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Child Avatars


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Being that I have a child avatar, I have first hand experienced people's reactions against child avatars. I've been called creepy for whatever reason I dont know why because its just another avatar in SL. You could see a bull avatar with HUGE muscles, fangs, standing upright on two feet, and a HUGE prim genitalia and that doesnt even phase you but a child avatar creeps you out? Seriously? I've also been called a pedo which doesnt even make sense at all. I'm the CHILD not and adult looking to seduce children!

For some strange reason, alot of people in SL still believe that child avatars are only allowed in pg/g rated sims, so if I go into a mature welcome area there will be people telling me to leave because its mature but its linden owned land and the lindens allow kid avatars there. I do try and stick with pg/g sims MOST of the time and have come accross some pg/g sims that dont allow child avatars. Its ok for a 16 year old to be there, but not a 27 year old to be there just because of their avatar. Yeah.... makes sense..... pffff

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It's because people dont SEE you're a 27 year old person but a small child. People react to what they see. If you owned a night club in real life and a child walks straight in the door, would you let them roam around?

Pg, Mature and Adult areas are so classified to help residents have some control over their own virtual plots. It is their choice if they don't wish depictions of underage avatars roaming around. As for Linden land, the mature areas are for "grown ups" as there could be depictions of violence and/or material of 18+ nature. This subject is always a touchy one and I have no doubt this will turn into a "hot thread".

But, congratulations for provoking what you want... attention.


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You seem to want it both ways. You want to be seen as a child and, at the same time, you want to be seen as a 27 year old adult. You can't have it both ways though. If you want to be a child in SL, then you should *be* a child in SL, and accept that there are things you cannot do and places you cannot go.

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I am not seeking attention as you call it. This is just a simple rant discussion about child avatars. Child avatars are allowed in ALL regions of sl (G, M, A) unless a private estate states that they dont allow them. You should know that.


No, I dont want people to see me as a child avatar AND a 27 year old. If a sim doesnt want children at all, they should just say no one under 18, but they dont and yet they dont allow child avatars.

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People in SL who create a sim (sim to me means a simulated reality) are spending a lot of money to do so. 

People in RL do not take their children to a club in RL, but neither do they take a dragon, so I see your point to a bit.

You should make the most of your child avatar experience by experiencing being a child again in places that make you feel like a child again and/or be with other child avatars just making sandcastles for instance. 

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It's the visual.  And, not everyone reacts this way.  For me, it just goes to show that many people are more immersed in SL than they're likely to believe.  So, if you can imagine a scene in real life which would make people uncomfortable and protective; that same scene in SL will generally garner the same reaction. (^_^)

That said, there are no TOS/CS restrictions against child avatars visiting any sim of any rating.  The restriction which does exist is what I'll call the "Proximity Rule".  It requres child avatars to stay away from sexual situations and not be seen around sex 'equipment'.  SL residency tends to be hyper dilligent here and there are a few people who will AR kid avatars at the drop of a hat.  That's the state of the culture, though. (._.)

As for 'creeps'... Yeah, that's one of my running jokes.  Second Life: A world where an 8 foot tall anthro-furry wearing a gimp hood, **bleep** sling, and a drool dripping ball gag can call a 9 year old girl "creepy".  It's a silly thing.  Haters gonna hate. =^-^=

That said.  The general age notion of child avatars are tweens.  Depending on relative scale a non-animation-deformed child avatar can appear to be as young as 6 to 8 years old.  Limitations to the shape pretty much prevent going 'younger' and is relegated to prim avatars and RP decisions.  Really, a child avatar is pretty much a "child" to 12 as 13 is already a teen age.  Though, technically, can still be percieved as a non-teen child up to 15.  All of which would cause people great discomfort if seen in a setting where a RL child would be in danger.  So making the comparison of 16 year olds, which are legally above the age of consent in most U.S. states, to appearing 15 or younger is quite silly.  (>_<)

Finally... Their land, their rules.  Yes, child avatars are free to visit any and every Linden owned location.  People can say all they want, it doesn't amount to anything.  In return, don't be a jerk about it.  Mute and ignore people making up their own rules.  Though, if you find yourself in a hostile environment, I'd strongly suggest simply going elsewhere.  There are over 9000 other places to visit in SL.  A bad day at a welcome area is a good day to explore the rest. (^_^)

