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Calling this a Forum, is like Calling the Local Morning News Program, News

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You know when you turn on the TV early in the morning and see those news shows where everyone is grinning from ear to ear, putting on fake laughs at the corniest puns and attempts at jokes you've ever witnessed, and all "News Stories" are easy to digest, cute, and with a happy ending? If you went through life with these shows as your only source of what is happening in the world, you'd think the world was a perfect paradise, and the worst thing happening today across the globe is a poor cute little kitty stuck in a tree that brave firemen/women rescued and found a home for.

This is pretty much the perspective you get of SL reading these forums. Sure, there are plenty of helpful people here to give you pointers on shopping, pics, maybe tweaking settings, leave fun little comments on EVERY post, and you can tell they care about SL and the community, but just like there is just NO ROOM for serious journalism, investigative reporting, or any story that might bum people out on your early morning news program, there is also just NO ROOM for any kind of serious discussions, opinions, critical critiques, or anything negative here in these forums. The very same people, who seem so helpful and obligated to post in EVERY thread, so charming and sweet, will turn on a dime if you post ANYTHING in here that resembles critical thinking, critiquing SL in any way, or even making suggestions on how to improve something, point out issues or paint SL or LL in anything other than being perfect.

If you state any kind of background, experience, or insight into topics, you will be told, none of that matters, yet they will inflate those same claims to make you look like you're being snobbish, arrogant, or better than others. (I kept having valid credentials and experiences boosted to levels I never claimed "I'm a gamer" turned into "I'm a world class pro gamer" by others yet even those false titles also didn't carry extra clout, still wouldn't matter). You will be shouted down, made to look and feel unimportant, isolated, minimized, and told your opinions or contributions don't matter, or are hallucinations, or imaginary. Any sincere discussion even if its 80% positive 20% negative, will be invalidated, and transformed from any meaningful discussion or discourse, into a topic unrecognizable from its origin. Your own words will be misquoted, changed to suit alternate intentions, or just completely fabricated, or turned into all out lies and mutations of valid points or topics you may have made. 

Even if you have made valid points, have valid complaints, even if it's an issue or topic that pertains to YOU ALONE, you will be ridiculed, taunted, and invalidated, unless you have a simple to answer direct question or statement that is completely and 100% positive. 

The same helpful people jumping in every post being so cheerful and helpful to those with easily remedied issues, or cute pics people took of their new SL puppy wanting an upvote, quickly change to deceitful, slandering, monsters who will belittle you, invalidate you, change the topics of your posts, ignore valid concerns or critical questions or issues, and just post and post and post gibberish with ABSOLUTELY nothing to add or contribute, just divert attention until the thread goes so off the rails, its eventually shut down by mods, to which they all applaud, since that is their goal...Squash all critique, and issues, and keep things bright and sunny. Even if you try to nip it in the bud as it's happening, try to keep the thread to the TOPIC AT HAND, and repeatedly request that posts stick to topics, you will be accused of everything from ATTACKING PEOPLE, to not accepting positions or opinions other than your own, even if those same people are not even addressing the same topics or issues.

Example :  topic, SL is slow today...OP sticks to topic, offers suggestions, and complains. 10 shill posts later: Pizza with Pineapple, yes or no? OP :Can we please stick to the topic at hand?  Shill posts: None of us have slow SL today, you are racist against Hawaiians and Italians, because you don't like pineapples OR pizza, and clearly don't know anything about SL. Stop attacking us for wanting to talk about how we like our pizza! LL Mod steps in and shuts down the thread, all the shills hit their LIKE button for the mod.

Maybe if the shills want to talk about pizza, they should make a new post on the topic, instead of making 50 irrelevant posts and contributing nothing but invalidation, ridicule, dismissal, and diversion from the thread they are interacting with, and destroying. All the while, upvoting their garbage gibberish from fellow shills. Its the same people, the same faces, the same tactics over and over again, the proof is in any posts not painting LL and SL in perfection that hasn't been deleted or shut down by mods.

