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I debated with myself before making this post, and finally decided that it would be better to do so, rather than to just leave my friends wondering "Whatever happened to Lindal?"

After 17 years, I'm leaving SL. A bit over two years ago, I took a year long sabbatical, then for the last year I've been active again. Now I am pretty sure that I'm actually ready to turn out the light, close the door, and walk away for good.

I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not bored (or not completely), I'm not flouncing.

Partly, I'm leaving because I realized I can no longer change with the times. The introduction of the new Senra avatars didn't excite me, it appalled me. Not because they are bad, but because now, if I wanted to keep helping newcomers, I'd have to learn a whole new thing...and I couldn't bring myself to even try. And it's not just the new avatars. Many other things, little and big, have changed, and I've noticed that more and more, the advice I give people is outdated. I'm not Keeping Up.

Partly, yes, it's boredom. I got tired of constantly fighting my inventory, tired of taking an hour to put together a new outfit, tired of saying the same things over and over and over.

Partly, it's health. My eyesight isn't what it used to be, and after a few hours, I can't see the computer screen clearly, no matter what glasses I use. And last month, I was diagnosed with a couple of blood clots in my leg, or deep vein thrombosis. One of the things that can cause this is sitting in one place too long, and lord knows, SL has contributed to that.

The health issues really brought home that for almost the last two decades I've been living a large part of my life in front of a monitor. I don't have all that many years left, and if I don't want to shorten that time, I need to pay more attention to my health, as well as free up time to get all those things done that I've been putting off until "someday soon".

SL has been a big part of my life for a long time, and it's been, on the whole, a very good part. I've done a lot of things, made a lot of friends, and had a lot of laughs. But now it's time to turn to other things.

Thank you to Linden Lab for making this weird and wonderful place. And thanks to all you Forum people for making me laugh, teaching me, making me think, and being my friends. Have a wonderful life, all of you...both real and virtual.

Lindal Kidd

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Blimey, Lindal, that really does mark the end of an era where Second Life forums are concerned. A lot of people have come and gone, and come back as themselves or as alts, and I know what a massive decision it must have been for you to make, but health can give us the final push. Health is certainly what often takes me away, and zaps my energy, and since my latest return I have felt impotent, unable to help people like I hopefully did in the past.

I can only send you massive thanks for your humour and longevity, you pernickity old stick(!), and best of health wishes. 


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I hardly know you, or even seen you in world, but that doesn't really matter. 

It's commentary from SL veterans like you that gave me the idea to stay on board when I arrived in world over two years ago. I can put up with the technical quirks of SL (and its cousin Open Sim). It's the experience that counts for me overall, and the wonderful people I come across here, and in world.

Best of luck with your remaining time on Earth... ❤️

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Many of course will be sad to see you go but it is your choice and I hope it is a good one.  I just wanted to say that being "old" I have been where you have been a time or two and did obviously NOT leave :D so I encourage you to NOT have your account deleted as you might want to return some day and oldster status is a good thing.  


I was going to write some pretty important stuff about eye issues and how I "fixed" mine  (sixteen years ago now ) but that might remove my note so I will send you a PM.   

I wish you well.  


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42 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

The health issues really brought home that for almost the last two decades I've been living a large part of my life in front of a monitor. I don't have all that many years left, and if I don't want to shorten that time, I need to pay more attention to my health, as well as free up time to get all those things done that I've been putting off until "someday soon".

I hear ya, Lindal. I just "graduated" from cardiac rehab. In February I learned, unexpectedly, that I have significant coronary artery disease and it's not easily addressed. That's reset my expectations for longevity. As compelling as SL is, having RL threaten to kill you if you don't pay more attention to it gets your... attention.

I won't be sad to see you go, as it's the best path for you. Instead, I'll be thankful for the time you were with us and wish you the best.

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The very best of wishes to you, Lindal.  I have enjoyed reading you over the years.  btw, I am in the same boat as you, have been evaluating too, if I should stay or leave.  So far, haven't determined which yet, but it's sure to come soon.  Lots of hugs ❤️

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I consider myself lucky that I met you a few times in SL and that I had the opportunity to read and enjoy your posts here on the forums.
Thanks for that Lindall. I'm gonna miss your stories.

A good thing that you put your health before SL.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Writing is mostly editing.
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44 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I encourage you to NOT have your account deleted as you might want to return some day

Thank you all for the kind words. I'm dropping my account to Basic but not deleting it. After all...you never know, do you? I THINK this is a final farewell, but I am definitely leaving a way to come back, if I change my mind!

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Thank you for being one of the really helpful people that I always looked up to when I was new and came to the forums with questions.. As well as ever since then so many times.

I really hope the best for you with your health and everything in your future..

It's sad to see you leaving, but very understandable..

I would love to write a huge post, But I am really terrible with goodbye's and will ramble on and become boooring to the point that you will be like.. I never thought she would shut up!! \o/

I mean this with all my heart in the best way possible.. There is going to be a black hole where stood in world..

I may not show it a lot, but many of you have set an impression on me the last 17 years.. I just want you to know that you were  one  of those people before you go..

I so hope the best for you..


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You will be missed here. You're certainly one of the nicest people on the forums. I understand needing to take care of RL rather than spending long hours sitting in front of a computer screen. Perhaps you can pop in once in awhile to check on us? Whether you do or not, I hope you enjoy your RL more than the time you've spent with us here. Thank you for your gentle wisdom and humor. 

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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

deep vein thrombosis. One of the things that can cause this is sitting in one place too long, and lord knows, SL has contributed to that.The health issues really brought home that for almost the last two decades I've been living a large part of my life in front of a monitor.

SL should be treated like any other form of entertainment, in moderation. I think it's amazing that you're doing this for your health and happiness and I'm sure it will be a very good move for you! All the best! 🙂

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It's good to hear you're leaving your account open.  If you feel like returning, and if it doesn't do your health harm, then you can come back and learn to please yourself after so many years of exhausting service.  I sent up a tiny prayer for you to enjoy your 'retirement'. :) 

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Remember, you don't have to leave entirely.  Take a walk every hour or two, this will not only get your blood pumping but will give your eyes a rest, for your vision it may just be the strain causing it.  Periodically looking away from your monitor will make a big difference, and blue light may also have an impact on your vision.  If you are using windows, you can change your night settings to be on and adjust the level where it is not causing as much strain on your eyes.  Having bright white text or a background shooting into my eyeballs will cause discomfort as well, make everything blurry, and it is pretty lousy.

It is good to take the right steps to maintain your health, but you don't have to give up your favorite things in this world.  After all, it will be unlikely you will be giving up sitting for an hour or two at a time.  You just received horrible news, it is scary, but you will get through this 😊 

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Lindal, while we've never met in world, your posts here and thoughtfulness shown have always been a huge source of encouragement and one way to cut through the madhouse that is SL. Take care, and you will be mightily missed, even by us "young-ens". Thank you for being part of SL and making it a better place.

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