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Hippiestock II

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

I missed the first one due to work.  Thanks for considering a longer time period, Hippie.  That means there is a better chance I can get to it.  Pencil me in!



You got it Cinn!  Consider yourself penciled!  Groovy!



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JoJo Moeleneaux wrote:

Hi Hippie, I missed the last one too but I'd love to come if I'm not working or asleep (I'm on Australia time). I'm sure my friend TC would love to come too. Could you pencil us both in please?

Far out JoJo!  Hope to see you both there! 



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Well, I opened the can of worms so i guess it falls on me to close it.

First of all, I know that people here can have very sharp differences of opinion.  That does not mean we are not respectful of each other.  But that is not what I am talking about.  I am talking about people who not only during the week leading up  to Hippie Fest but even the day of the Festival continued to denigrate others on their own personal Flogs.  And their is a big difference between disagreeing and denigrating. Most of them have now been banned from this Forum and / or have deemed this Forum not worthy of their time and no longer post here. So much for peace, love and trying to get along.  Kind of telling.

In the hour and a half I was there at Hippiestock, with one exception, all attempts by me to engage any one in conversation failed.  I'm not trying to be part of the "in crowd" per se, but I guess I didn't rate.  Kind of hard not to take this personally though.  I went there with among other things, with the idea of making some new friends.  Instead I found myself ignored.

Maybe this year will be different.  Last years experience for me was not a pleasant one.  I do know Hippie, that you were trying to be a good host and to make a positive contribution.  And I know that you worked very hard putting it all together so I hate raining on your parade.  Perhaps it would have been better for me to have contacted you privately about this rather than posting this publicly the way that I did.  I apologize for this.  Also, while I don't respond to every thing everyone posts on this Forum but I do read a lot.  So to be clear, I think very highly of the majority of you who post here.  Even those of you who's opinions I disagree with .  Not all, but the majority.

I am Woodstock Generation, I am Woodstock Nation.  With everything that is going on politically, economically, etc, I feel like we have failed.  That we have allowed ourselves to be assimilated by the system and watered down.  Sometimes it is hard, very hard.  So I speak louder now than I have in the past.  Don't know what else to do.

Thank you to those of you who in your responses to me have chose "To raise your candles high."





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I wanted to tell you that though Hippiestock was mostly a whirl to me, being the first time I really performed in public, and the fact that I was unable to stay very long due to rl issues, I do recall your presence there.  It had an impact on me.  You were one of those who complimented me when I felt that it was undeserved.  It warmed my heart and made me feel a little bit better about a performance that I felt left a whole lot to be desired. 


I hope that you will give it another chance this year and keep in mind that not everyone is on their best behavior, all we can do is try to out shine those who try to dull things.  I made some fantastic friends in the aftermath of Hippiestock, I'm only sorry I did not have more time to chat with other people as well.  If you do not feel comfortable with it, no one can fault you for that.  You're being honest at least!  I do hope that you will at least entertain the idea.  :)

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Thank you Perrie for your honest evaluation.  So sorry you had a bad time. And yes I know of the fighting and barking that went on too, leading up to the event, and beyond.  Know this Perrie, that every single one that attended the event rate high in my book.  If it were not for each and every one of you, there would have been no Hippiestock.  Each of you made a contribution, in there own way.  As you may know, there were two reasons I had the party.  1.  To get to know the posters, that I have grown to love here in the Forums.  2.  To get everyone together in one place to see if we could get along, just a little while.  All in all we did during the event.  It was just the fighting and snarking that went on before, and after the event that "soured the soup" so to speak.  I am truly sorry for this.  I did not want that to happen.  So again I state the reason Hippiestock exists.  To get everyone in one place, so we can enjoy each other for just a little while.  To stop the fighting for just a little while.  It is my hope that Hippiestock 12 will be just that.  Thank you Perrie for your candid, and honest opinion.  I truly respect you for that!  Dig?  Far out!



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I'll chime in, too. I didn't go to the first Hippiestock to meet people, really. I did want to see people who's stuff I'd read on the forums but I think mostly I went because I'm a hippie, in some ways. At the time I considered myself very much a forum noob (deservedly) so it was kind of fun seeing people. Talking with anyone was really hard; the lag was pretty severe. I had a couple of IM's from someone—very sweet IM's they were, too—that I never saw (those who know me will not be surprised at that) until the next day.