To them, complaints, critiques, concerns, or even just trying to make a suggestion that would better SL, would be like someone taking a piss in the morning news anchors mimosa.

This post is my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and OPINION, You can agree or disagree, but on these 2 factors, there is no "Right and Wrong" Please Don't invalidate me as a PERSON and act like my thoughts and feelings don't matter. If they don't matter to YOU, then just don't respond, no need...The shills don't have to put their fingers in every friggin pie every time, every day. This post ...again, is not for the people with THOUSANDS of posts to comment, contribute or reply to, let it serve as a warning to anyone with 3k posts or less or even people who NEVER posted, of what you're in for, by putting yourself out here, or maybe even a wake up call to LL for what this forum really is (on the highly doubtful chance they don't already know/encourage it), Your Bright and sunny Early morning news, where everything is perfect! (even when we all know its not.)

I'll be following this thread, out of curiosity, but not responding to this, or any other thread, nor posting on this forum again. There is really no point regardless of the topic, issue, opinions or problems, unless they are 100% positive, or contain pics of puppies or whatever...favorite pizza toppings...just not interested in shill group think

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I get what you're saying. I come in here for advice and to take a breather from in world drama. There are a good few regulars here who I miss when I'm gone. I love the nonsense posts to be honest, but I see where you're coming from. You see, with this forum, if you say the wrong thing too many times, you could potentially be banned from sl. As in, deleted avatar along with inventory. But with other forums you can say whatever you want......you know the ones I'm talking about 😜. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. You're very welcome here and I hope you stick around 😊

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..but I get my Second Life News from this Forum!

In addition to interesting and informative User posts about Second Life News, this is where I find new official LL Blog posts about Second Life. 

Then, people create Forum posts discussing those official Blog posts.


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I'm sorry you had a bad experience.   The interactions in these forums are no different than inworld or real world interactions.  There are many different personalities.  Some people you will get along with just fine while others will be more difficult.  Just like with everywhere else, you won't like everyone and they won't all like you.

We are here for different reasons.   Some people are here only when they have questions about something, some are just lurkers, and some use the forums to socialize. 

Posting styles can vary wildly in a groups like this.  We are all coming from different places.  I hope you can enjoy your SL even with the issues you are having, but there is nothing wrong with taking a break. 

Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.


Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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1 hour ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

with this forum, if you say the wrong thing too many times, you could potentially be banned from sl.

This ^^ .. is why freedom to speak freely is limited because the consequences for misbehaviour are far more severe than any other forum, and I'm not just talking about other SL forums. I don't know of or care for any other SL forums but I am a member of and post on perhaps 12 or so other forums. Numerous financial and living in my country being the most prominent and have met many, many people in RL with regard to the country related forums who I have known for many years. The consequences on those other forums for misbehaving are literally nothing, but because I know many of them, including moderators, I'm rarely out of order anyway.

There have been topics over the years here which I would have liked to have elaborated on or written about with personal knowledge and/or experience, but declined for fear of saying something which could have got my account banned both here and in-world. Bye bye inventory and much expense and avatar investment.

This subject has a lot to do with my minimal participation here, unlike the other forums.

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4 hours ago, Mariusz Ivanovic said:

You know when you turn on the TV early in the morning and see those news shows where everyone is grinning from ear to ear, putting on fake laughs at the corniest puns and attempts at jokes you've ever witnessed, and all "News Stories" are easy to digest, cute, and with a happy ending? If you went through life with these shows as your only source of what is happening in the world, you'd think the world was a perfect paradise, and the worst thing happening today across the globe is a poor cute little kitty stuck in a tree that brave firemen/women rescued and found a home for.

