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[Problem] Marketplace search has gotten worse

Goblin Waifu

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So I've noticed within the past month the Marketplace search has gotten worse. None of the key words I am using are pulling what I am looking for. Im getting a notification at the top of every search '10000+ matching items found' when before it was narrowing down way more than that with the same search terms. 

Did they remove the keyword limit on products or something what is happening?

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There is an old saying "there are none so blind as those who will not see".

Linden Lab know there is a problem but they do not see any urgency to the issue because they (Tilia) have the capacity to endure a hit to their income stream while their programmers work on the  planned "improvements".

I hesitate to say that they do not care about the creators that are not so well insulated against an income disruption but it does rather look that way!

Linden Lab's clumsiness and apparent uncaring attitude when it comes to dealing with their userbase is well-known and a real "achilles' heel" for them.

Edited by Aishagain
spelling and grammar, as ever
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