The remainder of the grid is private property.  At that point, it comes down to the land owner.  Their land, their rules.  Land owners have no obligation to cater to anyone.  If a land owner has decided there is an avatar type they don't want around, *POOF* that avatar type be gone.  Your "right" to be there is no greater than my right to break into your RL home. (^_^)y

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Phil Deakins wrote:

You seem to want it both ways. You want to be seen as a child and, at the same time, you want to be seen as a 27 year old adult. You can't have it both ways though. If you want to be a child in SL, then you should *be* a child in SL, and accept that there are things you cannot do and places you cannot go.

Why exactly can't the OP have it both ways? I occasionally dress up as an anthropomorphic fox, and I've never met anybody who reacted to me in a way people might react to a large bipedal, talking canine in RL. Everyone I met was fully aware that they were dealing with an adult human being. Those who judge and treat others based on their virtual avatars are acting quite irrational, imho.

PS: I don't think there is anything that SL residents should do, only a handful of things they should *not* do. Their world, their imagination.

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No, I don't believe RL 16 year olds may visit non PG sims - therefore your objection regarding a sort of hypocrisy over RL and SL ages doesn't hold.

Just answer this question - if you have chosen to have a child avatar in SL, why do you want to go to places which are not suitable for children? Why not use an adult avatar when the urge to go to a night club takes hold of you? It's so simple a solution - though, of course, it wouldn't give the buzz of knowing that you're making other people uncomfortable or give you a chance to claim you're the victim of "unfair" discrimination.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

You seem to want it both ways. You want to be seen as a child and, at the same time, you want to be seen as a 27 year old adult. You can't have it both ways though. If you want to be a child in SL, then you should *be* a child in SL, and accept that there are things you cannot do and places you cannot go.

Why exactly can't the OP have it both ways? I
occasionally dress up as an anthropomorphic fox, and I've never met anybody who reacted to me in a way people might react to a large bipedal, talking canine in RL. Everyone I met was fully aware that they were dealing with an adult human being.
Those who judge and treat others based on their virtual avatars are acting quite irrational, imho.

PS: I don't think there is anything that SL residents should do, only a handful of things they should *not* do. Their world, their imagination.


Carole blinks:

Really??? NOBODY suspected you might be a RL talking dog?? That's amazing....(NOT!).

You find the fact that people react in different ways to different avatars irrational? Well, if the "effect" of  avatar looks were utterly without variety, explain to me why on earth I spent L ##&%%$$££!!!! on skins, hair, clothes, accessories, AOs and other bits and bobs??? I could have gone around with my waddling noobie avie and saved myself a fortune! As a creator, aren't you performing an act of commercial self-harm by making a statement like that?
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i would say that by now people would know what kind of reaction they will get from some of the people in SL..

no type of avatars go unjudged from others..everyoine has their haters..

someone that likes to make a pretty avatar is looked at as shallow and superficial from some others ..

people that play furries have their haters too..some furries hate human avatars..

if you are asking why people do this..it's human nature and people hate on different things..mainly because they don't understand them or never take the time to learn the why's..

if someone attacks you because of how you look..that is just them scared because of their ignorance or of only looking at things from one side of a version of it..

i don't think that is ever gonna change..

you can deal with them or act like you don't see them..but i doubt you will change many of their minds..

human nature is human nature..and in SL the inhabitions get lifted a little more and people will show a bit more of how they really feel in here and voice it..where in the RL they would keep it clammed up a bit more..

if you roll a child avatar and head off to mature and adult sims  i think you would know what kind of reactions you might get..

i think everyone should be able to roll what they want and play them within the rules..

but there will be some that feel that if you enter their viewer window that they have the right to push you around..

if they push too hard just AR them..if they are just spouting regular jibberish that you have heard many times before..then just ignore the programmed ignorance and continue what you were doing..



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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Carole blinks:

Really??? NOBODY suspected you might be a RL talking dog?? That's amazing....(NOT!).

