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Shot in the face with a cow...and you're to blame...you give SL a bad name

Rat Luv

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6 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:


Also, I went to Eridu sandbox which was privately owned but open access...some of the regulars were really hostile to noobs (I found out later because they hated people rezzing item boxes and leaving them there). One of the regulars put...err...'dog c**k' followers on me...so I was running around with floating titled dog willies prodding me in the head and thinking my avatar was ruined forever 9_9

Looking back on 2010 and 2011, it honestly feels like it was hard to get through a week on SL WITHOUT someone trying to crash a sim or disrupt an event!

That sounds almost exactly like what happened to me.  


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I think really the one that I was most impacted by that wrecked a few minutes of my time was, one of those silly latcher things that gets on your shoulders and repeats, I'm F'ing your face, I'm F'ing your face...

I was only a couple of weeks old and one of my new friends which her first name was Newbie, but she wasn't one, jumped in and got it off me..

I was in my own house when it happened and talking to a friend when it happened.. I IM'd Newbie and she came to the rescue..

Then after that I learned everything I could about griefers and how to get out of stuff..  I even got caged a few days later and just sat  out of it with no problem..

I haven't really had much happen since then that really bothered me like that first time.. hehehehe

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I've never been directly griefed, but I was the one doing the griefing in the two times of all my rezzed days. First time when President Biden won the election a few people and I decided to go dancing to celebrate. We chose a right wing Pro-trump club to go troll dancing in. We lasted about 10 minutes until we got banned.

Second time was when I stopped by a shopping event after someone complained about getting booted from there for not having a "valid avatar" in another thread. While waiting for the sim to rez, I got kicked out within 7 seconds. I'm sure the sim owner thought I was being a griefer by being my ordinary "invalid" self.

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41 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

I've never been directly griefed, but I was the one doing the griefing in the two times of all my rezzed days. First time when President Biden won the election a few people and I decided to go dancing to celebrate. We chose a right wing Pro-trump club to go troll dancing in. We lasted about 10 minutes until we got banned.

In your defence (and no politics 🙊) that sounds more like a bit of fun than griefing :) Like when me and my friend went to a hardcore punk club in ballgowns and princess tiaras and requested Avril Lavigne...they also kicked us after about 10 minutes xD 

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The worst one I saw was years ago, when someone crashed a region with some kind of megaprim attachment. A few people there ended up with overheated graphics cards as a result, and attacks like that are the reason Firestorm has a feature to block them.

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3 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

I had something similar...somebody on Orientation Island gave me a "gothic bling ring" :/ I clicked Wear and it rezzed a giant Mudkips that started 'humping' me with p0rn0 noises :o


I wondered what that thing was called. I have one for handing out when the right occasion occurs for it to be appropriate lol 

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29 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

I wondered what that thing was called. I have one for handing out when the right occasion occurs for it to be appropriate lol 

I think I might have that item too. I was called a scarf when I got it. I renamed it "Friendly Monster" and give it to griefers myself.

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1 hour ago, Aethelwine said:

Most tricky griefer attack I had to deal with was caused by myself pressing buttons on a defence hud wondering what they did on my region, and then because rezzed in my name having to go and return each of them individually. 

That's almost as bad as setting the security orb to kick out the landowner. Accidentally. 😇

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3 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

That's almost as bad as setting the security orb to kick out the landowner. Accidentally. 😇

I have an impressive proclivity to these sorts of things.

I managed to put myself on my own block list at one point without realising it.

It has very little effect except to prevent your huds working with outside servers. I was having a problem with configuring my TIS danceball and it was their support staff that identified what I had done. I would never have realised without them, 



Edited by Aethelwine
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A few years back someone blanked out nine regions of Zindra with something that generated random huge blinking geometry, big enough to reach two regions away. It also played Caramel Dancer. That gave it away; it was possible to find the sound, and then the object. Found ARd, deleted by Governance, user never seen again.

Recently, someone stole my moveable furniture. I have some chairs you can push around and rearrange if you want. When no one is around, they return to their normal position. Someone dragged them to a ban line in a nearby region, so they were auto-returned and I got an email. This was annoying, but not serious. If it gets to be a problem, I'll make the scripting more restrictive.

My parcels are all open rez with a 20-30 minute timeout. I expect occasional problems, but mostly things clean themselves up with no attention from me. Someone did rez a house once, on top of my stuff. But it was just a new user who saw the "Rez Zone" sign and wanted to try out their purchase. I sent them to one of the big Linden region-sized sandboxes sized for large builds.

The NPCs I have running around give the impression that someone is watching. They can email me for certain serious problems. It's been years since I got a email for which I logged in and asked someone "Is there a problem here?"

I've never had to ban anyone. Worst case, I subjected them to a sales pitch for some of my less useful products, such as the driveway hose bell that goes "Ding" when you drive over it, and the beach ball that bounces off ban lines. Or I put them on a demo motorcycle and let them ride off into the sunset.

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There was a time when threre were random griefing attacks with those self replicating, noisy, blinking, particle spewing objects somewhere in SL almost every day. The worst one was when somebody was stupid enough to rez a "gift" they received from somebody they didn't know at the Union Passage sandbox. It spread out across all of the Blake Sea and the estates around it. If I remember right, about 70 sims were down for a whole day or more. The girefer objcet was bright red and big enough to show up on the map so the map of the area was crammed fulled of red dots for days until it was updated.

