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Tell everyone one good thing about Second Life and Linden Labs


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I remember back when high speed internet came around and was getting really popular.. Then people could play these interactive multiplayer games..Then people seeing people making money at playing those games.. A lot of people at that time had dreams of finding a way to sit on their butts and make money from home while playing a game..

Then Linden Lab came along and found a way..

I couldn't count how many times I heard people all over the internet say that over the years..  Wish there was a way I could  play games or do something online for a living..hehehehe

I loved dancing at a popular club back then and  fell into a really good place that I was actually making  really good money.. on avg making around 65k or more just for a few hours of hanging around on a stage every night,  chatting with people, having a great time, making all kinds of friends..  I did that for a little over two years.. If I would have saved all that money and waited out until now with the increase of the value of the linden dollar.. omg I would have a pretty nice nest egg.. hehehe

Instead I flaunted it on having a sim and  buying everything I wanted in second life and never really having to bring any money in from RL..


Second life is not a democracy, but I sure am glad it was built in one.. It probably wouldn't have lasted as long as it did otherwise. hehehe

ETA: I better add this before there is some confusion of me coming here for the money.. I didn't come to SL to make money, that was just an extra something that happened along the way.. I came because friends talked me into coming.. I even quit right away before even getting off orientation island because it felt like the movie, the island.. really creepy..

Then three days later my friends talked me back into it and took me straight to mainland and  it was sooo much better.. I went premium later that day.. The dancing came in about two weeks later and been here ever since.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I considered posting in this thread, but I decided not to, as I didn't want to post anything negative. Now I've decided to post anyway, but nothing negative.

SL good thing:
That fact that it exists has provided me with an enormous amount of time doing something that I've found to be pleasurable. Not the sorts of pleasures that many people find here - dancing, exploring, that sort of stuff - but doing what I enjoy doing. And it made me some money back in the day.

LL good thing:
The fact that they created SL and kept it going all this time. That's all I'm gonna say :)

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44 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

SL is never that immersive for me. When I sit in my home, within 2 minutes my thoughts are "now what?" and I either start to do something or log off.
I'm never really in SL I guess. I don't get any further than behind the keyboard. :)


agreed, SL is fun, but its no substitute for logging out, going outside under the moonlight, and trying to figure out what the heck your dog is barking about at 3 am. Last time it was a possum she had cornered. She loved to chase (part beagle) but if it doesnt run, it will just bark and bark and bark at it. 😁

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4 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

SL is never that immersive for me. When I sit in my home, within 2 minutes my thoughts are "now what?" and I either start to do something or log off.
I'm never really in SL I guess. I don't get any further than behind the keyboard. :)


On 9/2/2023 at 12:23 PM, Sid Nagy said:

Still hammering at my new project. For the first time in ages not Belli related and for private use.
It still needs fine tuning. A few more Saturdays to go, I guess.





4 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Here's a thing that's very good about Second Life and Linden Labs, because it hits many birds with a single stone: you can save time, energy, screen space and keyboard wear by spelling Linden Lab correctly. (As a bonus benefit: it triggers fewer people with OCD tendencies, like me.)

I fastidiously tried to correct my glaring misspelling of 'Linden Labs' but decided that OCD'ing about it was far more enjoyable as I go about changing my keyboard wear to perhaps something more outdoorsy.





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3 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

agreed, SL is fun, but its no substitute for logging out, going outside under the moonlight, and trying to figure out what the heck your dog is barking about at 3 am. Last time it was a possum she had cornered. She loved to chase (part beagle) but if it doesnt run, it will just bark and bark and bark at it. 😁

This part toy poodle dog I have will bark and viciously attack anyone in an attempt to get them to pet her.

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For me the great things about SL and LL is that they opensourced the viewer resulting in better third party viewers which I much prefer over the official one and another reason being that the opensourcing allowed for the opensimulator server code development, resulting in me being able to have my own self hosted grid at home. That was important for me back in 2009 as I was in a rural area with internet speeds barely better then dial up. As SL itself seemed pretty chaotic and overwhelming back then, I stayed mostly in the more laid back Opensim grids for a few years but after 2015 started to make more trips to the SL big city to augment some of the activities that aren't so prevalent in Opensim.


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SL does what it says on the box (as they say) - "Your world, your imagination".

Yes, you have to share much of that world with other peoples' imaginations too and SL's performance has rarely been faultless. But I do get occasional moments deep immersion, usually at events like at Burn 2.


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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

For me the great things about SL and LL is that they opensourced the viewer resulting in better third party viewers which I much prefer over the official one and another reason being that the opensourcing allowed for the opensimulator server code development, resulting in me being able to have my own self hosted grid at home. That was important for me back in 2009 as I was in a rural area with internet speeds barely better then dial up. As SL itself seemed pretty chaotic and overwhelming back then, I stayed mostly in the more laid back Opensim grids for a few years but after 2015 started to make more trips to the SL big city to augment some of the activities that aren't so prevalent in Opensim.


That is so cool. You should run a server so we can come visit you.