This is pretty much the perspective you get of SL reading these forums. Sure, there are plenty of helpful people here to give you pointers on shopping, pics, maybe tweaking settings, leave fun little comments on EVERY post, and you can tell they care about SL and the community, but just like there is just NO ROOM for serious journalism, investigative reporting, or any story that might bum people out on your early morning news program, there is also just NO ROOM for any kind of serious discussions, opinions, critical critiques, or anything negative here in these forums. The very same people, who seem so helpful and obligated to post in EVERY thread, so charming and sweet, will turn on a dime if you post ANYTHING in here that resembles critical thinking, critiquing SL in any way, or even making suggestions on how to improve something, point out issues or paint SL or LL in anything other than being perfect.

If you state any kind of background, experience, or insight into topics, you will be told, none of that matters, yet they will inflate those same claims to make you look like you're being snobbish, arrogant, or better than others. (I kept having valid credentials and experiences boosted to levels I never claimed "I'm a gamer" turned into "I'm a world class pro gamer" by others yet even those false titles also didn't carry extra clout, still wouldn't matter). You will be shouted down, made to look and feel unimportant, isolated, minimized, and told your opinions or contributions don't matter, or are hallucinations, or imaginary. Any sincere discussion even if its 80% positive 20% negative, will be invalidated, and transformed from any meaningful discussion or discourse, into a topic unrecognizable from its origin. Your own words will be misquoted, changed to suit alternate intentions, or just completely fabricated, or turned into all out lies and mutations of valid points or topics you may have made. 

Even if you have made valid points, have valid complaints, even if it's an issue or topic that pertains to YOU ALONE, you will be ridiculed, taunted, and invalidated, unless you have a simple to answer direct question or statement that is completely and 100% positive. 

The same helpful people jumping in every post being so cheerful and helpful to those with easily remedied issues, or cute pics people took of their new SL puppy wanting an upvote, quickly change to deceitful, slandering, monsters who will belittle you, invalidate you, change the topics of your posts, ignore valid concerns or critical questions or issues, and just post and post and post gibberish with ABSOLUTELY nothing to add or contribute, just divert attention until the thread goes so off the rails, its eventually shut down by mods, to which they all applaud, since that is their goal...Squash all critique, and issues, and keep things bright and sunny. Even if you try to nip it in the bud as it's happening, try to keep the thread to the TOPIC AT HAND, and repeatedly request that posts stick to topics, you will be accused of everything from ATTACKING PEOPLE, to not accepting positions or opinions other than your own, even if those same people are not even addressing the same topics or issues.

Example :  topic, SL is slow today...OP sticks to topic, offers suggestions, and complains. 10 shill posts later: Pizza with Pineapple, yes or no? OP :Can we please stick to the topic at hand?  Shill posts: None of us have slow SL today, you are racist against Hawaiians and Italians, because you don't like pineapples OR pizza, and clearly don't know anything about SL. Stop attacking us for wanting to talk about how we like our pizza! LL Mod steps in and shuts down the thread, all the shills hit their LIKE button for the mod.

Maybe if the shills want to talk about pizza, they should make a new post on the topic, instead of making 50 irrelevant posts and contributing nothing but invalidation, ridicule, dismissal, and diversion from the thread they are interacting with, and destroying. All the while, upvoting their garbage gibberish from fellow shills. Its the same people, the same faces, the same tactics over and over again, the proof is in any posts not painting LL and SL in perfection that hasn't been deleted or shut down by mods.

To them, complaints, critiques, concerns, or even just trying to make a suggestion that would better SL, would be like someone taking a piss in the morning news anchors mimosa.

This post is my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and OPINION, You can agree or disagree, but on these 2 factors, there is no "Right and Wrong" Please Don't invalidate me as a PERSON and act like my thoughts and feelings don't matter. If they don't matter to YOU, then just don't respond, no need...The shills don't have to put their fingers in every friggin pie every time, every day. This post ...again, is not for the people with THOUSANDS of posts to comment, contribute or reply to, let it serve as a warning to anyone with 3k posts or less or even people who NEVER posted, of what you're in for, by putting yourself out here, or maybe even a wake up call to LL for what this forum really is (on the highly doubtful chance they don't already know/encourage it), Your Bright and sunny Early morning news, where everything is perfect! (even when we all know its not.)

