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Log-In Issues

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A few years back, one of my SL Sisters had created an account for us for role-playing purposes & I am wanting to gain access back into that account.  As she was the one that had set it up, she had given me a temporary password, to which I had changed it.  Unfortunately, although I thought I wrote it down, I did not.  I have tried to gain access with that email but have been unable to in order to change said password due to not having a mobile phone.  That SL Sister just tried as well to no avail.  I am not sure if I have any other options besides filing this ticket.  Is there a way I can access this account or should I just create a new one for the same intent & purpose?  Is a hard email password reset possible?

Jennifer Rose 


Edited by JenniferNicoleEllaRose
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Posting here is not filing a ticket - that needs to be done through the Support page https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/

Accounts are not supposed to be shared, so the owner of the account would need to be the one to file the support ticket.

The support ticket should explain that the password was forgotten and the account's email is no longer accessible, if that is the case. 

Being as you are not the owner of the account, it might be best for you to just create another account for role-playing purposes.  

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