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This thread. It didn't turn out like I expected. I only created it for Quartz Mole. I like the way he never blows up when he realigns our threads where conversational street traffic has been diverted through corridors in buildings. Quartz Mole never loses his temper or writes in capital letters. We're freely allowed to complain about SL and LL, the sky's the limit for complaints but going offrail and tipping over is something else. I hate to clean up after a party and the US Utah facility will record all internet communication like a time capsule for posterity. Retractions are not allowed and apologizing is no fun.  I made this thread so at least Quartz Mole would get some appreciation and thanks for recognizing how to do, what I see, is good moderation.

I wouldn't want to be called Carlene, so instead of giving this topic a title like "Let's Tell Quartz Mole That He Does An OK Job" I misspelled Linden Lab and now I'm up for being called Carlene.


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Quartz is one of the two best Moles available around here.

I would not want to do the moderation job over here. Full well knowing how a larger public forum always works and than have to manage it according to the rules the Lab came up with.
Chapeau for Quartz and Dyna of course, that they keep dealing with it.

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I love SL, but I don't feel like playing fangirl for LL right now.

It's hard to pick just one thing that I like best about it, because I like different aspects depending on how I'm feeling. That is probably what I like most about it, that I can use it in different ways depending on my mood. If I feel like I need to talk to someone about RL problems, I can do this in SL. If I feel like I don't want to talk about RL, I can do that too. I can explore if I want, or stay in my skybox and sort my inventory while listening to my music stream. I can go out and help a newbie, or experient with a build idea in a sandbox. ( I love my Linden Home, but I also miss having enough free land impact to build on my own parcel whenever I want.)

I'm irritated with LL right now because of how Sid was treated at the Motown sim and because their Senra avatars are not as good as they could be, but I'm hopeful that both problems will be corrected.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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4 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Quartz is one of the two best Moles available around here.

I would not want to do the moderation job over here. Full well knowing how a larger public forum always works and than have to manage it according to the rules the Lab came up with.
Chapeau for Quartz and Dyna of course, that they keep dealing with it.

I would move right to Battery Street in San Francisco right now if LL hired me to do moderation. All I would ask is a desk right next to Strawberry Linden. I'd get me all the inside news right away, how could you not want that? Fisherman's Wharf is like a trolley ride away. But it would sour as I threw my two cents worth all over the place about things like SANSAR and got banned back to my cubicle. I'd whine to Strawberry about it.

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14 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

Well, Carlene, in spite of your minor typo in the thread title, I am enjoying this thread immensely, so thank you for beginning it!!  😄

You're welcome Leora, here, I have a song for you.


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14 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I love SL, but I don't feel like playing fangirl for LL right now.

It's hard to pick just one thing that I like best about it, because I like different aspects depending on how I'm feeling. That is probably what I like most about it, that I can use it in different ways depending on my mood. If I feel like I need to talk to someone about RL problems, I can do this in SL. If I feel like I don't want to talk about RL, I can do that too. I can explore if I want, or stay in my skybox and sort my inventory while listening to my music stream. I can go out and help a newbie, or experient with a build idea in a sandbox. ( I love my Linden Home, but I also miss having enough free land impact to build on my own parcel whenever I want.)

I'm irritated with LL right now because of how Sid was treated at the Motown sim and because their Senra avatars are not as good as they could be, but I'm hopeful that both problems will be corrected.

I love the diversity of things to do, especially the feeling of not being obligated to do things I'd rather not. That works in RL too. I agree, I think LL should apologize and compensate Sid for what happened in Motown. See? If LL hired me as a moderator things like that could happen, Quartz Mole could take vacations. And what about skins for those Senra avatars and will someone please work on the head. Yes and I know, banned back to my cubicle again. And Strawberry's off today.

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10 minutes ago, cirleen said:

You're welcome Leora, here, I have a song for you.


Very cute!!!  Thanks, Cirleen Carlene Fletcher!!!  It is bad enough the varients of Leora I hear in SL cuz folks don't read but just this morning in RL, some dodo I am working with misspelled my RL last name TWICE in a row in an email we were drafting, continued to misspell it after I corrected him the first time!!  Maybe I need to move over to the Peeve thread, LOL. 🙀

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1 hour ago, cirleen said:

 I think LL should apologize and compensate Sid for what happened in Motown.

No worries about me. No apolagize or compensation needed. I can live without parties where everyone hears a different song at the same time, or none when from the wrong country.

I know that what happened at Motown the other day says more about the attitude of someone  working at the Lab than about me.

A more up to par customer friendly approach in general for everyone, is what I would like to see.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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15 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

Very cute!!!  Thanks, Cirleen Carlene Fletcher!!!  It is bad enough the varients of Leora I hear in SL cuz folks don't read but just this morning in RL, some dodo I am working with misspelled my RL last name TWICE in a row in an email we were drafting, continued to misspell it after I corrected him the first time!!  Maybe I need to move over to the Peeve thread, LOL. 🙀

At least they didn't keep calling you sir after being corrected several times (my voice is not that deep) and then try to blame it on being a habit.

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