cool people are into Cyber - which everyone knows means the world needs to be grayish-black with a light blue glow, not purple.
  • Free XXX is -------------> that way.
  • AFK XXX is <------------- this way.
  • Avoiding people bugging you for XXX is nowhere.
  • Always introduce yourself to new people by IMing "Hello" after making sure your profile is blank and you are NOT in the same region or any nearby region to them.
  • If you hide your groups, it is required to join a group named something like "I hide my groups from you newb losers and if you don't like it my sisi will kick your a**"
  • You cannot leave SL until you make a dramatic post on the forums about leaving, and why, and then spending 3+ months responding to everyone.


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15 minutes ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:


Important lessons about how SL works:

  • Second life is a video game
  • Second life is not a video game
  • Your avatar is a reflection of you
  • Your avatar is a fictional cartoon with no bearing on you as a real person
  • Second life is for perving hawt chicks
  • Get these pervs off my avatar
  • Only fashionable people on the latest mesh are cool in SL
  • All those fashionistas are just mindless old people trying to re-live high school. Utterly lame. True cool people are on 2003 system avatars
  • True cool people are furries in dark purple and black
  • True cool people stay the freak away from those weirdo furries and their obsession with purple glow
  • Truly cool people are into Cyber - which everyone knows means the world needs to be grayish-black with a light blue glow, not purple.
  • Free XXX is -------------> that way.
  • AFK XXX is <------------- this way.
  • Avoiding people bugging you for XXX is nowhere.
  • Always introduce yourself to new people by IMing "Hello" after making sure your profile is blank and you are NOT in the same region or any nearby region to them.
  • If you hide your groups, it is required to join a group named something like "I hide my groups from you newb losers and if you don't like it my sisi will kick your a**"
  • You cannot leave SL until you make a dramatic post on the forums about leaving, and why, and then spending 3+ months responding to everyone.


You win the forums today

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18 minutes ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:


Important lessons about how SL works:

  • Second life is a video game
  • Second life is not a video game
  • Your avatar is a reflection of you
  • Your avatar is a fictional cartoon with no bearing on you as a real person
  • Second life is for perving hawt chicks
  • Get these pervs off my avatar
  • Only fashionable people on the latest mesh are cool in SL
  • All those fashionistas are just mindless old people trying to re-live high school. Utterly lame. True cool people are on 2003 system avatars
  • True cool people are furries in dark purple and black
  • True cool people stay the freak away from those weirdo furries and their obsession with purple glow
  • Truly cool people are into Cyber - which everyone knows means the world needs to be grayish-black with a light blue glow, not purple.
  • Free XXX is -------------> that way.
  • AFK XXX is <------------- this way.
  • Avoiding people bugging you for XXX is nowhere.
  • Always introduce yourself to new people by IMing "Hello" after making sure your profile is blank and you are NOT in the same region or any nearby region to them.
  • If you hide your groups, it is required to join a group named something like "I hide my groups from you newb losers and if you don't like it my sisi will kick your a**"
  • You cannot leave SL until you make a dramatic post on the forums about leaving, and why, and then spending 3+ months responding to everyone.



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26 minutes ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:


Important lessons about how SL works:

  • Second life is a video game
  • Second life is not a video game
  • Your avatar is a reflection of you
  • Your avatar is a fictional cartoon with no bearing on you as a real person
  • Second life is for perving hawt chicks
  • Get these pervs off my avatar
  • Only fashionable people on the latest mesh are cool in SL
  • All those fashionistas are just mindless old people trying to re-live high school. Utterly lame. True cool people are on 2003 system avatars
  • True cool people are furries in dark purple and black
  • True cool people stay the freak away from those weirdo furries and their obsession with purple glow
  • Truly cool people are into Cyber - which everyone knows means the world needs to be grayish-black with a light blue glow, not purple.
  • Free XXX is -------------> that way.
  • AFK XXX is <------------- this way.
  • Avoiding people bugging you for XXX is nowhere.
  • Always introduce yourself to new people by IMing "Hello" after making sure your profile is blank and you are NOT in the same region or any nearby region to them.
  • If you hide your groups, it is required to join a group named something like "I hide my groups from you newb losers and if you don't like it my sisi will kick your a**"
  • You cannot leave SL until you make a dramatic post on the forums about leaving, and why, and then spending 3+ months responding to everyone.


Nailed it, all of it! You get a gold star for the day

But only the day, you have to give it back tomorrow

🌟 That's a weird star, here's a better one, it's even smiling!