Towards the end of that griefer period I managed to catch one of the offenders in the act trying to place some griefer thingy on my land. She had posted some rather incriminating photos and text in her profile so I was able to do some investigating. It turned out there were some people trying to rekindle the "griefer wars" of ye olde tymes and one of the groups - the one who pretended to be the "Protectors of Second Life Against the Filthy Griefers" had this initiation rite for new members that included the candidate finidng some spot in SL to grief. To be fair, the attacks that group initiated were scripted to only last an hour or two but it's still a rather weird thing to do if you want to portray yourself as the "nice guys".

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The worst time for me was when the griefers had a graphics card destroying thing and they targeted the junkyard, destroyed a few DJs and host's PCs and then sent the owners a message demanding money to cease and desist.  The junkyard had to become a private club due to that and couldn't allow new av's anymore.  We remained private for a few years after that fiasco, which almost killed the club.


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Never been really seriously griefed - Not enough to get under my skin, anyway. I did get accused of making a griefer tool once.

As part of a Star Trek RP group I made a tribble. It would make purring noises when touched. It also had a % chance, every 20 seconds or so, to drop a copy of itself. The tribbles were physical so the new copy would simply roll to a nearby spot and then stop, purr and breed.

Needless to say I made a second thing to go with it which would poison all the tribbles in region and cause them to delete themselves.

A buddy was playing with it and made sure to delete all his tribbles before logging off. He'd missed that one had rolled over a region boundary...

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4 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Never been really seriously griefed - Not enough to get under my skin, anyway. I did get accused of making a griefer tool once.

As part of a Star Trek RP group I made a tribble. It would make purring noises when touched. It also had a % chance, every 20 seconds or so, to drop a copy of itself. The tribbles were physical so the new copy would simply roll to a nearby spot and then stop, purr and breed.

Needless to say I made a second thing to go with it which would poison all the tribbles in region and cause them to delete themselves.

A buddy was playing with it and made sure to delete all his tribbles before logging off. He'd missed that one had rolled over a region boundary...

Missing you on the Forums!

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9 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

I have an impressive proclivity to these sorts of things.

I managed to put myself on my own block list at one point without realising it.

It has very little effect except to prevent your huds working with outside servers. I was having a problem with configuring my TIS danceball and it was their support staff that identified what I had done. I would never have realised without them, 



The orb was mine not the landlord's. And I laughed every time it kicked him. So did he.  

Oh, and I left out the "on purpose' part on purpose.

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16 hours ago, animats said:

I've never had to ban anyone.

I've always had scripts and rez enabled and my experience has been the same. Never had to ban anybody, and auto-return always cleaned everything up.

It really does seem like the harder you try to prevent people from bothering you, the more they're going to bother you.

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Someone at Social Island once spammed giant cartoon d!ck particles and it caused ridiculous lag. Another time, at the same place, someone kept spamming local with earr@pe gestures every couple of seconds.

Other than those two events, I have encountered very very few griefers anywhere in my near decade in SL. They seem to have all run off to somewhere else.

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I've been either lucky or careful so nothing ever happened to me until recently when we got kicked out of a church. We were just taking innocent pictures, and didn't do anything at all disrespectful the whole time. I guess we went into a back room where only ministers were allowed and got banned. I don't want to complain about them or say what church it was, I don't need to go back there and don't care, but Bill gave them a piece of his mind.

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I was playing in the sandbox at a playground (because, being new at the time, I assumed playgrounds in SL were supposed to be playgrounds), and other kids were actually starting to talk and try to play, instead of standing around mute, and I was having a nice chat with the girl playing next to me, and a combat squad showed up.

They called everyone names, shoved people with battering rams, and the horror clown riding the flying wingwang sat on the teddy bear where a child was sitting. I decided to stop playing in the sandbox and have a talk with him. I took the other kid's place and sat in his lap in the lap of the giant teddy bear, and explained the psychology behind what he was doing, and I'm pretty sure I made him cry.

I told him everything would be okay, and they left, and everyone went back to playing.

Everything since that day has been: someone acts like a jerk, I throw toilets at them until they leave. I don't have the patience and intellectually adventurous spirit I used to, so I just pelt them with potties until they've had enough.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Not quite a griefer attack but I got scammed out of some L$ once. In the days when land was more expensive and there were lots of small plots for sale, I was at a place where there were several 32 sq m plots for sale. They all had a price of L$110. I decided to buy one but when I paid it, said 'you have paid "xxxx" L$1110. There was a fairy hovering nearby called "xxxx". The most unusual thing was this fairy bot had a single-word name, and this was in the days when you had to choose a surname and before we had display names.

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While I've been in SL a while (over 10 years), I somehow missed the griefing phase of SL, which apparently hit its high mark a few years before I joined, when SL was more of the Wild Wild West. I've heard stories of epic griefing, some hilarious but most pointless and stupid, but to the best of my memory I think I've only been on one sim, probably 5-6 years ago, that had to briefly shut down because of an object (I forget what it was) that kept replicating.  I've been "griefed" personally, in IMs with the usual stuff female avatars get by existing inworld, but even that was quite a while ago (and the lack of that for years has now made me question the cuteness of my avatar! "I haven't been hit on in ages! What's wrong with meeeeee?"(might be the filled partner slot on the profile???)). I've been epically trolled and stalked but that isn't the same thing at all.

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