I did see some people there I hadn't heard of; Dres comes to mind because he kept almost knocking me down with that goofy flag. I talked a little to Dee because she was close to where I was. I got to hug Ewer (remember that awesome holiday thread, when she found the CD with all her saved pics?) but I found out later I should have waited; she reportedly was in a state of severe undress later in the day ;-).

I got there too late so I didn't hear Lillie sing; in fact I didn't hear her sing until I got tp'd onto the top of her head on St. Patrick's Day (Keli Strikes Again!). I've made up for that since.

I don't think it needs to be a case of everyone loving each other. I think if everyone is just civil that should be enough, and I didn't see any incivility there. I also hope you change your mind. Just go and groove. It's a fun thing to be part of.



Edited for more misspellings than usual.

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Tell you what Perrie, you come to Hippiestock 12 and I'll talk with you, at you, around you and not to mention about you. Oh and those that know me are aware I am not mean. So come on now give it a shot.

I have this dance on my hud also:P


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Perrie, thanks for writing this. I was thinking you were being very negative, but you're not, and I'm really sorry you felt ignored.

 In fact quite a few people did say hi to you (although I have to admit I didn't).  The problem was that, with all those people talking, a conversation was almost impossible. Yes, you could have IMed, but for me, that would have been a distraction, as I was just enjoying all the noise around me.

I did notice that you expressed your appreciation for the acts, and I admire you for that. The music was so cool, and I too tried to let them know how much i was enjoying it.

Please give it a second chance. I too am of hippy generation and was known to wear flowers in my hair and smoke cetain substances. Whatever your decision, remember that most people at Hippiestock were nice, friendly people, and Hippie,  Suspiria and many others worked extremely hard to make it a happy occasion, for which both are to be thanked.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Dres comes to mind because he kept almost knocking me down with that goofy flag.

o.O How dare you call me a g... oh, you said goofy flag... never mind. nuts.gif

@Perrie: I was fortunate enough to be rather out of the loop at the time, as far as personal blogs go anyway.  So for me to was just a fun, happy time, at least from what I can remember (damn NyQuil)... lol.

I find it difficult to hold conversations in crowded places like that... it's just impossible for me to keep up with it most of the time.  Usually by the time I type a reply to something I pick out of the noise, the subject has changed a few times already.  And if I do happen to catch something in time, I usually just say something stupid that makes people laugh or groan or both. So, often times, I tend to feel left out of the conversation. Hell, I'm usually happy if I'm acknowledged at all... guess I'm just naturally better at smaller gatherings or one on one conversations.

One thing's for sure, if you decide (and I hope you do) to go to HS2, you will definitely be engaged this time around. I, for one, will make a point of it, as long as I can keep up and don't get too messed up by the time you get there, that is... lol.


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Hippie Bowman wrote:

 It was just the fighting and snarking that went on before, and after the event that "soured the soup" so to speak.  I am truly sorry for this.  I did not want that to happen.  So again I state the reason Hippiestock exists.  To get everyone in one place, so we can enjoy each other for just a little while.  To stop the fighting for just a little while.  It is my hope that Hippiestock 12 will be just that. 

Hi Hippie.  I was very aware of Hippiestock...the first time around.  But, I had no interest in going as soon as I saw one particular person co-op the event.   It is someone, who was so dreadfully vile to me and others, that I had no wish to be associated with anything that person did.  She "soured the soup" (or poisoned it) for me, and from what I've heard, this same person continued to sour things and spread her poison around after Hippiestock was over. 

If I knew that person was not going to be at Hippiestock II, then I might be interested in attending.  As life is too short to associate with those that create dissension wherever they go.  

Regardless of whether I attend, I would like to say that your efforts to make SL a more genial place, are much appreciated.  


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I certainly understand your aversion to that particular person and share it, but it seems a shame to let one person stop you from enjoying something that is otherwise a very positive thing. Why let one sour grape get in the way of your enjoying the rest of the bunch? Just saying.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

I certainly understand your aversion to that particular person and share it, but it seems a shame to let one person stop you from enjoying something that is otherwise a very positive thing. Why let one sour grape get in the way of your enjoying the rest of the bunch? Just saying.


I would really hate to see this thread degrade into a name calling and focus on one persons sins.  I still went to HS1 despite this persons presence and involvement.  But for me it was more like a stain upon the event than a positive contribution.  And the publicity  (which they thrived upon) made it almost impossible to ignore their presence.