You find the fact that people react in different ways to different avatars irrational? Well, if the "effect" of  avatar looks were utterly without variety, explain to me why on earth I spent L ##&%%$$££!!!! on skins, hair, clothes, accessories, AOs and other bits and bobs??? I could have gone around with my waddling noobie avie and saved myself a fortune! As a creator, aren't you performing an act of commercial self-harm by making a statement like that?

 Well, I guess I have to admit that I do treat people based on their appearance :) But only insofar that I'd rather socialize with those who have put a fair amount of time and creative work into their avatars. I just don't expect them to act according to their looks, and I try not to make any assumptions about the operator behind the cartoon.

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Bactine wrote:

Being that I have a child avatar, I have first hand experienced people's reactions against child avatars. I've been called creepy for whatever reason I dont know why

I've also been called a pedo which doesnt even make sense at all. I'm the CHILD not and adult looking to seduce children!

I do try and stick with pg/g sims MOST of the time and have come accross some pg/g sims that dont allow child avatars. Its ok for a 16 year old to be there, but not a 27 year old to be there just because of their avatar. Yeah.... makes sense..... pffff

Michael Jackson problem.

You are living Michael Jackson's dream - and people are reacting to you the same way they did to him.


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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

You seem to want it both ways. You want to be seen as a child and, at the same time, you want to be seen as a 27 year old adult. You can't have it both ways though. If you want to be a child in SL, then you should *be* a child in SL, and accept that there are things you cannot do and places you cannot go.

Why exactly can't the OP have it both ways?

Nobody can expect to *be* a child in SL and be treated as though s/he isn't a child but tha's what the OP seems to want. E.g. a child avatar can't do any sexual activity in SL, even though it's an adult at the keyboard. The OP seems to want people to accept that the "child" is an adult, and she can't have that.

In her initial post, she wrote...

I'm the CHILD not and adult looking to seduce children! (her capitalisation)

and also...

Its ok for a 16 year old to be there, but not a 27 year old to be there just because of their avatar.

She's a "CHILD" and she wants to be seen as a child, but she wants people to view her as a 27 year old because that's what the person at the keyboard is. She wants it both ways but she can't have that. If she plays a child, she has to accept that there are some things she can't do and some places she can't go.

Incidentally, I do know that those 2 quotes were in different paragraphs and refered to different things, but it doesn't alter anything about her wanting to be seen as both a child and an adult at the same time.

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If you're a child avie i don't get why you specifically want to hang out at adult areas?  They're denoted 'mature' for a reason.  I made a child avie a few days ago on an alt, just to see what it's like being a kid here.  It will attend an SL primary school and have playmates its own age.  I've no desire to take it to adult areas 'cos what would be the point?  Either it's a kid here, or it isn't. You can't have it both ways.

When i get bored or i want to do adult things, i go back to being Squashy.  Simples!

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i think if we based it off of everyone growing up in a nice area like a suburb then it would be more understandable..

some were raised watching disney with everyone sitting around the tv.. some were born duckng bullets and making sure they didn't step on any crack needles..some maybe a little less violent areas..

some may want to picture what it was like growing up in the areas they didn't grow up in..

Adult doesn't always mean porn..

a lot of ghetto sims and more harsh version of reality sims are in mature and adult regions..

things that can't be placed on General sim lands..

some stores are only located in mature and adult as well..

not all sell things that have to do with sex..

i think when we hear the word adult..a lot think sex or fetishes and forget there are other things going on in them..

a lot of moderate sims keep the M rating but are run as General lands..I'm sure some adult regions are the same way..






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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

Carole blinks:

Really??? NOBODY suspected you might be a RL talking dog?? That's amazing....(NOT!).

You find the fact that people react in different ways to different avatars irrational? Well, if the "effect" of  avatar looks were utterly without variety, explain to me why on earth I spent L ##&%%$$££!!!! on skins, hair, clothes, accessories, AOs and other bits and bobs??? I could have gone around with my waddling noobie avie and saved myself a fortune! As a creator, aren't you performing an act of commercial self-harm by making a statement like that?

 Well, I guess I have to admit that I do treat people based on their appearance
But only insofar that I'd rather socialize with those who have put a fair amount of time and creative work into their avatars. I just don't expect them to act according to their looks, and I try not to make any assumptions about the operator behind the cartoon.