I'll be following this thread, out of curiosity, but not responding to this, or any other thread, nor posting on this forum again. There is really no point regardless of the topic, issue, opinions or problems, unless they are 100% positive, or contain pics of puppies or whatever...favorite pizza toppings...just not interested in shill group think

It's not just the newbies or the ones with less than 3K posts who get the sort of treatment you mention. I get it from time to time from certain people too. There are so many of us on these forums there are bound to be clashes, and then factor in the time of the month or whether the moon is lined up with uranus and you get other people clashing. I liken it to a school playground a lot of the time. 

But these forums are so sanitised now compared to what they used to be like in the "good old days" (which were my good old days not the good old days that people used to tell me about of a couple of years earlier to my arrival on forums), where on the General Discussions sub-section we could have a right old derailment session, stuff a load of cat pictures or run a storyboard in an effort to lighten the mood if it had got too serious (or that's what it did for me in particular).

I don't like cruelty, and what I do see from time to time is certain hyena types picking on those who have certain mental health issues, usually those who have disclosed same issues are seen as target practice for the "superior" beings.

People tend not to see me post quite so honestly, so no doubt I am currently offending the last few people who hare actually not in that little cliquey group over there in/on Discord (yep, walls have ears). 

Congratulations to you though on getting the Bronze (virtual) cup yesterday. Our entertainments manager, Love, of course wins every day more or less now because they do participate loads and some of us really do appreciate their attempts to lighten the mood. YOU are just as needed here on the forums as everybody else. Every one of us adds a slightly different flavour and keeps it balanced.


Edited by Marigold Devin
gobbledeg ook attack
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2 hours ago, CandyCole said:

This ^^ .. is why freedom to speak freely is limited because the consequences for misbehaviour are far more severe than any other forum, and I'm not just talking about other SL forums. I don't know of or care for any other SL forums but I am a member of and post on perhaps 12 or so other forums. Numerous financial and living in my country being the most prominent and have met many, many people in RL with regard to the country related forums who I have known for many years. The consequences on those other forums for misbehaving are literally nothing, but because I know many of them, including moderators, I'm rarely out of order anyway.

There have been topics over the years here which I would have liked to have elaborated on or written about with personal knowledge and/or experience, but declined for fear of saying something which could have got my account banned both here and in-world. Bye bye inventory and much expense and avatar investment.

This subject has a lot to do with my minimal participation here, unlike the other forums.

Don't fear it, say it. Although it doesn't seem to take much to cause some people to flame in reaction and then of course threads get locked by an over-zealous mod. (I will probably get a warning for that remark as somewhere in the Ts & Cs is something about not questioning something or someone or other). 

Am I bovvered? Nah.

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Nothing whatsoever to do with being new or having a low post count or any other tripe mentioned. Nothing whatsoever.

Discussions wherein a person's supposed real life background are relevant ... Those are rather specific instances/threads. Having a background however does not mean much in the long run, especially not on certain topics (as the thread which precipitated this oh so lovely tantrum and flounce rather clearly shows).

As far as "shills" are concerned? No, these are not the users who disagree with you nor the ones that bring a dose of reality into a thread (among many other things said label has been utterly misused for).  But then you knew that already and just need a convenient scapegoat.

Welcome to life.

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This forum is not unique for having it's own cliques, village idiots, clever-dicks, ubiquitous posters, and the same names appearing in the latest posts lists. 24k+ posts .. JHC!

Every forum outside of this place which I post on contains all of the above in varying degrees, but here restrictions exist. It's all well and good saying 'Don't fear it, say it" but you simply have no idea what I have chosen not to say. Putting my in-world account at risk is something I choose not to do. My account. My choice.

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The difference is of course that this place is owned and operated by "the company", so they get to censor anything they don't like. Also, to be fair, they do have some legal liability for what is posted although it's more about limiting negativity about the company. I would not expect anything else to be honest. Free speech doesn't apply even to those who live in places that have such laws.