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Everything in SL is made of mesh, but Linden Lab only let people know that about ten years ago, when it became fashionable to say the word "mesh" publicly. Once Linden Lab made mesh popular, they let you make your own instead of just playing with theirs. These days, anyone can make a mesh of things (given the proper complicated tools and a bucketload of talent).

If someone is being mean to you, just sit down. He will be startled to discover that you will not budge when he tries to push you around. (This is almost true, except for the startled part.)

The wheels on many cars do not go round. In fact, cars work perfectly well with wheels that are just drawn on, as with a crayon.

You can fly, so you don't really need airplanes or wings like a butterfly or an angel, although many people have them anyway.

If something is physical and you let go of it, it drops like a stone. If it's non-physical, it stays right where it is when you let go.  Don't make your skybox physical.

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12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

- You can select "Offer Friendship" to any avatar, with an optional message. Good luck!

I want to add to this one: Don't be discouraged if someone ignores your friendship offer, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't like you, or never would want to be friends, they might just not want too many friends they'll perhaps never see/talk to again, and only accept friendship requests on 3rd or 30th meeting, or never. Tell yourself that you probably didn't literally ask many of your RL (real life) friends if they want to be friends either, but that friendships just kind of happen. Well, if you're lucky to still have friends from kindergarten or elementary school, you may actually literally have asked them, but you get my point.

You can also create and keep a notecard (nc) in your inventory with names of avatars you may want to keep up with, and search them in "People" search, and just IM them, without being on each other's friend list.

You can also take notes directly on other avatars' profiles on a specific tab, no worries, only you see those notes, not they. For example, you could note down things like, "sent this hypersuperawesome person a friend request three times already, no reaction, but strangely enough, they keep chatting with me, and friendly, too, why don't they want to be friends*sob*". Personally, though, I use that tab to take notes on characters I roleplay with, so I can pretend that my character has an awesome memory, while mine is a sieve.

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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8 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

- Do not accept Teleport requests from strangers.

Extension: Everyone is, and most probably always will remain, a stranger. Maybe even a dog. Or an alligator. 🐊

Edited by InnerCity Elf
typing without glasses again 🤐
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5 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Everything in SL is made of mesh, but Linden Lab only let people know that about ten years ago, when it became fashionable to say the word "mesh" publicly. Once Linden Lab made mesh popular, they let you make your own instead of just playing with theirs. These days, anyone can make a mesh of things (given the proper complicated tools and a bucketload of talent).

The latest advertisement gimmick is "Original mesh", whatever that might possibly be.

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The top 15 of SL activities (maybe a bit in random order)

01. Shopping for bargains, shopping events
02. Avatar customizing
03. SL relationships (and break ups)
04. Complaining about the software, websites, progress of SL, behavior from others, people wearing the wrong body, people using the wrong viewer
05. Drama and self importance
06. Attending parties, (park the avatar on a dance ball and go and read the newspaper in RL or do the dishes or walk the dog)
07. Create things for SL. This happens for the biggest part on software outside Second Life.
08. Spend endless hours on listing your creations, make pictures for that stuff, customer service, Jumping through hoops for L$ 100 extra.
09. Standing around on your platform while AFK.
10. Hanging at beaches while AFK
11. Annoy others at parties with gestures. Wooooooooooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!
12. Getting a job as greeter, manager, DJ, pole dancer.
13. Hang around on these forums all day :)

14. Bellisseria home hopping: Living each week at at least two different spots.
15. Home decoration \ parcel decoration


Edited by Sid Nagy
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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

- Do not accept Teleport requests from strangers.

ALWAYS accept teleport requests from strangers, but remember you can always teleport straight out directly afterwards if the stranger has turned out to be a hideous weirdo.

Remember too you can block/ignore people.

You do not have to accept a friend request.

Everyone's profile has an area on which to write private notes about them, which they cannot see, so if you have a random encounter with someone that you might want to talk to at a later date (or not), it's handy to jot a few notes as an aide memoire.

Get used to the fact that your avatar is not your real person, and your avatar WILL at one point or another appear to be naked to other residents. IT IS NOT THE REAL YOU that other residents are seeing, so there is no need to feel embarrassed or upset at your apparent nudity.

Do not feel obliged to respond to anyone's IMs, be they friends or not. True friends will always understand your need to have a few minutes to settle into your session in Second Life, or you may actually have logged in with a purpose and are not available for a chat in that moment. (Use the "busy" option from the top menus is an option.)

Look at other people's profile picks, which can often contain really good recommendations for places to visit.

Never feel afraid to initiate a conversation in IM with someone, but do not just say "Hi", instead take an interest in what is on their profile and say something relevant to that person.

Edited by Marigold Devin
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