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Hippiestock II

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Far out all you groovy and far out Hippies!  We have the entertainment lineup!  From 9AM to 10AM is the groovy DJ Aster!  From 10AM to 11AM we have the fabulous Bluemonk Rau! From 11AM to 12 Noon we have the far out Shannon Oherlihy! From 12 Noon to 1PM we have awesome DJ Venus! From 1PM to 2PM we have the groovy Lillie Woodells! And from 2PM to 3PM we have the super Gypsy Quixote!  Dig?  Make sure you mark January the 21st on you calendars, and to post here to get your name on the guest list!  Far out and groovy all you Hippies!

H2 final.png



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Willow Danube wrote:


seriously guys... can we bring this somewhere away from this thread.

Have you all no respect for Hippie?
At least for a tiny bit?

He has been really generous of making all this happening for all of you and this is what YOU GUYS are doing? Where is your gratitude?

This is very disheartening...

Agreed...there are plenty of places to play these games. This thread is not one of them.

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Willow Danube wrote:


seriously guys... can we bring this somewhere away from this thread.

Have you all no respect for Hippie?
At least for a tiny bit?

He has been really generous of making all this happening for all of you and this is what YOU GUYS are doing? Where is your gratitude?

This is very disheartening...

Willow, I agree. I probably started some of the attitude here (I certainly did not intend to do so, but sometimes intentions don't matter, I guess) but you're absolutely right. This is not what this thread is about and it is definitely not what Hippie is all about. He has always been exactly who he is: just about the sweetest person on the Forums. He never changes. He's like an anchorage—you know you can hook up there and you'll be safe.

His thread should be a safe haven, too. As Sylvia just got through saying, there are plenty of places to duke it out in the Forums. This is not one of them.

In case anyone is wondering I am speaking globally. Both hemispheres. Both poles. The whole bit. But then, it's just my opinion.


ETA: Acknowledgement: I must have had Syvia's post in mind while I was writing the second to last paragraph/sentence..

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Certainly I agree wholeheartedly, but as one who plays in RL and has done for most of my life I had hoped the standard of live performance would be maintained.

There is an amazing amount of brilliant live talent in SL, some of it professional level. I imagined this event would be a superlative showcase for these individuals.

I am sure Hippie understands my perspective and he of course would not see this as some sort of personal attack on him.

The man himself sets the standard of perfect conduct within SL

Of course it is not I who seeks to speak for him. Why I have to explain this? I have no idea.


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Certainly I agree wholeheartedly, but as one who plays in RL and has done for most of my life I had hoped the standard of live performance would be maintained.

There is an amazing amount of brilliant live talent in SL, some of it professional level. I imagined this event would be a superlative showcase for these individuals.

I am sure Hippie understands my perspective and he of course would not see this as some sort of personal attack on him.

The man himself sets the standard of perfect conduct within SL

Of course it is not I who seeks to speak for him. Why I have to explain this? I have no idea.


I didn't realize you were a musician; that does make a difference in the way you look at it, I think. In my experience it's very common that DJ's—RL & SL—are also musicians. Not unusual. There's one on a pretty big FM station in a pretty big town north of me that actually had a Billboard top ten song. But that aside; the original Hippiestock was first billed as "A Forum Dweller's Party" or something very close to that. Would seem to me that the entertainment should match the attendees: forum dwellers. I was kind of new to the whole forum gestalt at that point but I got the idea it was open to all, but really aimed at us: the people who read and/or posted to the forums.

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Darn. I was hoping I could start a post while listening to yours but as soon as the 'Reply' box opened the sound shut off. Thanks for that one :-). Here are two, the first is hardly hip but the band was, and they went on to do some wonderful things.

And I took pity and only selected the short version of this one :-)



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10 years as a semi pro musician. I chose to enter the field of multimedia as I obtained my certification and could afford the equipment. Eg: 1 single TCE rack unit can cost 5000 dollars. My SLum profile interests will give you some idea of what I mean.

To know Hippie just a little and having had some involvement after H1 I don't feel wrong in wanting the very best to represent his kindness and generosity. It was he alone who gained immortality in my SL book by being the precursor to the original event and its sucsessors.

I have suggested some performers in the past of which only 1 is Australian and lo & behold not one of those is a member of the LWL :-o *slips up badly there...

I suppose my opinion is coloured by the fact that I have not been to a DJ event for over 2 and a half years. Why bother when there are brilliant musicians who perform live in SL daily? 

*some groups I belong to events do have DJ's and they recieve the same tips as live musicians because their theming and content is outrageous, they are a weatlh of musical knowledge or they are very nice people.. Forum Cartel anyone ^^ oops there I go again... *clique me

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Hi everyone!  Just to clear the air a bit.  We have 2 DJ's this time for the Hippiestock II, and 3 live performers.  I would hope that no matter who performs, or DJ's, that a good time would be had by all.  The whole event is really not a matter of who performs, or DJ's, but a happening that gets us all together for just a little while, to have a great time.  Dig?  Okay then.  Lets be cool, and chill okay.  Please remember what the event is all about.


On a different note now.  I am looking for people that would like to contribute the decorations and such for the event.  I have already built the site up, but it is missing the elements that make it a real happening.  Your items. Please contact me if you are interested in placing some items at the site!  Far out, and right on!  Okay then!  Peace to all of you!



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