This isn't the only place I've experienced such; a popular electronics magazine was known for simply deleting any post that was negative to them on their company-owned forum. We had a fun race once with the mods, when they decided to start charging extra for essential diagrams that accompanied the magazine to be downloaded. Made them play whack-a-mole until they brought the ban hammer out but we were all cancelling our magazine subs anyway.

Most forums are run by some random person who decided to start a forum, so you get to do whatever (or not) at their whim. We're all free to discuss stuff elsewhere.

My favourite forum (an informal outdoors/hiking type place) has just one rule: "Don't be a d*ck".

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10 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

the last few people who hare actually not in that little cliquey group over there in/on Discord (yep, walls have ears). 

I am a mushroom. There is a Leaderboard here, and a Discord group where they can all agree on who's the next target?  

If those Gold, Silver and Bronze awards had $L rewards, I might post more.  But since they don't I will just spend my spare time at the SL Social Casino.


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3 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

If those Gold, Silver and Bronze awards had $L rewards, I might post more.  But since they don't I will just spend my spare time at the SL Social Casino.

This is somehow something that happened here in the past. Till some years ago, there were forum ranks for helping and postcounts. However that didn't made people "more or less" , after deleting that, and just a few "prefered"residents kept the rankings, it made others significantly dropping in postings.
Also there.. as now .. never any response about the "why" .

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I'll somewhat echo @Rick Nightingale here and say that it's rather normal for Forums to sometimes have unique cultures. Sometimes you blend in and other times you're the outcast. In general, I'll say from my personal experience that some residents have got a considerable chip on their shoulder about gamers. You can see it in so many new and old help posts, especially about tech issues, that the second someone mentions that they play games, certain people will jump down their throat and intentionally derail the thread with frankly weird accusations and snide behaviour.

I've had extremely poor performance ever since I started until about a few weeks ago. Whenever I've searched for help, I found old threads with the same regulars raging about gamers expecting 120 FPS when the one seeking help had only mentioned gaming in passing. I found the usual "that's just how it is, sod off!" comment and it was just a hostile environment all around. On the occasion I dared ask in world, I got smacked with being called an entitled man-child (wrong gender but eh?) and other unpleasantries. Gamer, for some reason, is a trigger word for some residents. Result: I often gave up and just assumed "yah that's how it is. 6 FPS seems to be normal, people yell at you for asking otherwise".

Sidenote: It was a driver setting I stumbled across randomly. My FPS went from 6 to 45 FPS. It went from barely usable to yah I can deal with that.

So my best advice to any new forum user is to never tell anyone you game. You can get help on any sort of problem you might have, there are people that know individual textures and hairstyles to the point they can link it to you in seconds. If you have got scripting troubles, there are amazing people that have kickstarted fledgling scripters forever - you can find their help dating back years and they're still active. It's an amazing place - as long as you don't mention gaming, performance or UX. Those seem to be the trigger words since politics got a boardwide ban.

That said, you are really not doing yourself any favours by flinging around words like shill. That's just me but I find people that regularly use that word to be deeply uncomfortable beings ot be around, because it ascribes to a mindset that the only reason anyone might ever possibly disagree is that they're paid.

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Stick around, get a feel for the community here and you will have an easier time posting on the forums.  Try not to take anything personal, if people take cheap shots just roll with them, and if people start talking about pineapple on pizza, put them in their place and tell them they are heathens.  Try not to take yourself and the forum too seriously, have a laugh, enjoy yourself, and do your best to follow the rules as hard as it is.  This place is definitely not all positivity and happy thoughts, there is often a lot of people who voice their frustration with LL and find themselves in the majority.  

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Forums like this are like a coffeeshop. 
Some people are regulars and comment on anything and everything that happens in the coffeeshop, from the customers to the colour of the new chairs. Some people pop by once a month and say: heyyy sup coffee people? Get a little gossip in then wander off somewhere else. Some people just come in for coffee, get what they want and go on their merry way. And, occasionally, some people come in, ask for a coffee, and when there's not enough foam on it they flip over a table and everyone in the shop goes.. bruh.. chill.
And sometimes the cafe owner tells us all to sit down and behave ourselves or they'll close shop early.

now I made myself want coffee. 

