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Alts in the forums

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I rarely, very rarely post here, but read the forums quite often. I’m absolutely sure that at times, when I post, it’s under one alt or another. Or main. Nothing nefarious - it just happens because I’m logged into the account of whichever one I’m currently using. I honestly don’t even think about it.

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I used an Alt once to make a joke, because to make the joke the account posting really needed to have a Surname. I know of others that have used Alts for humorous effect.

What I don't see much of, is sock puppeting, a few times I have wondered, but in each case it has seemed more reasonable to think that they have just mentioned to their friends about a thread on the forum and one or more have joined to defend them.

Forum threads aren't popularity contests anyway, what matters is what is said and the exchange of ideas. 

I have seen accusations of sock puppeting but having been wrongly accused of it too, I treat those accusations with healthy scepticism. Most times it is much more likely just someone like minded chipping in, or someone wanting to support to a friend. 

Edited by Aethelwine
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2 hours ago, BillFletcher said:

Except i have no problem with her, I try to take her criticism to heart and do better, and when I make a post trying to get the opinions of other so I can move forward in a way that causes as little grief to others as possible. I get accused of trying to stir up old drama. I never wanted any of that drama in the first place. I was happily content with my SL, and that drama destroyed it. In hindsight that was for the best, but at the time I had no idea.

I have a high regard for @Rowan Amore's opinions on a lot of things.  That's why you'll often find me liking at least some aspect of what she posts. She is usually on point and manages to efficiently cut through much of the BS that many people post .  She doesn't "gild the lily" and I see much value in saying what you mean and meaning what you say.  Like a lot of high value posters she get a lot of undeserved flak from others.

There are a small number of others I feel that way about too.  If the forum had more posters like them it would be a better place to have a discussion.

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21 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

A little of both.

Bottom line for me is that there are more cases for the legitimate uses of multiple alts on the forum than there are for their restrictions. If a poster believes that another poster is not authentic or an alt then one can simply block seeing their posts. That is the common answer to anything we don't like about others on the forum. The running around accusing others of being an alt does nothing but cause distrust in the community, especially since the accusations are often a little ambiguous in their delivery leaving others wondering who the accuser was meaning. 


I totally agree. The "ignore" button should be used much more often. 

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15 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I feel similarly about my own opinions. 

I was taking a sip of my coffee, and almost spewed it all over my keyboard laughing when I read your post.  Love your sense of humour!!!

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2 minutes ago, FullPermBliss said:

But...but...then we couldn't complain about stuffs!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that just so true LOL!!! That's why someone i know said I have my own "fanboi hater's" club. 

Edited by Bagnu
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2 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Sorry FulLPerm. I was editing when you gave me a like. You may may not still like what I wrote.

oh...yes you did edit

Well, Bagnu, just remember, our society would crumble without scapegoats. You serve a useful purpose. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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4 hours ago, Sippie Andel said:

I rarely, very rarely post here, but read the forums quite often. I’m absolutely sure that at times, when I post, it’s under one alt or another. Or main. Nothing nefarious - it just happens because I’m logged into the account of whichever one I’m currently using. I honestly don’t even think about it.

actually, the forums are separate from in world, so you would have to actually log into use it.

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I can promise you this, and the admins can back this up I never use an ALT in the forums.

I say what I say and it is what it is.


If you do not like it, I imagine a few have me on their she's an idiot I am blocking her list.


So be it!


Edited by SpiritSparrow Skydancer
that I remember....
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On 7/23/2023 at 7:34 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

Even I had a 36 hour "ban" before. I wish that I understood why the possibility of this happening causes you so much concern.


In a cancel culture era where the home office of LL is in the capital of Wokism, it is a rational concern.

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34 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

In a cancel culture era where the home office of LL is in the capital of Wokism, it is a rational concern.

I hadn't thought of this!

It totally explains my own suspensions!

Damned Wokists won't be silencing ME! I'll continue to give free expression to my . . . um . . .

Wait, which "side" is "Wokism" on again?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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There's alot of attention being paid to this thread. We can pay attention, we can pay respects, but we can't pay love because love doesn't cost anything. I never heard of anyone selling real love and I don't see any price markdown, clearance sales, or overstock on amazon. If a shop offers love for sale, it's likely a cheap imitation or brand piracy that would infringe on trademark laws.

People seem sometimes drawn to things they don't like, horror movies for example. Nirvana Fashion sells a Pinhead avatar but the inworld store link leads to a Anshe Chung sim. I love it when people have avatars that look malicious, like dark elves, elderly old men, or pinheads, but are actually real nice people.

I want the female pinhead alt with fishnet stockings on her head. I'll have her post in this thread.


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On 7/24/2023 at 9:18 PM, Tayt3rChip said:

but I NEVER give people my real life name, real life picture, real life social media , email etc. I have heard too many horror stories, and seen to many friends to enemies scenarios.

Very wise (although, again, depending on how different people use SL, not doable; someone who wants to turn an SL relationship into a RL one, won't get around at least some of that ;)).

Together with several mentions of "outed", "figured out", etc. (alts), this makes me wonder if outing someone's alt might in itself constitute (potential) (unpurposeful) "doxxing"?

A person might not have "published" (for example in their SL profile or a flickr or blog or whatever they might keep for their alts) critical RL info on one alt, but maybe on another, and might only want specific people to have access to that RL info, which would be publicly accessible to others if someone outs their alt.

Also, am I alone in thinking that "alt" somehow sounds already suspicious, while "alternate account" sounds perfectly respectable? 😂

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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5 minutes ago, InnerCity Elf said:

Very wise (although, again, depending on how different people use SL, not doable; someone who wants to turn an SL relationship into a RL one, won't get around at least some of that ;)).

The risks are there, each person must decide for themselves how much they want to share. That's the whole entire premise of my argument - autonimy.

SL is a tool. It is a virtual world, where people are found behind an avatar/s. It has terms, conditions, and outside of that, it has a endless realm of possibilities. My approach to it is to adjust my behaviour and expectations in accordance to the things I have seen, heard  and encountered on SL. So I choose not to disclose certain information.
Whilst that is what I believe to be the best decision for me, I don't hold everyone else to that. I don't believe just  because I have chosen not to disclose certain information everyone else must also follow suit. SL has left it at the discretion of each individual how much information they want to share. 

Something else SL left up to every individual to decide for themselves is, how many accounts they should have, and how to manage said accounts. 

On the topic of outing Alts, I don't believe it should be a standard practice. I don't believe we need a Forums Special Operations Alt busting team. However, I do see the legitimacy of exposing a person behind an alt ( with evidence not speculation) if the person on the alt account is doing something against the rules that is bringing harm to others. I probably need to consider this aspect more carefully , haven't given it a lot of thought so my opinions aren't concrete.. 



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