Personally, I would have stilled welcomed their presence to the event.  Beyond that I don't know.  It was Hippies event, Hippies call.  For better or for worse their were others who did not attend either because of this. 

But changing topics here:


Lia Abbot wrote:

 I too am of hippy generation and was known to wear flowers in my hair and smoke cetain substances.

 May I suggest for anyone looking for flowers to wear in their hair:

Flower Power,  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Georgiana/197/111/51

Yes it is a friends shop.  She does beautiful floral headpieces.


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Lia Abbot wrote:

I think you are being rather negative Celestial.


How so?  The entire time that HS1 was being promoted in the old GD forum, I never once mentioned it, never discussed it,  or tried to rain on anyone's parade. 

My comment here was directed to Hippy, as an explanation for why I did not attend.  He seemed to welcome honest commentary.   So, I gave mine.    My comments are not negative regarding HS1...or the actual event.  I pointed out why I had no interest in going.  

I notice that you're not saying anything to Hippy about using words like "soured the soup"..Because it was his very accurate description that promoted me to tell how I felt. 


Lia Abbot wrote:

 I know there are those who dislike that person, but missing some real fun like Hippiestock is rather like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Oh, good grief.   I didn't miss anything....because I could have attended...but I chose not to. 

My choice. 

Your analogy is waaaaay off. 

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DQ Darwin wrote:

Lia, it sort of reminds me of this scenario: (
I won a free trip to Paris, but I didn't go because the guy at the back of the plane pissed me off. Boy did I show him


Again, an analogy that is deeply flawed.  It would be more like this: 

(I won a free trip to Paris, but didn't go because there was a guy on the plane, who was on my last plane ride and made my life hell.  Even though I tried to avoid him and and did not fly for three months, he found me on this plane, and moved up to sit behind me, and punched my seat for two hours, and then tripped me when I tried to go the he bathroom, called me name vile insulting names, harassed me, threatened me, and will follow me around Paris harassing me...and apparently no one will stop this person.  [on the contrary, this person's "friends" cheered them on, and will harrass by proxy]   And...this person is going to be on the plane to Paris)

My not going to HS1  had nothing to do with something as nonsensical as "I''ll show him". 

It had everything to do with me not wanting to have anything to do with that person...as they had harassed me, and I did not want to be anywhere near them. 



This thread is an example of the "souring" that still radiates from that person.   Factions & Cliques.   

Guess, I'll stick to my non-socializing ways in SL.   That way I avoid all this. 

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How sad it is that you feel you have to lash out at people that are just trying to point out the positive aspects of what was meant to be a positive experience. Go ahead and concentrate on the negative if you wish... I, for one, will not let myself be sucked into that black hole. I wish you all the best.


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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:

Lia, it sort of reminds me of this scenario: (
I won a free trip to Paris, but I didn't go because the guy at the back of the plane pissed me off. Boy did I show him


Again, an analogy that is deeply flawed.  It would be more like this: 

(I won a free trip to Paris, but didn't go because there was a guy on the plane, who was on my last plane ride and made my life hell.  Even though I tried to avoid him and and did not fly for three months, he found me on this plane, and moved up to sit behind me, and punched my seat for two hours, and then tripped me when I tried to go the he bathroom, called me name vile insulting names, harassed me, threatened me, and will follow me around Paris harassing me...and apparently no one will stop this person.  [on the contrary, this person's "friends" cheered them on, and will harrass by proxy]   And...
this person
is going to be on the plane to Paris)

My not going to HS1  had nothing to do with something as nonsensical as "I''ll show him". 

It had everything to do with me not wanting to have
to do with that person...as they had harassed me, and I did not want to be
near them. 



This thread is an example of the "souring" that still radiates from that person.   Factions & Cliques.   

Guess, I'll stick to my non-socializing ways in SL.   That way I avoid all this. 

Celestiall, I really don't want to do this because it will put me into some strife, and strife is something I've done my best to avoid on the Forums and in SecondLife. I have jumped on a couple of people but only on blogs not connected/sponsored by SL. But since I know you and like you, and I also know Dee and I like her too, I'm just going to stick my nose in here.

On the person in question (and I have a pretty good idea who that is), I do think you are overstating the 'co-opting' of Hippiestock. That person had a lot to do with all of it, right from the start. I know this because I've been told so by someone who doesn't post on these forums any more but also had a bit to do with putting Hippiestock together and who is someone I'd never question. Personally, the few exchanges I've had with 'that person' have been amicable. Having said that...