Oh, come oooooon! You're not telling me you IM super-hunky-chunky macho dom guys (or whatever doesn't turn you on), however well made their avatars are! You don't expect a subby with a collar, on her knees, to act...subbiesque? or a dom to be dommish? or a **bleep** to be sluttish?? Saturday afternoons are bad for you. You must be suffering from the after-effects of Friday evening mischief. I'm going to go out on a limb and state that people like me (non-creators) buy from people like you (creators) in order to send non-verbal messages through our avatars about who we are.

PS I have purchased from you several times, though wild horses wouldn't make me say what I bought (No use checking - I have alts... :matte-motes-sarcasm:).

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Marianne McCann wrote:

Really? Do we need yet another child avatar thread? Isn't this particular amaretto horse already a flattened sculpt?

::steps out::

Well, evidently we do. Your strong sense of community spirit shouldn't over-ride your personal lack of interest in the topic, making your feel obliged to read or post to the thread anyway.  The ones who ARE interested will probably manage to struggle along without your contributions.

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Bactine wrote:

Being that I have a child avatar, I have first hand experienced people's reactions against child avatars. I've been called creepy for whatever reason I dont know why because its just another avatar in SL. You could see a bull avatar with HUGE muscles, fangs, standing upright on two feet, and a HUGE prim genitalia and that doesnt even phase you but a child avatar creeps you out? Seriously? I've also been called a pedo which doesnt even make sense at all. I'm the CHILD not and adult looking to seduce children!

For some strange reason, alot of people in SL still believe that child avatars are only allowed in pg/g rated sims, so if I go into a mature welcome area there will be people telling me to leave because its mature but its linden owned land and the lindens allow kid avatars there. I do try and stick with pg/g sims MOST of the time and have come accross some pg/g sims that dont allow child avatars. Its ok for a 16 year old to be there, but not a 27 year old to be there just because of their avatar. Yeah.... makes sense..... pffff

It doesn't matter whether people say you are "creepy" because you have a child avatar or they insult me because I have ginger hair, you just have to realise that everyone is entitled to an opinion, and you are very unlikely to change an opinion if someone has it fixed firmly in their head. 

If someone is accusing a child avatar of being a pedo, that probably says a lot more about what is going on in their own heads.  I heard a woman griefing two child avatars in a welcome area last year. She was on voice and she said "look at little (name) over there; I could just boil her in hot oil" and she went onto say that the child avatar was probably a 50 year old man.  Well, that might have been true, but it probably was not, and it said more about the woman on voice giving the grief than it did about the kid av who just wanted to probably escape from being an adult for a few hours in her day.

People will always be prejudice against something; the English against the Welsh, the Welsh against the English, the Viewer 2 users against Phoenix, etc etc etc.  That's just human nature.

Linden Lab allow child avatars, and that's that.  People don't have to like them any more than they like the vampires, furries or other "non-normal/vanilla" avatars.  I would advise that if anyone does approach you to grief you, instantly mute them. Let them blahblahblah into the ether. Go and enjoy your SL.


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Apparently you're such an immersionist that you cannot begin to comprehend another way to view the various Avatars within Second Life.

Here's a hint: You're not the majority and can only speak for yourself. The same goes for every poster in these forums.

I, personally, don't give a crap what the avatar looks like. The only time I expect an avatar to act as it appears is when the person behind it is engaged in role play or otherwise identifies as an immersionist of the most extreme type.

My avatar itself changes so often it isn't even funny. As such, there is no set action or behavior for it. Basic mannerisims? Yep - those show up for each appearance change. Nothing deeper unless I am actually engaged in role play or similar.

As for child avatars? You are aware that the entire real world would be classified as Adult going by the sim rating criteria which Linden Lab uses - right?

Linden Lab has stated their polict regarding Child Avatars: I personally believe they should investiagte each and every AR concerning them that crosses their desk ..... and permaban anyone found to be targeting them in a manner which goes above and beyond simple abuse reports.

What does that mean exactly?

Child avatar pops into an adult sim. Derranged User sends in an abuse report and fills it with utter nonsense.

Derranged user gets the boot.

There is but one example. 

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