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16 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I am a mushroom. There is a Leaderboard here, and a Discord group where they can all agree on who's the next target?  

If those Gold, Silver and Bronze awards had $L rewards, I might post more.  But since they don't I will just spend my spare time at the SL Social Casino.


Can you just imagine what would happen if there were financial incentives behind those awards! There would be bloodshed. 😁

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12 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

This is somehow something that happened here in the past. Till some years ago, there were forum ranks for helping and postcounts. However that didn't made people "more or less" , after deleting that, and just a few "prefered"residents kept the rankings, it made others significantly dropping in postings.
Also there.. as now .. never any response about the "why" .

Holy moley, I had almost forgotten the rankings. No one quite made "VIP" level though *laughs*

I think the several weeks of downtime while they did the upgrade (or whatever it was) to the forums caused me to drop out for a while. That and the lack of ghosts to find. 

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On 5/29/2023 at 10:22 PM, CandyCole said:

This forum is not unique for having it's own cliques, village idiots, clever-dicks, ubiquitous posters, and the same names appearing in the latest posts lists. 24k+ posts .. JHC!

Every forum outside of this place which I post on contains all of the above in varying degrees, but here restrictions exist. It's all well and good saying 'Don't fear it, say it" but you simply have no idea what I have chosen not to say. Putting my in-world account at risk is something I choose not to do. My account. My choice.

Yes, you are absolutely right. I was just thinking about the most honest thing I would want to say on a forum and knew it would only lead me to another couple of days ban, nothing severe enough to cause me to lose my account, but I don't fear it. It might even be a blessing in some ways then I would go and do something more meaningful instead. Perhaps. 


Edited by Marigold Devin
thing not think ... I am losing it
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4 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Be the change etc?

Today's trivia ... that was a saying by an American educator in 1974. Just pointing out that's not in any of Ghandi's speeches or writings. His general sentiment, granted, but not his actual words.

And obviously, pineapple does not belong on pizza.


1)Regardless of who said it, the advice is sound; you get back what you put out. Yes, different forums have different vibes but if someone consistently gets back negativity they ought to consider that the problem is them.

2)A pizza without pineapple and olives is an abomination

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12 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:

Forums like this are like a coffeeshop. 
Some people are regulars and comment on anything and everything that happens in the coffeeshop, from the customers to the colour of the new chairs. Some people pop by once a month and say: heyyy sup coffee people? Get a little gossip in then wander off somewhere else. Some people just come in for coffee, get what they want and go on their merry way. And, occasionally, some people come in, ask for a coffee, and when there's not enough foam on it they flip over a table and everyone in the shop goes.. bruh.. chill.
And sometimes the cafe owner tells us all to sit down and behave ourselves or they'll close shop early.

now I made myself want coffee. 

Well put, I agree 100%

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On 5/29/2023 at 8:58 AM, Mariusz Ivanovic said:

This is pretty much the perspective you get of SL reading these forums. Sure, there are plenty of helpful people here to give you pointers on shopping, pics, maybe tweaking settings, leave fun little comments on EVERY post, and you can tell they care about SL and the community, but just like there is just NO ROOM for serious journalism,

There are no prizes for getting threads moderated or punted into the sin bin, or worse.

On 5/29/2023 at 8:58 AM, Mariusz Ivanovic said:

I'll be following this thread, out of curiosity, but not responding to this, or any other thread, nor posting on this forum again.

So you're basically trolling and hoping to bait people out of position so they can be reported.

This is like joining a ball room dancing class, complaining there isn't enough moshing, insulting those present who do understand the rules and then calling the cops on anyone who complains.


There are other places to talk about SL you know .. although honestly, I don't suggest you being this ranting trolling to the Reddit sub, our rules are more strictly enforced than here.


Edited by Coffee Pancake
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