I saw a lot of stuff on the old GD forums that made me turn away. That person was involved in some of that stuff and my recollection is 'that person' was usually responding, however viciously, to attacks. I didn't like it but somehow I got the idea that if there was even a hint of an injured party in all of that it was the person we're talking about. Again, I was not there for the start of all of the festivities. I don't recall seeing your name there anywhere and I am damn sure not going to go back to the archives and re-read any of those. It was bad enough seeing it once. And what you are talking about may not even be forum-related; for all I know you might have been harrassed inworld. If so, my next paragraph is meaningless.

I've never really gotten into a snark fight in the forums and I never will. I don't mind fighting; I just don't see the point of doing it here. I'll argue until I get tired of hitting the wall, but after that I'll just mouth off and ignore. Really, there are only a couple of people on the forums at all that I consider 'beyond the Pale' and one of those doesn't seem to be posting any more. Even so, if I knew those people would be at Hippiestock it would not in even a small way deter me from going. I suppose, if I knew one was an official Hippiestock organizer....yeah, that might put me off. Not sure. That thought came to me while I was typing the prior sentence. But since I WAS at Hippiestock '11 I know that organizers, managers, whatever, were all lost in the throng. I never even saw Hippie! It was an event. Armed with that memory I'd go to Hippiestock '12 even if I knew someone I completely despise was the official greeter.

I don't know if any of the above would be true had I been harassed inworld. That's what I meant earlier. Were that the case...dunno. Well, as usual, I've talked a lot and said not much. I hope some of this made sense. I also hope I don't lose any friends over this.

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Well my last word, and maybe I shouldn't have had a first one is pretty simple. The analogy is not flawed but just a simplistic statement of a deep fact.

Hate and anger tend to affect those that continue to harbour those feelings and in the end the person they hate carries on happy in life while the one that hates sinks deeper in the abyss. It's the double edged sword syndrome.

If one continues to open the hate can and look inside, ones bound to get some on them.

My underlying complaint I guess was the need you felt to bring it all up again, you could have IM'd Hippie and explained.

BTW the person you are referring to told me some time ago they would probably not attend also for similar reasons resulting from other people. Small world the grid can be.

If you come I'll say hi, if you don't then I can't. Either way it all becomes a moot point doesn't it.



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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

How sad it is that you feel you have to lash out at people that are just trying to point out the positive aspects of what was meant to be a positive experience. Go ahead and concentrate on the negative if you wish... I, for one, will not let myself be sucked into that black hole. I wish you all the best.


Excuse?  What are you talking about?   I didn't lash out at anyone.  I responded to Lia calling me "negative" when I posted a comment directed at Hippy.  I used language that he used...and mentioned how I felt.  How is that "lashing" out? 

Then I replied to a comment made by DQ...directed at Lia...but clearly pointed at me.    As her comment was way off base...I addressed that.   At no time have I made observations about anyone's else experience...nor do I care to.  My comment was about how I felt...and my reason's for not going.  It has nothing to do with you...or anyone else in this thread.  (unless there are those here who wish to continue griefing by proxy) 


And now you are addressing me for stating my opinions?   At no point have I replied to anyone here to counter their positive experience.  I comment first to let Hippy know something that I had never told anyone.  Then two people decided to jump in and comment to me and about me.  Correction...three people...as you did too. 

Thanks Dresden,  for reminding me of why I don't want to be on SL forums.  

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Dillion, my comment had nothing to do with the actual Hippistock.  My comment was about they reason I chose not to attend.   You simply do not know what I experienced on the old GD forums. 

The only reason I even posted here was because that particular person seemed to have gone.   I absolutely have zero interest in being around that person.  Period.  So, it would not have mattered what the event was...if that person were there...then I would chose to not attend.  It's that simple. 

I have no interest in discussing other people's experience at that event...as it has nothing to do with why I commented here.

Guess this thread only welcomes those comments that agree with happy, happy, joy, joy...and one's true feelings on this are seen as a blight. 

See you inworld, as this forum is not the place for me. 

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Oh get over yourself.  Perhaps lash out was not the fairest assessment of your reaction.  But honestly, a few people replied to your publicly accessible post trying to point out the positives that might have outshined what you found to be so negative. Is that really such a bad thing?

If that's all it takes to get you bent out of shape, than maybe you're right about not being on the SL forums. I'm glad I could be of assistance.


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